Current and classic episodes, featuring compelling true-crime mysteries, powerful documentaries and in-depth investigations.
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Twisted in Texas
In this Dateline classic, when one woman breaks off her relationship with a boyfriend she says abused and stalked her, he goes on to something even worse. His accused accomplice? His new girlfriend. Andrea Canning reports. Originally aired on NBC on April 29, 2018.
11 Minutes
The father of an Alabama teenager calls the police after he returns home to find his son had thrown a party, leaving the place trashed. Just 11 minutes after the deputy leaves their house, there is another 911 call placed. What could have happened? Josh Mankiewicz reports. Originally aired on NBC on April 19, 2019.
Into the Night
The disappearance of a young woman from Bend, Oregon leads to an intense manhunt after the suspect sets off on a two state crime spree. Keith Morrison reports on the latest updates in the case. Originally aired on NBC on May 19, 2019.
True Lies
In this Dateline Classic, when Diane Kyne is found dead in her bedroom, competing stories emerge about which of the two most important men in her life may have killed her. One of the stories must be true – but which one? Dennis Murphy reports. Originally aired on NBC on April 16, 2015.
The Betrayal of Sarah Stern
The discovery of a nineteen-year-old’s car abandoned on a bridge in New Jersey turns into a missing person case that evolves into a months-long homicide investigation. As the case tears apart a Jersey Shore town, police discover a plot involving money, close friends and a fatal betrayal. Keith Morrison reports on the investigation and the extraordinary undercover video that helped solve the crimes. Originally aired on NBC on May 17, 2019.
She Didn't Come Home
A mother in Pennsylvania disappears one afternoon after she is last seen by her co-workers leaving for lunch. The case remains cold even after 60 investigators try to crack it. Could the 61st detective finally have the answers? Josh Mankiewicz reports. Originally Aired on NBC on April 26, 2019.
Introducing Dateline NBC
Current and classic episodes of Dateline NBC, featuring compelling true-crime mysteries, powerful documentaries and in-depth investigations.
運転しながら頭の中を垂れ流し ※音質わるいです🙇🏼♀️
株式会社はてな創業者であり現在もITの第一線で働く近藤淳也が、京都の宿UNKNOWN KYOTOにやって来る「好きなことを仕事にしている人」を深堀りすることで、世の中の多様な仕事やキャリア、生き方・働き方を「リアルな実例」として紐解いていきます。 . 【ホスト:近藤淳也】 株式会社OND代表取締役社長、株式会社はてな取締役、UNKNOWN KYOTO支配人、NPO法人滋賀一周トレイル代表理事、トレイルランナー。 2001年に「はてなブログ」「はてなブックマーク」などを運営する株式会社はてなを創業、2011年にマザーズにて上場。その後2017年に株式会社ONDを設立し、現在もITの第一線で働く。 株式会社OND: . 【UNKNOWN KYOTO】 築100年を超える元遊郭建築を改装し、仕事もできて暮らせる宿に。コワーキングやオフィスを併設することで、宿泊として来られる方と京都を拠点に働く方が交わる場所になっています。 1泊の観光目的の利用だけではなく、中長期滞在される方にも好評いただいています。 web: . こちらから本文を読んだりコメントが書けます!
@narumi のつぶやき
声低おじさんの独り言 お便り募集中
ブロガーとして人気の2人が話すポッドキャスト番組です。最近話題のニュース、日常に役立つ面白ネタなどを話します。国内・海外のIT事情に興味ある人にオススメの内容になっています。 ・お便りは まで ・詳しいリンクはこちら ・リスナーコミュニティ「裏ドングリ」は以下からどうぞ BGMと最後の締めの曲はフリーBGM・音楽素材「 」より。