伊藤直也さんをゲストに迎えて、JAWS、Vagrant Share、CoffeeScript、コードレビューなどについて話しました。
スポンサー: Idobata
Show Notes
- JAWS DAYS 2014、Immutable Infrastructure について
- You don't need API version 2 - yohei's diary
- Cookpad's deployment and auto scaling
- Docker 0.9: introducing execution drivers and libcontainer | Docker Blog
- Vagrant 1.5 and Vagrant Cloud - Vagrant
- ngrok - secure introspectable tunnels to localhost
- RequestBin - Collect, inspect and debug HTTP requests and webhooks
- Idobata ★
- Idobata会議01 ★
- Hubot, Chat, The Web, and Working in the Open
- Hands-on with GitHub's New Text Editor Atom
- Why coffeescript? - Atom Discussion
- 些末なコードレビュー
- cookpad/styleguide
- bbatsov/rubocop
- Deploy feature branch to Heroku with CircleCI