2023-08-04 45:13

#65【ワクワクは不謹慎?沖縄ぬ台風】Inappropriate? Excitement for Typhoon

Haitai people,










Everybody please stay safe from the typhoon Kahun this weekend!


台風「不謹慎だけどワクワク」する理由 コロナ禍の混乱に重なる心理


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せーの What's up amazing people? This is IYASASA RADIO by Akane and Minami.
In this radio, we are going to talk about random topics in Okinawan Japanese and English.
As a researcher who has been working on the issue of information dissemination during disasters for many years,
Mr. Hashimoto believes that it is quite possible for people to feel excited in social crisis
situations like disasters. When news promoting caution due to the typhoon is broadcast and
events are canceled or schools are closed, everyone gets nervous in these unusual situations
and people's collective excitement also increases. Some people may even feel a sense of excitement
from this situation. When we were children, many of us may have felt excited upon receiving news
of school closures. However, as adults, when we witnessed disasters and resulting
damages caused by typhoons, we may begin to develop a sense of inappropriateness.
On the other hand, the normative consciousness of everyday life collapses and people's critical
ability decreases in these situations, says Mr. Hashimoto. Therefore, it is possible to consider
that people may develop a psychological state of excitement despite inappropriateness.
Additionally, in these situations, people want to sublimate their emotions, according to Mr. Hashimoto.
For example, people try to relieve their tension and anxiety by sharing their excitement.
Called community of faith consciousness in social crisis situations, people feel lonely having specific
emotions themselves. So, a psychological disaster to involve everyone else is informed.
In today's world, where anyone can easily send out information through the internet,
this desire leads to posting online. There are also rumors and misinformation about the novel
coronavirus that arise and spread from this psychology. Rumors and misinformation can cause
confusion and harm people. During disasters, rumors are likely to occur in the internet age.
Their spread is also easier. When posting information online during disasters, we recommend
that you take a moment to calmly consider whether the information you are sharing is accurate and
whether there is a risk of hurting others.
This article about, you know, mainly according to coronavirus, the social media spreading misunderstanding information, but we brought up because we are in the typhoon right now.
It's supposed to come back tomorrow again?
Tomorrow, yeah. It's come back like a U-turn. It's pretty big typhoon.
It's been a while since we were in elementary school. It used to be like this every time.
But it wasn't like this big, no?
Not this big.
Like maybe once in five years?
Yeah, I guess. Like when I was young, when typhoon comes, my parents prepare for the typhoon.
They bring all the plants inside of the house and they cover everything around the house.
But it's been, the typhoon, it's been not that big for years. So I think everyone felt like that this time as well.
They knew from the news, but they didn't expect as strong as like this one.
Me neither. I was like, you know, after I became adult, I don't really care about like the size of typhoon.
Maybe it's because of my, what I do for work doesn't relate it to any kind of typhoon damage.
But you know, if my house was blackout, then I won't be able to do my work at all.
So I was just lucky this time. Maybe because I live near, near close in the middle of Naha, which is like central of Okinawa.
Yeah, my apartment was safe as well. The power was still on and water didn't stop. But my parents' house was stopped everything.
And like, but I think they enjoy it too.
The blackout and stopping water.
Because they could like, you know, stay together. All the family come to the house, has power and the water and they chill out together.
It's summer vacation. So I think they enjoy it too. But it's been too long.
Did you go there?
They told me to come, but I told them it's kind of dangerous to go all the way there.
Yeah, especially in the Bofuiki. It was pretty dangerous to go outside and drive.
But I feel exactly the same. Like I talked to my mom and sister, like the house was blackout.
And stop everything, Wi-Fi and using phone, etc. And I felt like, okay, I'm lucky. But I kind of wondering what are they doing, like they are having fun at home.
You know, like you said, like...
With kids, right?
Yeah, because everyone is there.
They can...
If they can't watch TV or anything, then they just need to, you know, take a nap or like...
When I was a kid, I used to go out on the street near, you know, in front of our house. Not like a big road.
So we can do like, Mizu-Asobi.
Taku-Age is impossible.
I did Taku-Age with my dad.
Even though it's raining?
It doesn't matter.
Oh, you can do it.
It was flying.
Like typhoon, rain is really hurt.
It was fun to, you know, go outside and...
That's the only way to have fun.
That's true.
I was kind of worried about my car.
Something hit my car and it damaged.
I was worried about it, but it was okay.
Because I watched the news and then I saw the stories on Instagram from everyone.
They posted like a unique picture.
In the article, it said,
Normative Consciousness.
Normative Consciousness.
So, my family is like that, but I was late for a normal life here.
So I feel like I was left behind.
Like you're not having fun.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm lucky and I don't have any trouble.
I really don't like the power outage.
When I look at everyone's Instagram, it looks like it's really hard.
I don't like the water stopping.
I can't flush the toilet.
I really don't like it.
I get irritated even if I stay in my apartment for about 3 hours.
Yeah, we were lucky.
But, for example, people who do business,
For example, a store broke down,
a lot of seawater came in,
and you can't use it anymore,
or a store wall flew away.
I don't know how much it cost.
But isn't it like insurance cover?
I don't know.
It depends on people, I guess.
Yeah, but if you know the business owner, they should...
They should have some insurance.
They're supposed to have...
We could predict a typhoon coming every year,
whether it's big or small.
It's good learning.
But, you know, I really appreciate the people out there
and helping people like police and firefighters.
Anyone who is in charge to fix this kind of inflation.
How do you say it?
Like the transportation system.
Even the traffic lights stopped yesterday.
All the signs were blown away.
Water tanks were lying on the road.
Trees were all fallen.
I thought it was a big deal.
The repair.
You know, this excitement kind of feeling is like adrenaline.
Same as fear.
Yeah, it's unusual.
But I feel it every time.
Maybe, you know, growing up as a kid in Okinawa,
it reminds me like school day off.
I didn't like go to school.
I didn't enjoy at all.
So, it was like the hope that I don't need to go out.
I mean, I don't need to go to school.
I always expected that school is closed.
I was like, you know, stick to the TV,
the upper or bottom banner.
Like, get into the atmosphere.
The moment you get into the atmosphere,
you know that school will be closed.
So, you don't know until 7 o'clock.
Yeah, I know.
When I was in elementary school,
I woke up at 6 o'clock,
watched TV all the time,
and looked at the upper banner.
That's how it was decided.
Then, you got a text message.
Like, today is a school day off.
So, the moment I got into school,
I felt despair.
Yeah, I know.
I got a message like,
I'm going to school from this afternoon.
Yeah, I know.
It's the worst.
I want it to be either one.
But when you grow up,
you'll have a negative feeling.
But when the typhoon comes,
you won't have anything to gain.
Some people still have to go to work.
And now, we have social media.
So, I can see there are some people
having a hard time to make food
or feeding their babies.
And it makes me feel like I'm a douchebag.
You know.
To feel this excitement in the AC.
I understand.
But, it's typhoon outside.
So, I didn't want to go out.
But I felt I want to support somebody.
But I didn't know how to.
Something like that.
But you said it's good for the coral leaf.
The water mixed upside down
because of the typhoon.
And then the water temperature go down.
And it's good for the corals.
Sea corals.
When the water is too hot,
the coral become white.
And they die.
So, because of that,
I think in the summer,
the typhoon comes to Okinawa
to keep the temperature.
So, that means that we don't have
like a beautiful ocean with the coral leaf
without the typhoon,
without the Okinawan climate.
Recently, we learned about the sea coral, right?
And I didn't really care about the sea coral before,
but it's really important
to keep our lives healthy
because of the sea coral,
we are blocked by the wind
and the waves.
The fish and everyone lives near the sea coral.
So, if the sea coral is gone,
the fish house will be gone.
We are not that close to the sea coral,
but we learned that it's not good
if the sea coral is gone.
About what kind of animal,
what kind of plant we need for the fundamental living.
For example, bees.
If the bees are gone,
we won't be able to grow any plants,
we won't be able to plant any crops,
we are all going to die without the bees.
We don't even know that.
Until this problem is solved.
The problem with the sea coral
is that there is only 0.1% of sea coral in the world,
and Okinawa is one of them.
In 30 years, 90% of the sea coral is gone,
and there is only 10% left.
I felt really...
How can I say this?
I panicked.
Everyone's consciousness is like that,
but the government,
even though there are good people in Okinawa,
I feel like they should be more aware of the problem.
Well, that's not the only problem.
Maybe everyone's hands are not turning.
I thought about this natural disaster,
a lot of Japanese people think themselves as really peaceful.
Like they believe in the world without war.
But when it comes to...
How do you say this natural disaster?
Natural disease.
Like natural disaster kind of thing.
And then people in Japan are really calm.
They don't be rush.
I mean, they are going to be rush for buying stuff.
I think that's not really good.
Like earthquake, tsunami, typhoon,
I think everyone is calm.
When it comes to conflict between people...
Especially Okinawan people.
I feel like they are a bit blind,
but they don't listen to the power of nature,
so there is nothing they can do.
Even if Okinawan people get typhoon,
it's not obvious.
They do what they can do and stay home.
Some people don't do anything but stay home.
Some people go to club or drink.
It's a time to do business.
For a restaurant.
Because the supermarket, everything is closed.
It's a big chance to have customers.
That makes sense though.
Because they have free time.
As long as they are safe.
I think it's okay.
But I think there will be more disasters than typhoon.
In Okinawa?
I don't think so.
Then it's okay.
For peace.
But nobody knows.
For natural disasters,
it's not about peace.
I think it's calm.
For wars and conflicts between people,
I think it's about peace.
But for natural disasters,
it's more than anxiety and worry.
How to deal with it.
This is what it is.
We can do what we can do.
It was the first time to have such a big typhoon in Okinawa.
There were people panicked.
I thought so.
There were many tourists.
I thought it would be okay.
It was stronger than I expected.
For me, it's been a while.
It's a typhoon.
I know.
It is a typhoon.
It wasn't a typhoon for a long time,
but it's actually a typhoon came this time.
I exactly feel the same.
I don't know.
Everything is...
You know, we're not expecting it's gonna be hit us,
but we wanna judge or we wanna distinguish
whether it's a typhoon, like really.
It's a real typhoon or it's just...
It's just a small one.
It's just a small one.
But it was actually a typhoon this time.
Because the sign was flying,
and the car was turned over.
It was a typhoon.
You seem so excited.
I'm an adult now, so I'm born with inappropriateness.
So I was in the middle of it this time.
I mean, if it's coming again tomorrow, that's right.
That's what serious people think.
We are serious.
We are not.
I mean...
But I, you know,
at least wanna show appreciation
to the people who are working out there.
So I say like really thank you for the delivery guy today.
In such a bad weather.
But he was like so smiling and...
You know, typhoons come to Okinawa every year.
Big or small.
We need to prepare for the typhoon in summer.
But it happens every year.
And some people have damaged every year.
Like the sign flew.
It costs money, but it can't be helped.
Yeah, it's money, and if it doesn't hit anyone...
Maybe feeling excitement is a bit inappropriate,
but it doesn't damage anyone.
You know, some young people or people don't know about typhoon much.
Go to ocean.
It's really disturbing for me.
Surfing time.
Yeah, so I think it's okay to die.
About the sea.
I think it's good for people who are surfing to get on the waves before they come.
But when I was a student, there were people who died by going to the sea.
Not my friends.
So I thought, why do they go?
But if you go close to the nature, it's really dangerous.
But responsibility is on them.
Some people choose to die.
Not choose to die, but they don't care.
But for younger people, they want to try their adventurous mind.
And I can feel that.
I can relate to that feeling.
I think this is important. I think it's the same as kimodameshi.
But I want to stay at home.
I don't want to get wet.
That's what I think.
I didn't go out.
You didn't.
What about kids?
I went out about three times.
To see what's going on outside.
To see if people are walking.
The noise was so loud that I couldn't sleep.
I know.
It was really loud.
It was really loud.
It's been a while since I've heard such a disturbing sound.
I was up at 3 o'clock.
I think it's the same for everyone.
I'm living alone.
I'm out of water.
I don't have any friends around me.
I feel sorry for them.
What if you don't have family?
What if you don't have anyone you care about?
There should be.
It's lonely.
That's why everyone contacts each other on Instagram.
That's true.
I couldn't sleep either.
That's right.
It's really hard for people with small children and grandparents.
I think it was really hard for grandparents and babies.
There are still children who are out of power.
My sister's house is out of power.
The water has stopped.
It's not good for the water to stop.
What about the toilet?
If it's a few hours, it's okay.
If it's more than a day, it's not good.
I go to the convenience store or my parents' house.
I probably take a bath at my parents' house, so it's okay.
What if you don't have a car?
I can't charge my phone.
I don't have a portable battery.
I need a bigger one for outdoor activities.
You told me that poverty affects typhoon damage.
I assume so.
Some small houses are completely destroyed.
But I've never heard of such damage.
By your friends or family?
It happens to my neighbor.
What kind of house?
There is a house with a hole in the ceiling.
From the beginning?
There are three elderly people living there.
There are old parents and children.
It's not children.
It's like an old man and an old woman.
I think it's a place to live.
I can see their roof inside of the house.
Because they don't have a door or a window.
It's handmade, I guess.
It's like a village.
It should be a potty toilet.
Sometimes a car comes.
They were on an ambulance during the typhoon.
So I think something happened to them.
It really affects.
I think so.
It affects the construction of the house and the way to deal with it.
A house that was built cheaply will be destroyed, right?
Yes, it will.
It's hard to make a roof or a pre-hub.
I hope the city will provide some kind of compensation.
I hope so.
Other houses will be damaged by the typhoon.
Because of the typhoon, the houses in Okinawa are made of concrete.
But there are wooden houses, right?
Yes, there are.
Those are not Okinawan houses.
There are houses that don't have a water tank, right?
Yes, there are.
The water tank was blown away.
But my sister's apartment doesn't have water service now still.
But the other area has water service.
I think their water tank was gone.
Or they didn't have water inside.
So I really think that Okinawan housing style is really important.
Yes, having like old-fashioned with the water tank.
In Hiraya, there is a water tank and it's made of concrete.
So I think it's better to build a stone house after planting a fukugi.
If it's Totanya.
I understand.
Looking at the disaster situation, I think it's meaningful to build an old-fashioned house.
If there was an old-fashioned typhoon, it would be good.
I mean, the house was built by the parents.
I think it was like that in the old days.
Or maybe they didn't have enough infrastructure.
The strength of the house was like that.
I wonder if the power poles can be buried in the ground.
It costs about 200 million yen.
The wire is wrinkled.
It's hard because it's outside.
There are places like Europe where it's buried in the ground.
I don't know how much it will cost.
It's better to do it in Okinawa.
Because even the power poles were collapsed.
It's better to have nothing.
The traffic lights are bent and stopped.
Traffic lights can definitely be broken by a typhoon.
Even if it's a weak typhoon.
Is it fragile?
But it's naked.
It's not an L-shape, it's a stick.
If it's a stick, it's dangerous because the driver's eyes are to the left.
I don't know.
We don't have that style in Japan.
There's a straight traffic light overseas.
It's like a traffic light on the sidewalk.
That's right.
It's hard.
It's hard for people who can't go home.
It's hard.
The plane also took off a little today.
It's unusual.
Do people enjoy it?
If you don't expose yourself to the danger of your life, you can enjoy it.
That's right.
If you feel the danger of your life, it's not fun anymore.
We're still here.
We've never been in a real danger situation.
We're kind of being numb about it.
But we also know that it can kill people.
We're in the middle of inappropriateness and excitement.
Some of my friends live in mainland Japan and overseas.
They messaged me if I'm okay.
I said I'm totally okay.
I know how they feel.
Social media and news are overreacted every time.
It's good to contact them directly if they're okay or not.
If they're not okay, they don't post anything on Instagram.
They don't have power already.
It's the time to worry about them.
My mom kept calling me for a few days, but it stopped suddenly.
That's the time I started worrying about her.
But she was okay.
In any kind of disaster or social panic situation,
people outside of that area can't see how bad it is.
But the old news wants to broadcast the worst case.
Because some people want to buy the Instagram stories by the users.
That's why social media is overreacted.
It's not a big deal to broadcast the news saying it's not a big deal.
But it's overreacted.
I'm interested in it because I'm excited about it.
I wasn't worried about my food and water.
But I saw the news about the flight.
The flight stopped and we don't have any things from mainland.
When I heard that, I thought,
I think I need to buy things before it stops.
But I don't know what's gonna happen.
I don't know.
Do you import everything from convenience stores and supermarkets?
What do you call it?
Yeah, from the mainland.
There are a lot of things from the mainland.
Is there a stock somewhere?
I think there are companies that have warehouses.
I think so, too.
But some people say,
I'm going to return to Japan by U-turn, so I don't have food until the weekend.
Some people say that, so I don't know what's true.
Just go out there.
The convenience stores are always open.
Don Quixote is even open.
If you don't choose, you can buy something to eat.
The good thing about typhoon is they don't stay for a week or longer.
Just one or two days.
I think it's better to have a stock like that all the time.
It's not a typhoon.
Even if there's a missile warning, they tell you to evacuate every time.
And when you have to evacuate in the city,
you have to have a rescue backpack.
There were a lot of people who said,
Please evacuate.
It's an area of landslides.
It's an area of landslides.
It should be more specific.
Please evacuate to Higa-san's house, Miyagi-san's house, and Oshiro-san's house.
They don't leave.
They don't move, I guess.
Then they should call them?
Ambulance or the firefighter sound all day long here.
I wonder if it's okay.
I wonder if it's okay.
How can I say this?
No matter what kind of disaster it is,
we have to prepare for it.
Especially electricity.
That's right.
We went to a convenience store.
And I was about to do tairyogai.
I wanted to buy like vegetables, fruits, and everything.
Because I knew the stock is not enough.
Even at the family mart.
Family mart.
So specific.
But my husband told me,
Stop buying everything because the older people need more.
I tried to return.
He's so appropriate.
And respectful.
Older people want to buy more.
We can go further areas.
It makes sense.
Go further area.
Further area has other older people.
I know.
But really,
I was like this during the pandemic.
I want to buy more.
I understand how you feel.
I want to buy more.
I want to buy everything in the afternoon.
For safety.
It's scary.
There are people who want more.
These things are not distributed equally.
The same goes for disinfectants.
It's good.
It's good.
That something happened.
Not typhoon.
But like a war situation.
Something like a coronavirus situation.
I don't know if typhoon-like disasters come to Okinawa.
When something like this happens,
it becomes a practice.
Because we are too peaceful all the time.
We don't care.
Because we always want mental peace.
We should have a stock room.
Put in the water.
So the food doesn't expire like 10 years.
Or something like that.
Put in a water server.
It's like the name of the city.
It's been a while.
If the electricity stops, the water server stops too.
I see.
Because you plug it in by yourself.
You can't make water by yourself.
You can make water by yourself,
but it's better to buy a bottle of water
and store it for years.
It's good for the environment.
I want you to teach me that.
There are emergency sets like that in companies.
I don't know if there is one for each generation.
One generation.
It's all your responsibility.
It's your responsibility.
It's the same as people who go surfing.
What do you mean?
My responsibility.
That's right.
If it becomes an individual house,
there are a lot of equipment for the house,
but you have to buy
food and electricity
by yourself.
the portable battery thing
costs about 100,000 yen.
It costs about 100,000 yen.
In the end, it costs money.
It's going to be air-conditioned,
so it's better to pay for support.
There are people who really can't buy it.
There are.
It's better to raise supplies.
If you give me money, I'll buy a different one.
People who live outdoors
seem to be strong.
They have everything.
They have a bed,
they have electricity,
they have portable electricity,
and they have something they can cook outside.
You can make tempura
if you just put leaves in a rice cooker.
That's right.
you have to prepare
for two days a day.
If you forget to prepare,
you can rely on people
and rely on the house.
It's good to have a culture
where you can help each other
with family and friends.
That's right.
I feel like I'm doing this
as much as I am in the countryside.
I was wondering what would happen
if I went to the city.
If you go to the city,
they don't give a shit.
Some kind of public space
should do that.
Some hotel
you can use the shower.
They are not kind.
I feel like there are people
like that.
That's right.
It's almost impossible
to have everything.
If you have it,
you can help each other
at home.
don't get too excited
but appropriate
level of excitement
take care of people
around next door
or the family.
If you are open to others,
they are open to you.
cooperate with each other.
Support each other
and prepare for
any time.
Any situation.
Stay safe tomorrow
and enjoy.
That's all for today.

