2023-04-14 26:52

SaaStr 651: Top Mistakes Founders Make with Series A with Black Mangroves, Square Peg, Vertex, and GGV

Arnaud Bonzom, Founder and Managing Director @ Black Mangroves moderates a panel with Carmen Yuen, General Partner @ Vertex, Jenny Lee, Managing Partner @ GGV Capital, and Piruze Sabuncu, Partner @ Square Peg Capital on what founders should look out for when raising a Series A.


In this panel, Carmen, Jenny, and Piruze will discuss the lessons learned at Vertex, GGV, and Square Peg on the common pitfalls to look out for when you are raising your Series A. For each pitfall, they will provide tips and tactics on how to overcome them.


This episode is an excerpt of the VC session. You can watch the full video: https://youtu.be/nFUUTXlnaa0



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