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  2. 0002.Excellent Hard Workers ..
2024-04-14 09:57

0002.Excellent Hard Workers Struggle Most with their Low Confidence & Esteem [En]


[Point] Why the excellent people tend to have the struggle of low confidence and esteem?

▶We look forward to receiving your practical reports, opinions, impressions, and questions from here~ ❤️


[Next Preview] 0003. The specifications of low confidence and low self-esteem (planned)

Overcoming Low Confidence & Esteem. Don't worry, your incredible personality is like a hidden treasure. Just awaiting discovery!
Hi, this is MaoC.Tajiry. This quick 7-minute vlog run will deliver tips, solutions, and helpful information for overcoming low confidence & self-esteem based on my past experiences of struggling since my teenage years.
Okay, I'm back now, hooray! Actually, I had a throat pain, so I couldn't express my feelings through the voice, hooray! But now, good! Okay, then, let's check it out today's topic!
Excellent Hard Workers Struggle Most with their Low Confidence & Esteem
It may seem like being the hard workers and having low confidence & esteem are completely opposites that don't go together, or perhaps the hard work is just a way to hide the fact of their low confidence & esteem, isn't it?
Some of you may have heard those thoughts after hearing today's topic, but in reality, there are deeper, more important reasons behind it. As a result, even if you were rumored as enviably excellent, you may actually feel aversion to those compliments and praises, struggling with a sense of being a hypocrite.
If any of that links true for you, that's exactly the same situation I was in before, and that is preciously a symptom caused by your low confidence & esteem. Today, allow me to explain this point further.
In the first place, what defines an excellent person?
1. Grasp the key points of a conversation quickly
2. Tremendously skilled at guiding discussions
3. Generously share their vast knowledge and experience to solve problems and achieve goals without forcefulness
4. Flawlessly complete large volumes of tasks in a short time
You might have in mind this kind of excellent person.
Then, how can we become more like these talented individuals? Or rather, how can we start taking the same kind of actions they do? Is it all just innate, God-given ability?
No, as my conclusion. It comes down to how much the person has honed a certain capability in their lifetime. And that capability is...
What's intelligence?
Searching internet, you can easily find the meaning like the ability to understand and think.
For example, being able to identify whether the beautiful pink flower in front of you is a cherry blossom or a plum blossom in spring.
That leads to intelligence allowing you to observe based on your past knowledge.
Or being able to infer the reason why someone is crying uncontrollably in front of you based on their demeanor and the situation.
That too relies on your intelligence.
In other words, our intelligence encompasses our entire capacity for judgment, knowledge and observation, how we think about and then perceive things.
And, the excellent people possess an exceptionally high level of intelligence.
In fact, the truth is that we all have an innate drive to improve ourselves.
So, without even realizing it, you too have been naturally cultivating the intelligence within you to function at an ever more exceptional level.
This is an essential, fundamental part of being human.
I can say this with certainty from my own experiences and observations of those around me.
But, if the excellent person has such excellent intelligence, then why do they still struggle with low confidence and esteem?
Yes, that's exactly the key point today.
In fact, intelligence is one of the core capabilities used for working of myth protection.
Huh, how so?
In the previous episode 1, I explained how the harsh insensitive inner critic is actually a part of yourself called myth protection.
A tirelessly ally working hard to safeguard you from external threats.
So, one of the key abilities supporting myth protection is none other than intelligence.
The more your intelligence grows, the more powerful and then influential your protection becomes as well.
For example, when a 3-year-old girl said,
I like him.
An adult will just think, how cute.
But if the same adult were to try to enjoy romance, they'd think, but he has his own personality and preference too.
So, it may not work out even if I like him.
And, he might not even like me back.
Even a simple like reaction can generate a wide range of consideration ideas when intelligence is more grown.
And, did you notice something?
Actually, myth protection also appeared on adult's statement.
Worrying about that it may not work out and he may not like me back.
These are protection's rival commentary trying to preemptively save her from the telescope getting hurt.
Meaning the situation if he doesn't like her.
As intelligence grows, myth protection starts reading an ever broader range of warnings.
Not just about the past, but also potential future scenarios that he senses danger in.
To make matters stricter, nobody knows the future.
So, even if myth protection's warnings are overly cautious, nobody can be definitively dismissed as wrong.
And, the more intelligent and responsible a person is,
the more they'll feel compelled to carefully consider myth protection's wide-ranging perspective.
This is how myth protection ends up entrenching herself and gaining more influence within excellent people.
Perhaps, many of you are starting to see the picture now.
The truth is, myth protection is ultimately an ally for everyone, no matter who you are.
So, it would be much more beneficial to make friends with her rather than hating.
However, for those low confidence and self-esteem, you become all accustomed to blaming and belittling yourselves.
Your relationship with myth protection has become a long-standing cold war.
Oh my god.
Then, how can you improve this critical world situation?
Okay, next time you hear myth protection's harsh words, why don't you try saying this?
Hi, myth protection. Thank you very much for always trying to protect me.
I really appreciate your aggressive and powerful support.
So, how was today's topic?
We look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and questions about this show through the forum in my website.
Also, I created a dedicated section for action reports which I propose due to your protection at the end of today's topic.
So, I would love to hear your thoughts, any changes in your inner self, or any questions which arose from it.
Your honest feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah, the self-loathing and the sense of hypocrisy, it was truly painful, although I definitely went through that myself.
In fact, I was one of those people who completely mistook myth protection herself is me.
So, I can really emphasize with how agonizing that can be.
But, as you know, I've experienced both the struggle and the subsequent overcoming.
So, I can say clearly, we humans all possess incredible, boundless potential.
No matter how much you may want to deny your own self, or you feel utterly helpless, and that possibility never goes away.
In fact, I've had the privilege of helping a number of people overcoming low confidence and self-esteem, who said,
My total life feeling is completely changed!
Witnessing their transformation first-hand has convinced me.
Once you overcome those low situations, you'll be able to enjoy the discovery of the amazing true self that was hidden away like treasure naturally.
That moment, when seeing the new him, her, it was truly breathtaking.
I couldn't stop being touched every time, because their change was super far beyond what I could have ever imagined.
It's almost as if a completely different person emerges, like a caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly.
That's why I can't miss the look that you glance yourself or your struggle situation itself in front of my eyes,
because it's a shame they aren't living up to their potential.
So, even if you can't stop your current struggle with your promised protection, quickly, I'm really glad if this word reaches your heart.
Even if you can't believe yet, please know that you already possess the great hidden treasure within you.
Okay, thank you very much for your listening until the end, because I wholeheartedly believe in your unlimited potential.
Allow me to repeat this crucial point again very clearly.
Overcome low confidence and esteem.
Don't worry, your incredible personality is like a hidden treasure, just awaiting discovery.
Have a nice day and see you!

