ウェブ開発、プログラミング、モバイル、ガジェットなどにフォーカスしたテクノロジー系ポッドキャストです。 #rebuildfm
https://rebuild.fm67: All Your Base Are Belong To Amazon (Naoya Ito)
Naoya Itoさんをゲストに迎えて、iPad Air 2, Kindle Voyage, Google Computing Live, AWS re:Invent, Aurora, GitHub Enterprise などについて話しました。 Show Notes Please welcome Skype for Web (Beta) - Skype Blogs Apple - iPad - Compare iPad models dankogaiメソッド AnandTech | Apple A8X's GPU - GXA6850, Even Better Than I Thought Nexus 9 vs. iPad Air 2: A (Mostly) Subjective Comparison Kindle Voyage A Voyage to 2009 - Marco.org New ニンテンドー 3DS Google Container Engine - Google Cloud Platform GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes Managed VMs - Google App Engine - Google Cloud Platform Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) - Container Management for the AWS Cloud Amazon Aurora - New Cost-Effective MySQL-Compatible Database Engine for Amazon RDS Aurora lets you simulate failures using SQL The Netflix Tech Blog: Introducing Dynomite - Making Non-Distributed Databases, Distributed AWS Lambda - Run Code in the Cloud New AWS Tools for Code Management and Deployment .NET Core is Open Source - .NET Blog Mobile App Development & App Creation Software - Xamarin .NET Foundation Welcome, New Emacs Developers | Random Thoughts GNU Emacs、プロジェクトのソースコード管理ツールをBazaarからGitへ移行させる Go team member here. I've used five different code review tools, and Github is ... | Hacker News Reviewable - GitHub Code Reviews Done Right GitHub Enterprise - The best way to build and ship software Octocat Ad
Aftershow 66: Hey Siri, Deploy Production (r7kamura, mizchi)
Ryo Nakamuraさん、mizchiさんと、Square, Node.js, CoffeeScript, Amazon Echo などについて話しました。 Show Notes JRuby at Square OkHttp Kochiku: CI for long test suites #8 AltJS | mozaic.fm CoffeeScript Browserify Ring : Shortcut Everything. iOS 8: Hey Siri! Amazon Echo Amazon Dash
66: It Is Always :sushi: (r7kamura)
Ryo Nakamuraさんをゲストに迎えて、JSON Schema, Rails, Postgres, RSpec, ChatOps, Markdown, 絵文字などについて話しました。 Show Notes Qiita クックパッドとマイクロサービス cookpad/garage JSON Schema and Hyper-Schema r7kamura/jdoc JSON SchemaとAPIテスト - YAPC::Asia 2014 Heroku | JSON Schema for the Heroku Platform API JSON Hyper-Schemaのようなサービスディスクリプションがうまくいかない理由 rails/jbuilder rails-api/active_model_serializers apotonick/roar Upgrading GitHub to Rails 3 with Zero Downtime Continuous Delivery at GitHub // Speaker Deck cookpad/chanko PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.4: JSON Types miyagawa/mongery Query Documents - MongoDB Manual Query Mongo: MySQL to MongoDB Query Translator Rubyテスティングフレームワークの歴史 Transpec - The RSpec Syntax Converter Autodoc - r7km/s r7kamura/ruboty Ruby製HubotクローンのRubotyをSlackで動かす - Qiita jimmycuadra/lita The Twelve-Factor App Heroku | Introducing Heroku Button Hubot Scripting チャット経由でデプロイする - Qiita Markdownを拡張して独自記法をつくる - Qiita increments/qiita-markdown html-pipeline: Chainable Content Filters Open sourcing Twitter emoji for everyone | Twitter Blogs Six Apart絵文字 特集 : 絵文字が開いてしまった「パンドラの箱」 Unicode proposes a way to let an emoji black man and white woman hold hands Advent Calendar - Qiita
Aftershow 65: Another Year, Another Phone (hmsk)
Kengo Hamasaki さんと、Digits, Inbox by Google, OnePlus One, Android Lollipop などについて話しました。 Show Notes Fabric | Twitter Developers A better way to sign in with Digits | Twitter Blogs Twitter's Audacious Plan to Infiltrate All Your Apps | WIRED twitter digits Rebuild: 62: Wrong Username Mentions (dice) Inbox by Gmail - the inbox that works for you View Issue/Pull Request buttons for Gmail Email markup - Google Developers OnePlus One - OnePlus.net CyanogenMod | Android Community Operating System lollipop-release - Git at Google Silicon Valley | HBO Is HBO's 'Silicon Valley' a critique of sexism - or just sexist? StartUp Podcast
65: Disrupting Payments (hmsk)
Kengo Hamasakiさんをゲストに迎えて、Apple Pay, NFC決済、Stripe などについて話しました。 Show Notes Rebuild: Aftershow 63: Secret Agent Watch (naan, hak) 驚異のApple Payビジネスモデル – 詳細分析と最新情報まとめ | WebPay運営者ブログ How Apple Pay Really Works and Why You Should Begin Using it Immediately - Kirk Lennon Google Wallet Blocked By US Mobile Carriers (2013) Host-based Card Emulation | Android Developers Retailers are disabling NFC readers to shut out Apple Pay | The Verge CurrentC LevelUp Stripe: Apple Pay iOS Developer Library: Payment Token Format Reference The Real Reason PayPal Isn't an Apple Pay Preferred Partner | Bank Innovation Apple Pay Integration | Braintree niw: Clipper card reader launches Apple Pay. Google Online Security Blog: Strengthening 2-Step Verification with Security Key WebPay Launching Square in Japan - lessons learned by Randy Reddig Stripe Connect WebPay OAuth Extend Zero-decimal currencies : Stripe: Help & Support Active Merchant Simple GoBank
64: Web+DB Press Vol.83 Aftershow (hotchpotch)
舘野祐一さんをゲストに迎えて、WEB+DB Press, Podcast, 電子書籍などについて話しました。 (2014年9月 WEB+DB Press 対談後に収録) Show Notes Amazon.co.jp: WEB+DB PRESS Vol.83 ★ WEB+DB PRESS Vol.83 Documentation - The Go Programming Language The Swift Programming Language: About the Language Reference Introducing Swift - and the Sunset of Our Culture? - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014 gihyo.jp The Pragmatic Bookshelf 達人出版会 markdown2inao GitHubで雑誌・書籍を作る
Aftershow 63: Secret Agent Watch (naan, hak)
Kazuho Okuiさん、Hakuro Matsudaさんと、Apple Pay, Ingress, Apple Watch などについて話しました。 Show Notes Apple Pay: An in-depth look at what's behind the secure payment system | TUAW A simple explanation of how Apple Pay works (probably): It's all about tokenization 驚異のApple Payビジネスモデル – 詳細分析と最新情報まとめ | WebPay運営者ブログ Ingress Geocaching - Wikipedia Rumor calls out Windows 95 as the reason Microsoft skipped version 9 Daring Fireball: 'It Just Works'
63: Wanko Soba Chip (naan, hak)
Kazuho Okuiさん、Hakuro Matsudaさんをゲストに迎えて、iOS 8, Yosemite, iPad, iMac, Mac mini などについて話しました。 Show Notes Apple announces iOS 8.1 with Camera Roll, iCloud Photo Library | TUAW Daring Fireball: Note to Self: It's the Storage Space, Stupid Fix Mac OS X Yosemite Alfred App - Productivity App for Mac OS X OS X 10.10 Yosemite: The Ars Technica Review | Ars Technica iCloud in 1Password 5 FAQ - 1Password for iOS Knowledge base Rebuild: SP2: Backspace means BS (N, naan) Apple - iPad - Compare iPad models Buy an iPad mini 2 while you still can | The Verge Rebuild: 23: iPad, Mavericks and Macbook Pro (Kenn Ejima, Hakuro Matsuda) Apple - iPad Air 2 - Performance Tegra K1 Next-Gen Mobile Processor | NVIDIA Tegra Nexus 9 - Google Apple introduces us to the Virtual SIM Card - Patently Apple Quick Thoughts: Apple SIM | Beyond Devices Apple - iMac with Retina 5K display DisplayPort - Wikipedia Why buy Intel's Broadwell chip, with Skylake waiting in the wings? | PCWorld The Retina iMac versus the Mac Pro, on paper - Marco.org New, improved, slower Mac Mini | ZDNet Rebuild: People
Aftershow 62: Unlimited Means Zero (dice)
Daisuke Horieさんと、リモートワークなどについて話しました。 Show Notes ヤフーもやめたでしょ。「ノマド」「在宅勤務」を禁止する理由 After raising $50M, Reddit forces all remote workers to relocate to SF Short logic (Reddit's crappy ultimatum to remote workers and offices) ongoing by Tim Bray - Leaving Google The limits of "unlimited" vacation - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
62: Wrong Username Mentions (dice)
Daisuke Horie さんをゲストに迎えて、GitHub について話しました。 Show Notes DICE Dice (rapper) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Getting hired by GitHub - angrymoose.org GitHub Kaigi GitHub Hiring Story - @muanchiou The GitHub hiring experience Why are my contributions not showing up on my profile? Twilio Cloud Communications Twilio SMS - Deliverability Two-Factor Authentication | Authy How GitHub Works: Be Asynchronous Managing Issues and Pull Requests Across Repositories Shipping GitHub's split diffs - @mdo RubyKaigi 2014 | Continuous Delivery at GitHub FeatureToggle cookpad/chanko github-pages | RubyGems.org Keeping your email address private
Aftershow 61: Way Too Much Jargon (Naoya Ito)
Naoya Itoさんと、プログラミングジャーゴン、RSSリーダー、Markdown, Final Fantasy などについて話しました。 Show Notes New Programming Jargon あなたは全部知っていますか?プログラミングの業界用語30選 Heisenbug - Wikipedia Fear Driven Development - FDD - Scott Hanselman Hypercritical: Annoyance-Driven Development Daring Fireball: Markdown CommonMark Standard Markdown is now Common Markdown Markdown the shit just hit the fan | Infinite Diaries by Wojtek Pietrusiewicz YAML Front Matter livedoor Reader サービス終了のお知らせ fastladder/fastladder pubsubhubbub - A simple, open, webhook based pubsub protocol & open source reference implementation Google Now's latest update adds Reader-like website updates, Waze traffic reports and more Amazon.co.jp: ファイナルファンタジー X HD Remaster Final Fantasy XII が最高すぎる件 - naoyaのはてなダイアリー FINAL FANTASY XV TGS 2014 TRAILER - YouTube FF15のクソコラが流行→ふっきれた公式、素材を配布する ノムリッシュ翻訳 -ファビュラ・ノヴァ・ノムリッシュ
61: Test With Real Data (Naoya Ito)
Naoya Itoさんをゲストに迎えて、Kindle, 計算理論、開発環境、iOS 8, RubyMotion などについて話しました。 Show Notes きゃんちのギークガールになりたくて(KAIZEN platform編) Kindle Voyage アンダースタンディングコンピュテーション Understanding Computation Welcome to the SICP Web Site Ruby嫌いがアンダースタンディングコンピュテーションを読んで はてなキーワードを高速に付与 Aho Corasick 法 - naoyaのはてなダイアリー Apple, Amazon Offer Family Sharing For Digital Media 開発環境のデータをできるだけ本番に近づける | クックパッド開発者ブログ winebarrel/ridgepole Running beta in production by David of Basecamp GitHub db seeding rtomayko/replicate Infrastructure as Code 現状確認会 HBFav 2.7.1 をリリース。iOS 8 に対応しました Average App Store Review Times - iOS App Store - Rolling Annual Trend Graph BugshotKit: Development and Beta Tests Only! Rebuild: 29: Rate My App (Naoya Ito) golang: Where is my favorite helper function for testing? Announcing the public Beta of RubyMotion for Android RubyKaigi 2014 | Inside RubyMotion for Android Genymotion
Aftershow 60: Bashdoor (naan, N)
Kazuho Okuiさん、Naoki Hiroshimaさんと、ヌードルメーカー、日本語、Bash などについて話しました。 Show Notes フィリップス ヌードルメーカー HR2369-01 Rebuild: 58: Close To The BABYMETAL (tenderlove) RubyKaigi 2014 | Speeding up Rails 4.2 ruby-dev ruby_core Bash specially-crafted environment variables code injection attack | Red Hat Security Shellshock BASH Vulnerability Tester DashAsBinSh - Ubuntu Wiki Heroku Status
60: Cargo Pants By Tim (naan, N)
Kazuho Okuiさん、Naoki Hiroshimaさんをゲストに迎えて、iPhone 6, iOS 8, iPad などについて話しました。 Show Notes This Australian Got the iPhone 6 and Lived Out Our Worst Nightmare iPhone 6/6 Plus が片手で操作出来る Bunker Ring Essential Inside the building where Apple tortures the iPhone 6 iPhone 6 And 6 Plus Bend Test - Consumer Reports News ATOK for iOS on the App Store on iTunes iOS 8.0.1 May Have a Link to Apple Maps Fail From 2012 Citibank, Wells Fargo sending its customers an introduction to Apple Pay Lenovo to release 27-inch Windows 8 table tablet starting at $1,699 iPhone line sitters in NYC slept in garbage bags and got arrested 邦人女性、iPhone6密輸で拘束=450台超持ち込み-上海空港 Found a solution to #BendGate Rebuild ep58 transcript Rebuild Supporter
59: Ruby 3.0 Coming Soon (Matz)
まつもとゆきひろさんをゲストに迎えて、Ruby 3.0 などについて話しました。(9/20 RubyKaigi 2014 にて収録) Show Notes @yukihiro_matzさんの衣装はVASILY/iQONがスタイリングさせて頂いています! Barcelona Ruby Conference 2014 Ruby version policy changes starting with Ruby 2.1.0 Rebuild: 53: Less Code Is Better Code (Matz) Feature #9999: Type Annotations - ruby-trunk Welcome to TypeScript DefinitelyTyped Soft Typing 非常に簡単化した静的解析なら簡単に実装できることがわかったので実装してみた perl MAD - Misc Attribute Decoration
58: Close To The BABYMETAL (tenderlove)
Aaron Patterson joins me to talk about Rails 4.2, AdequateRecord, Rack 2.0 and his brand new programming language. (Recorded live at RubyKaigi 2014) Show Notes Rails 4.2.0 beta1: Active Job, Deliver Later, Adequate Record, Web Console AdequateRecord Pro: Like ActiveRecord, but more adequate Aaron Patterson (aka tenderlove) joins ManageIQ Team Rebuild: 56: Technically In Tokyo (a_matsuda) [ANN] Rack, Change of Maintainer & Status tenderlove/the_metal Hijack by raggi - rack/rack faye/faye-websocket-ruby HTTP Node.js macournoyer/thin_async Riding Rails: Introducing Rails Metal Metal for Developers - Apple Developer @tenderlove: Excited to work on my new language called ...
Aftershow 57: Too Heavy On My Wrist (naan, hak)
Kazuho Okuiさん、Hakuro Matsudaさんと、U2, Apple Pay, Apple Watch, Minecraft などについて話しました。 Show Notes Who is U2? Getting Started with Apple Pay iOS Integration Apple unveils Apple Pay mobile payment platform card.io - Credit card scanning for mobile apps Google I/O 2013 - Standardizing Payments on the Web: Introducing requestAutocomplete() requestAutocomplete - take my money, not my time - HTML5 Rocks Stripe: Checkout Ring RINGLY | Smart Jewelry and Accessories Meet Moov: your personal coach Microsoft confirms it will buy 'Minecraft' for $2.5 billion Yes, we're being bought by Microsoft Why it makes sense for Amazon to buy Twitch Virtual Reality is going to change the world | notch.net
57: The Extinction of 2D Minded (naan, hak)
Kazuho Okuiさん、Hakuro Matsudaさんをゲストに迎えて、iPhone 6, Apple Pay, Apple Watch などについて話しました。 スポンサー: DeployGate Show Notes Apple - Live - September 2014 Special Event South Korea is the Home of Phablets Apple - iPhone 6 iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus have a new faster A8 processor Apple - iPhone 6 - View countries with supported LTE networks. Only 34% of US smartphone users download appsMobile World Live DeployGate ★ iPhone 6 Screens Demystified iPhone 6 Size Comparisons Apple Pay Apple Pay Hands-On EMV Migration - Driven by Payment Brand Milestones - EMV Connection Coin: Use One Coin for All of Your Cards Coin apologizes to customers, won't charge beta users $30 to upgrade Apple Watch The Apple Logo in Unicode
Aftershow 56: Nice Email Address (a_matsuda)
Akira Matsudaさんと、RubyKaigi、GitHub などについて話しました。 Show Notes RubyKaigi 2014 会場ネットワークの裏話 ー YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014 CONBU Confreaks RubyCentral GitHub Kaigi Ronnie James Dio starseeker computer talk by @tmm1 Aman Gupta
56: Technically In Tokyo (a_matsuda)
Akira Matsudaさんをゲストに迎えて、Rails, Ruby, RubyKaigi などについて話しました。 スポンサー: freee Show Notes github.com/amatsuda Asakusa.rb Seattle.rb クックパッドにおける最近のActiveRecord運用事情 eaglemt/switch_point 会計ソフト freee (フリー) ★ Rails 4.2.0 beta1: Active Job, Deliver Later, Adequate Record, Web Console Active Job Basics Call #to_s when serializing GlobalID. Fix #95 by miyagawa - rails/activejob MySQL 5.6 and later supports microsecond precision in datetime. by miyagawa - rails/rails AdequateRecord Pro: Like ActiveRecord, but more adequate @joshpeek: Rack middleware ... were probably the worse idea I ever promoted. Rack, Change of Maintainer & Status tenderlove: A spike for thoughts about Rack 2.0 @dhh: Rails 5.0 will target Ruby 2.2 and be released next spring/summer Rebuild: 53: Less Code Is Better Code (Matz) asakusarb/action_args Feature #9999: Type Annotations Why Semantic Versioning Isn't RubyKaigi 2014, 18-20 september Ruby Conferences Rails Pacific - The Asian Rails Conference, Taipei, September 2014
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