2019-10-10 23:48

SaaStr 273: Atlanta Tech Village Founder David Cummings on 7 Lessons Helping Start Pardot, SalesLoft, and Calendly

David Cummings is the co-founder of the Atlanta Tech Village, Pardot which sold to ExactTarget/Salesforce.com, Hannon Hill,  Rigor, SalesLoft (raised over $75M in capital), Terminus (raised over $25M in capital), and several more. Hear his lessons learned over the years from Pardot to Calendly.


Missed the session? Here’s what David talks about:

  • How large a role does funding play?
  • Matching pricing to value
  • How to continuously level up talent

Find the video and full transcript on our blog.

If you would like to find out more about the show and the guests presented, you can follow us on Twitter here:

Jason Lemkin


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