2022-03-06 24:34

SaaStr 535: From SendGrid to DigitalOcean: Hacks for Founders of High-Growth Startups with DigitalOcean CEO Yancey Spruill

All high-growth startups reach a point in scaling their business when their processes and operations start to inhibit their growth. From SendGrid to DigitalOcean, Yancey Spruill is the person these startups brought in when they were ready to graduate to the big leagues. In his presentation, Yancey will discuss the most common mistakes startup founders make and how to overcome hurdles at different stages of growth.

Full video: https://youtu.be/MD_wD5hp7r0

Blog post: https://www.saastr.com/hacks-for-founders-of-high-growth-startups-with-digitaloceans-ceo-yancey-spruill/


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