2019-08-01 22:29

SaaStr 254: HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan on The Funnel is Dead, Long Live the Flywheel.

The age-old sales funnel has worked fine for decades…until now. Flaws are being exposed, and a new model is imminent. Why is the sales funnel alone no longer an appropriate way thinking about customers? What will emerge to supplement or replace it? HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan and NEA's Hilarie Koplow-McAdams explore the evolution of the marketing and sales funnel you’ve been using for decades to generate traffic and convert and leads into customers.


Missed the session? Here’s what Brian talks about:

  • Why a flywheel instead of a funnel?
  • What does the Grateful Dead have to do with Marketing…?
  • What role do T shaped people play?

If you would like to find out more about the show and the guests presented, you can follow us on Twitter here:

Jason Lemkin


Brian Halligan


