Taro Minowa さんをゲストに迎えて、GitHub, 汎用AI, Alfred, Twitter, Netflix, 低温調理などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Cleanfeed
- Rebuild Search
- Groonga - An open-source fulltext search engine and column store
- GitHub Archive Program: the journey of the world's open source code to the Arctic
- Abstraction and Reasoning Challenge | Kaggle
- Conversational AI: The Science Behind the Alexa Prize
- The Myth of a Superhuman AI
- The Migration Guide from Chainer to PyTorch
- François Chollet
- アフィン写像
- Alfred - Productivity App for macOS
- blueutil: CLI for bluetooth on OSX
- Magnet
- Typora — a markdown editor, markdown reader.
- A hacker used Twitter’s own ‘admin’ tool to spread cryptocurrency scam
- Rebuild: 37: N Factor Auth (Naoki Hiroshima)
- Twitter: An update on our security incident
- How to Protect Your Phone Against a SIM Swap Attack
- 三体Ⅱ 黒暗森林(上) | 劉 慈欣
- 日本沈没 2020
- Unsolved Mysteries
- 低温調理器 BONIQ
- Instant Pot
- リロ氏 (@ly_rone) / Twitter
- Anker PowerWave Pad Alloy 15W