1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #22: Chris Whinfrey, Founder..
2022-06-23 38:10

#22: Chris Whinfrey, Founder @ Hop Protocol | A bridge that moved over $2.4B worth of tokens between Ethereum & L2s to improve the blockchains' UX

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HopExchange is the leading bridge between Ethereum & L2s. Chris shares the story behind the project, how they designed their airdrop and why they decided to give the community so much power.

How Chris ended up in crypto and why Ethereum inspired him to build

The story behind the HopExchange: Auditing, DeFi Summer, and bet on L2

How they acquired their first users: timing, whitepaper & Twitter

What they've done to acquire Liquidity Providers

Methods to separate real users' signals from the aidroppers' noise

How they tracked down airdrop farmers

How do they care take of the community as there are only 4 full-time HopProtocol team members

Why they trusted their community to give them full power over the protocol for the next year

How they organized their airdrop to make it go smoothly

Why it's great to have the top DeFi founders such as Kane from Synthetix, Stani from Aave & Stefan from Gnosis on the cap table

What's the plan for the next few months for the HopExchange

Why MEV, CowSwap & NounsDAO blew his mind

Story of Rotate - their community's Sherlock Holmes - who took down Sybil attackers

Where to learn more about the Hop

His guests' ideas


