1. okunokentaroのしずかなポッドキャスト
  2. #2 車の免許を取ったときの話
2024-06-11 07:32

#2 車の免許を取ったときの話


Okunokentaro's quiet podcast.
Okunokentaro's quiet podcast.
I am okunokentaro. Hello.
This is the second episode.
But I am still recording the first episode.
So I am not sure if I am recording well.
Last time, I talked about what a quiet podcast is.
I want to talk while driving with a pin mic.
This time, I want to talk about driving.
When did I get my driver's license?
I think it was 2007 or 2008.
I got my license when I was 20 or 19 or 20.
My parents gave me a license fee.
I forgot why I got my license.
I was 18 years old.
I was thinking about getting a driver's license.
At that time, my parents gave me a driver's license.
Do you remember when I got my license?
How many years ago was it?
It was about 16 years ago.
At that time, manual cars were common.
There were some people who got a license for automatic cars.
But there were still a lot of people who got a license for manual cars.
I don't think there are any people who get a license for manual cars in 2024.
But I think there are a lot of people who like manual cars.
I think it's okay to get a license for automatic cars.
I got a license for manual cars at that time.
I don't remember how long I took driving lessons.
I think it was a month or two.
I remember it was summer.
I think it was around August.
I got a license when I was about 20 years old.
When I was in my 20s, I did a job that required me to drive a car.
It's a little difficult if I don't talk about my past.
I'm developing a web application right now.
I was born and raised in Kyoto, so I lived in Kyoto.
When I lived in Kyoto, I did a job that required me to drive a car.
It's not a professional driver with a driver's license.
It's a job that requires you to drive a car with a normal driver's license.
The job I was doing before developing the web was in the music industry.
I'll talk about what I was doing in the music industry in another podcast.
I'm not going to go into detail right now.
The music industry carries instruments.
I carry guitars, drums, pianos, and keyboards.
I needed a car to carry those instruments.
I got a car license when I was 20 years old.
When I was working in the music industry in my 20s, I often went to work by car.
I'm glad I got my license pretty early.
If I hadn't had a license since I moved to Tokyo,
I moved to Tokyo when I was 26 years old.
If I hadn't had a license, I would have had a hard time working in Tokyo.
If you're interested in cars, but you don't have a license,
I recommend you get a license early.
You really need to keep going to the training center.
I heard there's a training camp.
There is a training camp, but I think it's better to get a license as soon as possible.
I heard you're working now.
Since I came to Tokyo, I haven't had a reason to drive a car at work.
It's become a hobby.
I used to work in the music industry.
I'm a web developer.
If I had a computer, I could program it.
I've never had a reason to drive a car at work.
After that, I signed a contract with Time's Car Share.
I rented a car for my hobby drive.
I paid monthly fees for my hobby drive.
I paid for the rental fee.
I drove around for my hobby.
When I was done, I returned the car.
That's what I was doing.
It's been a while since I've been able to do that.
It's been a while since I've been able to do that.
I have to make a lot of reservations.
Even if I want to ride today, I can't ride today.
Even if I want to ride today, I can't ride today.
I have to make a lot of reservations.
I have to make a lot of reservations.
Fortunately, there are three parking lots in Tokyo.
If I make a reservation, I can rent a car.
If I make a reservation, I can rent a car.
I don't want to make a reservation and have to find a car.
Sometimes I can only rent a light car.
Sometimes I can only rent a light car.
Sometimes I can only rent a light car.
I like driving.
I like driving.
I like driving.
I like driving.
I like driving.
I like driving.
That's why I bought a car.
I didn't need a car after I came to Tokyo.
I didn't need a car after I came to Tokyo.
I didn't own a car.
I had a car of my parents.
I had a car of my parents.
I had no choice but to buy a car.
I had no choice but to buy a car.
I decided to buy a car after a year.
I talked a lot about getting a car license.
I'll talk about buying a car next time.
I don't know how many times I'll talk about it today.
I'll talk about buying a car next time.
I'll talk about buying a car next time.
See you.

