Daisuke Makiさんをゲストに迎えて、Go言語について話しました。
Show Notes
- The Go Programming Language
- stf-storage/go-stf-server
- Go Object Oriented Design
- Go言語での構造体実装パターン
- Defer, Panic, and Recover - The Go Blog
- Error handling and Go - The Go Blog
- Tokyo Golang Developers - Meetup
- template
- How to Write Go Code (GOPATH)
- GoDoc
- Read the Docs
- theplant/pak
- mattn/gom
- Martini - Classy web development in Go.
- #117: Go, Martini and Gophercasts with Jeremy Saenz - The Changelog
- lestrrat/go-xslate
- jteeuwen/go-bindata
- braintree/manners
- lestrrat/go-server-starter-listener
- smartystreets/goconvey
- GopherCasts
- Toward Go 1.3
- gopkg.in - Stable APIs for the Go language