1. 2AM OTTACK! - Anime Manga Podcast -
  2. #3【JUMP OTTACK!】 Undead Un..
2024-12-02 11:39

#3【JUMP OTTACK!】 Undead Unluck / Me and Roboco

In this week’s episode, Cisco explains his love for Undead Unluck, some of the Japanese-language specific jokes in this week’s Me and Roboco, checks in on Syd Craft and Kagurabachi’s vibes, and reveals his ignorance of Edo-era slang.

Undead Unluck Episode: #11 Undead Unluck: Unlocking the Unexpected


Undead Unluck (weekly recommendation)

Me and Roboco (shout out and Japanese language jokes)

Syd Craft: Love is a Mystery check-in

Kagurabachi (should become an anime)

Speculation on why Undead Unluck is more popular overseas than in Japan 

The Unknown Etymology of Anpontan

Give us 5 stars. No pressure! 

Voice credit: Funako

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今週のポッドキャストでは、漫画『Undead Unluck』が中心の話題となり、特に女性主人公の特殊能力や彼女とアンドリューとの関係が注目されています。エピソードでは、『Undead Unlock』と『Me and Roboco』について、ストーリーの発展やジョークの文化的文脈が考察されています。また、最新の情報として、『Undead Unluck』と『One Piece』について議論が行われ、『Undead Unlock』の人気が日本国外で高い理由も探求されています。今回のエピソードでは、『Undead Unlock』と『Roboco』についての議論が進められ、特に言葉の由来やアニメ、漫画の展望に焦点が当てられています。

Welcome to Jump OTTACK!
Thanks for joining us for our weekly take on the manga that appear in the Shonen Jump app.
So what did you read and what was fascinating this week?
So I read them all, as usual.
Undead Unluckの魅力
I think this week my choice for the one that I'm going to shout out and talk a little bit about is Undead Unluck.
We've already talked about the Undead Unluck anime that came out this year, and I talked about how much I liked it.
I think you didn't see the whole season, right?
I tried. I don't know about fighting so much.
I don't know for some reason I'm okay with Thunder Dan so far, but Undead Unluck, they're a lot more complicated.
You're missing out.
Anyway, it gets really good towards the end of the first season, I think, and it's kind of a slow burn,
so I can understand people being turned off by the vibe in the beginning and then not continuing with it.
But I feel like if you get up to the part where she goes into the book, from there on, it's pretty good.
Anyway, it's nearing its ending.
I cannot envision the series going on very much longer after the current arc that they're in, so I think it's almost over.
I just have really liked the whole series.
I think it's been really interesting and kind of different than other things that are out there.
It's visually cool and narratively interesting and a lot of stuff, so I think that was my favorite this week.
It had a full color spread last week, and I thought about shouting it out last week too, or maybe I did.
But I didn't give it its whole own episode, so I think I wanted to pick that.
I can't really talk about what's going on in the story without spoiling a lot of things.
Rather than just sort of recap what happened, I think I want to explain why I like it.
I think one of the main reasons is it's got a female main character, and that's not that common in shounen manga generally,
or in manga that run and jump, broadly speaking.
More than that, Fukuo's power, her unluck, isn't really an offensive power, or it's not one she uses to do most of the fighting herself.
A lot of her attacks are teamed up with Andy, because he's undead and can survive whatever the bad luck is to attack other people.
So it's sort of an indirect power, and most of what makes her strong or good isn't her negator ability, it's her brain.
She's really smart, she's emotionally intelligent, and is able to understand what other people are feeling and thinking.
A lot of her challenges aren't about beating people up, they're about getting people to join her and work together with her in a common cause.
I think all of those things have made the manga really interesting and quite good,
and I think it's a shame that more people haven't really gotten into it, or aren't appreciating it in the way that I do.
The current arc that's setting up the end of the series has also felt kind of rushed, honestly.
My guess is that when the anime didn't make a huge splash, or wasn't as big a hit as people were hoping,
they might have told the author, you gotta hurry up and wrap this thing up, or you gotta land this plane.
And that's been unfortunate to feel, some of it's being rushed, rather than getting to take its time and really develop each of the stories it wanted to.
But it hasn't wrecked it.
So anyway, it's a great, great manga. I really wish it got more recognition.
And I think it's also a love-hate thing, I've definitely heard on the internet that people either really like this or really don't like it.
So count me in the camp that really likes it.
The other reason I wanted to pick it is it allows me to talk about at least one more manga from this week,
and that is probably my favorite currently-running manga, Me and Roboco, which is just the best in so many ways.
But this week's Me and Roboco is a shout-out to Undead Unlock, and that's another reason why I think it's gotta be wrapping up.
The Roboco manga author often kind of shouts out his peers when their series is coming to a close.
I mean, he does it all the time, actually, regardless of where they are in the show or in the story.
But here, it really feels like a send-off.
But the episode of Roboco is just about the font that appears in Undead Unlock when it's naming their powers.
And it has a couple of jokes in it that really require you to know both English and Japanese.
And so while I know it's bad form to explain jokes, I'm just going to explain the one at the very end.
Or at least, I guess I'm not going to explain the joke.
I'm going to give the context that is necessary to appreciate the joke, which is that in Japan, Japan has regular donuts,
like from Mr. Donuts that look and taste like American donuts, more or less.
But they also have a type of donut called an anpan donut.
And yeah, red bean paste in a donut filling.
Is there something legitimately different than anpan to anpan donuts?
Anpan is not deep fried.
You said anpan, right?
Yeah, anpan is just baked.
Yeah, bread.
Is there steamed anpan, or that's not a thing?
That's an man.
An man.
An man.
So anpan is a baked one.
And an donuts is a fried one.
Okay, great.
So anyway, that's some necessary cultural context in order to fully get one of the jokes in this week's Roboco,
which is, you know, an homage to Undead Unlock in a way that I really appreciated.
I will also do just sort of a catch up because I've been talking about SIDCRAFT since it came out.
I wanted to say this week's SIDCRAFT is more of a mystery.
It doesn't hit as hard on the romance angle, although it's still there, like buried underneath.
And this week's mystery I was able to solve without thinking too hard.
So it feels like kind of the Goldilocks spot.
Like the first one was impossible, and the second one was really obvious.
And this one feels like it's right in the middle where, like, you could figure it out if you think about it as it's going along.
It's not impossible.
It's also not, like, you know, too easy.
Felt just right.
And so there wasn't as much development of the romantic plot, but I still enjoyed it.
And I'm going to do one more shout out to Kagura Bachi, which is definitely an up and coming manga.
I think it already got decided it's going to have an anime adaptation, although I don't double check anything for this podcast.
I'm like the worst podcaster ever.
I do zero research about stuff.
I just pop off with, like, I'm pretty sure I think this is going to happen.
Like, I don't use the Internet.
Anyway, if it doesn't have an anime adaptation already lined up like it freaking should, because it's definitely going to do really well as an anime eventually.
And this week had a very cool twist in it that I feel like is probably not good.
I mean, by the end of the chapter, they kind of undo it a little bit, but it was like it was good.
I think all along that the plot of that has been a little bit more unpredictable than your typical shounen bottle manga.
And so I like it.
I think it's solid.
And I liked this week's one too.
And One Piece came back this week.
Thank God.
And every time you read One Piece, you're like, oh, this is why it's run for 1,132, 34, something like that chapters.
And everything else is on like the most successful ones, like in the two, three hundreds, you know?
Okay. I think that's it.
I think I'm done.
I think Oda sensei was in Cape Town.
For the shooting.
Oh, you mean shooting of the TV show?
It sounded like he was there and like gunshots were fired.
Okay. Because that scared me for a second.
Yeah. For the live action One Piece.
Yeah. I think that's why he took a break.
I mean, it was just one week.
Sometimes One Piece is just off.
But in any case, One Piece is still dope.
I just wanted to say, I feel like I saw somewhere online that Undead Unlock is more popular outside of Japan.
I read that too, actually.
Yeah, that it's more popular in other places.
I don't really know what to chalk that up to.
In a way, it doesn't make sense to me because the show is about, it's like really a team effort.
Not just the show, the manga too, is about like lots of people collaborating.
It's got like a group effort to it that feels like it should play well in Japan.
And so I don't want to be like, oh, every time like a female lead manga doesn't do well, it's sexism.
But I kind of think it might be sexism.
Also, Andy's not Japanese.
But he can speak Japanese.
Yeah, but the main male character is from outside of Japan.
He's an American.
So I wonder whether, you know, they're kind of an interracial couple.
Like, I wonder whether there's some like bias that like against it on either a conscious or a subconscious level.
Well, hopefully its popularity overseas will carry it to a second season of the anime.
I would really like for them to make the whole show, although, or to make the whole manga into a TV show.
But I am sort of skeptical based on what I've read that they're going to get renewed.
So did you figure out the word Anponton?
No, I still don't understand.
I mean, like I get, I understand what the meaning is, but I do not understand the etymology of the word and like why Anponton means.
I don't know either.
Oh, you don't?
I don't know.
I mean, the only thing I'm sure is nobody says Anponton anymore.
It's like a Showa thing.
Okay. Is it like a portmanteau?
Is it different words put together?
Is the ton like...
I have no clue.
That was also used in Roboco.
And even I, Japanese expert extraordinaire, had no idea what it meant.
See, like I've never said to you before.
I'm a respectful person.
No one's ever said Anponton around me in any context.
I've never even heard it in an anime before.
Yeah, see, that's why.
Okay. To me, it seemed like it was like related to unimportant because those are the parts of the English word that it resembles.
But I was like, it's obviously not that.
Should we check it?
No, we don't do research for this show.
I do all the time.
So you can do it. I'm not going to do it.
It comes from like a medicine.
Comes from Edo period.
I didn't see that coming.
Maybe there can be an Akane Banashi cross over there.
Well, meaning is like a whole ideas.
Shout out Undead Unlock.
Wish you were continuing.
Shout out Roboco for shouting out Undead Unlock.
And shout out Kagura Bachi for some like Game of Thrones style like plot twisting.
Oh, really?
I mean, like, I feel like that's like a spoiler.
So like, no, no, it's not like super Game of Thrones-y.
But like, I don't know.
Just like I feel like that's that's like one of the few manga where it is hard to be sure what's coming next.
And I like that about it.
All right.
Thank you so much for listening to this week's episode.
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No pressure.
At all.
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Jump Attack!

