増井雄一郎さんをゲストに迎えて、iPod Touch, IT芸人、Apple Watch, 米国進出, React, GraphQL, 健康などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Apple Waits as App Developers Study Who’s Buying Its Watch - The New York Times
- Mr Masui Yuichiro, 36-years-old, the first Apple Watch customer poses
- Japan's Gree lays off 30% of Western staff
- wri.pe - simple and smart notepad
- トレタ
- Square files for IPO, say reports, in new wrinkle for Dorsey, Twitter
- ReactEurope - The first React.js European conference in Paris, France
- Babel · The compiler for writing next generation JavaScript
- Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensionse
- GraphQL
- Introducing Relay and GraphQL | React
- cookpad/garage
- Partial replacement of new pages
- 一ヶ月エアコンをつけっぱなしにしたら電気代が、、、
- Last.fm
- The Roost | Ultra Portable, Lightweight, Ergonomic Laptop Stand
- Microsoft Vista Speech Recognition Tested - Perl Scripting
- POBox
- Winnyは金子さんの本流じゃなかった