2023-05-31 21:05

SaaStr 664: What You Need to Change at $10M to Scale to $100M with Sameer Dholakia, Partner at Bessemer Venture Partners

Building a company for $0-$1M in revenue differs wildly from $1-10M ARR. And scaling from $10M to $100M is wildly different still. 

Sameer Dholakia, Partner at Bessemer Venture Partners with decades of operational experience, shares what you need to change as you scale from $10M to $100M ARR. 

The short answer is almost everything. 

Keep an open mind as you move into the next chapter of your company. 

“Everything that got you to where you are isn’t going to get you where you want to be,” says Dholakia. 


Watch the full video, including Q&A: https://youtu.be/ucgtUQiyEJE

Sameer's slides: https://www.slideshare.net/saastr/sameer-dholakia-saastr-workshop-wednesdays



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