Fumiaki Yoshimatsu さんをゲストに迎えて、電王戦、Apple Watch, Context Aware, Facebook Messenger, Crashlytics, Android Studio などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- 将棋:電王戦棋士側勝利呼んだ「わざと隙見せる作戦」
- 山本 一成@Ponanza
- After Seven Hours and 19 Innings, One Hit Sinks the Yankees
- Google Now
- ColorSync Ticketing Reimagined | Peatix
- Daring Fireball: The Apple Watch
- Apple Watch: the definitive review | The Verge
- 林信行による世界先行レビュー:Apple Watchが腕時計とウェアラブルの概念を変える (1/5) - ITmedia
- Apple Watch Debut Tests Cook’s No-Lines Gadget-Shopping Revamp
- Facebook Launches Messenger for Web Browsers
- Facebook's Messenger platform will let you download apps, message businesses
- Facebook shuts down XMPP Chat API
- LINE、ついにiPad用アプリケーションを投入
- Path Talk lets you text businesses instead of calling, and it actually works
- TaskRabbit
- Amazon Mechanical Turk
- Outbox Shuts Down Its Mail Digitizing Service
- Crashlytics
- Fabric - Twitter's Mobile Development Platform
- Flock: Bringing Fabric to a city near you
- Welcome to Fabric!
- The Pants Build Tool at Twitter
- Pants Build
- IntelliJ IDEA — The Most Intelligent Java IDE
- Download Android Studio and SDK Tools
- 第14回 エディタの話[その6]─インスペクション:Android Studio最速入門