1. ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA
  2. Akagi Campground and Facilit..
2025-03-05 00:43

Akagi Campground and Facilities to Open Simultaneously in Spring 2026.

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".

By AI of "Isesaki FM".

On the 4th, Gunma Prefecture announced a plan to open the campsite and surrounding facilities at the prefectural Akagi Park simultaneously in the spring of 2026. The campsite was originally scheduled to open in the spring of 2025, and the base facility in the fall, but this was postponed due to construction delays. At the end of last year, the major outdoor equipment manufacturer "Snow Peak" was selected as the designated manager. Due to rising prices and labor costs, the total project cost is expected to exceed the initial estimate of approximately 3.2 billion yen.


