1. itazoh
  2. 遠いところ 全話
2023-05-22 02:54

遠いところ 全話

【第1話】旅立ちの日 【第2話】早く帰ってきて 【第3話】三ヵ月が過ぎて 【第4話】キラメクもの 【第5話】フォトを見て 【第6話】からだに気をつけてね 【第7話】別れの予感 【第8話】最後のメール 【第9話】別れの場所 【第10話】遠く離れて

Kei and Misaki's Memories
The first is the day of departure.
Looking at the scenery from the window, Kei looks back on her memories with Misaki.
When she met her, the stimulation she gave him was great.
Even when he was about to leave, he felt that he could not forget her.
The second is that he came back early, and Misaki just wanted Kei to come back early.
She was not interested in the city, but she liked the countryside where she lived.
Kei understood her wish and swore to give priority to her feelings.
The third is that three months have passed, and three months have passed, and Kei and Misaki have not met each other.
However, Kei remembered Misaki and tried to give her an effective earring.
He believed it would suit Misaki.
The fourth is a sparkling thing.
However, Misaki said, I don't need earrings, I want his hug.
She says that nothing is more than Kei.
Kei was moved by Misaki's words and stopped giving her earrings, and fell in love with her more deeply.
The fifth is looking at the photo.
Kei uploaded a photo of herself in a dress-up app.
But Misaki thought she liked Kei's honest face, so she put on a slightly dazzling face.
Kei felt embarrassed while he was reliving his memories with her.
The sixth is, be careful of your body.
Misaki liked Kei sitting in the grassland.
Kei, who lives in the city, did not catch a cold and moved her to be careful of her body.
Misaki and Kei's story
Kei thought that Misaki would still live as she was.
The seventh is the feeling of farewell.
Misaki couldn't get anything.
Kei didn't call or email back, she just stayed in her room and cried.
Her friends worried and visited her many times, but Misaki didn't say anything.
Kei had a feeling that she wouldn't come back.
The eighth is the last email.
Kei sent a mail to Misaki.
There was a reason why she wouldn't come back.
Kei decided to go on a journey to pursue her dream,
to not return to her hometown, and to aim for the next step.
The ninth is the place of farewell.
Misaki read Kei's email and shed tears.
Misaki and Kei's Farewell
She wanted to see Kei, but the place written in the email was too far to reach.
Misaki continued to cry alone, and eventually accepted that her and Kei's farewell would become a reality.
The tenth is far away.
Misaki started a new life with Kei's memories in her heart.
However, Kei's farewell suffered her forever and kept her feelings in her heart.
Kei also couldn't forget Misaki and dreamed of meeting her someday while pursuing her dream.
Their feelings were always connected.

