1. Nogizaka Beyond Borders
  2. IrohaOkuda, Romeo and Juliet..
2024-06-18 09:00

IrohaOkuda, Romeo and Juliet, Another Musical Star is Born

Hi Nogizaka fans from all over the world.


Welcome back to another episode of 'Nogizaka Beyond Borders'!

I'm Yumesaki, a die-hard Nogizaka fan for 12 years, coming to you straight from Tokyo.

This show is all about bringing you the latest and greatest Nogizaka news and updates right from Japan to all you awesome fans out there.


This program is inspired by REI ENGLISH, a YouTube program brought by Rei Seimiya-chan


If you're up for some Japanese, check out my main show ‘Suido Denki Gas Nogizaka46'.

Just search by Nogizaka46 in your podcast application and you can find it there.


Stick around till the end, you won't want to miss a thing!




Music: Epiphany, Beat Mekanik, Free Music Archive, CC BY


In this episode, Yumesaki discusses the musical Romeo and Juliet, starring Iroha Okuda, and shares his thoughts and impressions. The narrator mentions that Romeo and Juliet was the first musical they ever watched in high school and it grew on them over time. Iroha-chan impresses the audience with her performance in the musical Romeo and Juliet, receiving praise from fans and non-fans alike. The main characters, Romeo and Juliet, first meet and fall in love, risking their lives to be together and eventually meet a tragic end. Iroha-chan impressively conveys a range of emotions through her singing in Romeo and Juliet.

Introduction and Background
Hi Nogizaka fans from all over the world. Welcome back to another episode of Nogizaka Beyond Borders.
I'm Yumesaki, a diehard Nogizaka fan for 12 years, coming to you straight from Tokyo.
This show is all about bringing you the latest and greatest Nogizaka news and updates from Japan to all you awesome fans out there.
This program is inspired by Ray English, a YouTube program brought by Ray Semiachan.
If you're up for some Japanese, check out my main show, Suido Denki Gas Nogizaka 46.
Just search by Nogizaka 46 in your podcast application and you can find it there.
Stick around till the end, you won't wanna miss a thing.
Today, I am super excited to talk about the musical Romeo and Juliet, starring none other than our very own Iroha Okuda-chan.
As always, we'll keep things positive and fan, no harsh words or criticism here.
I got the chance to watch it recently and I was blown away, so I can't wait to share my thoughts with you.
Let's dive right into it.
Romeo and Juliet marks Iroha-chan's debut as a musical heroine,
and honestly, it was so incredible that it's hard to believe it was her first time in such a role.
I was in awe.
Just to give you a heads up, I'll be discussing the musical with some spoilers,
but considering the original story is over 400 years old, I think there's no problem.
If you don't know the story yet and also planning to see the musical, you might want to listen after you've watched it.
The narrator's experience with musicals
Now, on to why this story is special to me.
Romeo and Juliet was the first musical I ever saw.
Though it wasn't live, I watched it on video back in high school during music class.
We used to watch musicals and operas regularly, and I remember enjoying them immensely even if I didn't understand everything.
Our music teacher would explain the scenes afterwards, adding context and depth to what we saw.
It was such a fun experience.
To be honest, back then, I didn't quite get why people would suddenly start singing in the middle of a scene.
I even found it a bit silly at times, but it gradually grew on me.
Thanks to those classes, I started appreciating musicals, and Romeo and Juliet became particularly memorable.
It feels like fate that I got to see this same story performed by Iroha-chan now.
For those unfamiliar with the story, here's a brief rundown.
Romeo and Juliet is set in the medieval town of Verona, Italy, where two noble families, the Montagues and the Capulets, are embroiled in a bitter feud.
The main characters, Romeo from the Montague family and Juliet from the Capulet family, fall in love despite their family's enmity.
Juliet is around 16 years old, and she had no experience with love before meeting Romeo.
Their love story is a poignant tale of a forbidden romance.
The musical begins with a vibrant and powerful opening scene.
Dancers fill the stage singing and performing with incredible energy.
Iroha-chan's impressive performance
They were like 20 performers all showcasing their remarkable talents.
I was immediately captivated and overwhelmed by their skills.
Before Iroha-chan appeared, I found myself worrying a bit about how she would fare among such seasoned performers.
But then she took the stage.
Juliet's introduction comes before she meets Romeo.
In the musical, she's portrayed as a sweet, innocent girl not yet touched by the experience of love.
When she first sings, it's with a sense of wonder and longing for her fated love.
I was stunned by Iroha-chan's performance.
I've watched numerous Nogizaka concerts and also watched Nogizaka A Star Is Born.
So I knew she had a beautiful voice.
But hearing her sing in this context was something else entirely.
Her voice was pure, clear, and emotionally expressive.
It exceeded all my expectations.
I think that it wasn't just fans of Nogizaka or Iroha-chan who were impressed.
I noticed that even those who might not be particularly interested in idols were taken aback by her performance.
There were many comments on Twitter praising her voice and also expressing surprise that this was her first musical.
It was heartwarming to see people from different backgrounds acknowledging her talent.
Let me set the stage for one of the most memorable scenes.
The masquerade ball scene
The masquerade ball hosted by the Caplot family, and Caplot family means the family of Juliet,
where Romeo and his friends sneak in wearing masks.
This is where Romeo and Juliet first meet and fall in love at the first sight.
Despite knowing they belong to rival families, their connection is immediate and deep.
Romeo risks his life to see Juliet again, and their love story unfolds with intense passion and determination.
The scene where they secretly marry in a church is particularly moving.
The priest marries them in secret and they sing a powerful duet about their love.
Iroha-chan's performance in this scene is breathtaking.
The purity and strength of her voice captured the essence of Juliet's love and resolve.
It's no wonder the song Emei is one of the highlights of the musical.
The tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet is well known.
After a series of misunderstandings, Romeo believes Juliet is dead and takes his own life.
When Juliet awakens from her induced sleep and finds Romeo dead, she too takes her life.
The final scene is so heartbreaking, filled with sorrow and a sense of inevitability.
Iroha-chan's rendition of Juliet's final moments was incredibly powerful,
conveying deep emotion and a sense of tragic destiny.
Each song in the musical brought out different aspects of the characters and their story.
From the hopeful longing in the beginning,
to the powerful love in the middle,
and the heartbreaking end.
Iroha-chan's performance was consistently top-notch.
Iroha-chan's impressive performance
Her ability to convey a range of emotions through her singing was truly impressive.
That's all for today's discussion of Romeo and Juliet starring Iroha-chan.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Thank you for listening, and until next time, take care.

