1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #29: Haardik, Co-Founder @ L..
2022-09-28 56:08

#29: Haardik, Co-Founder @ LearnWeb3 | From teaching a friend about web3 development to a developers community with over 50k students

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LearnWeb3 in 9 months became one of the most popular places to become a web3 developer for free. In this episode, Haardik tells me about its beginnings, crazy growth, building a 50k+ members community & more.


How Haardik feels running a 50k+ students course & how it all started

Does the bear market impact people’s interest in learning web3 development

How LearnWeb3 started in December 2021 as a way to help a friend learn web3 development

How they acquired their first users via Haardik’s Indian developer community friends & Kacie’s Twitter followers

What’s the difference between LearnWeb3 & other coding courses

How LearnWeb3DAO covers the whole path from beginner to finding a job as a developer

How their “no stupid questions” attitude & leading with an example helped to build a strong community

Activities that their community takes

Why hackathons are harder to organize than most people think

Why it was hard to integrate quizzes

Why, after working out Twitter, they started to add more events & other social media platforms

Why they wouldn’t change too much if they went back in time and started LW3 again

The reason they haven’t become a DAO yet

Why if Haardik had a magic wand, he would fix the web3 identity problem

The story when Haardik interviewed 5 North Korean hackers

Why he loves old-school projects such as Uniswap, Aave & Gitcoin

Where you can learn more about LearnWeb3

His guests' ideas


