1. 2AM OTTACK! - Anime Manga Podcast -
  2. #2 【JUMP OTTACK!】Super Psy..
2024-11-25 12:09

#2 【JUMP OTTACK!】Super Psychic Policeman Chojo

In this episode we check in on Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi and Syd Craft: Love is a Mystery and Cisco gives a shout-out to a location mentioned in Hima-Ten.  Featured this week is Super Psychic Policeman Chojo and its new “lewd” character!

Undead Unluck Episode: #11 Undead Unluck: Unlocking the Unexpected


New Series! Syd Craft: Love Is a Mystery Update

Hima-Ten and Our Experience at Mt. Takao

Pick Up of the Week! Super Psychic Policeman Chojo ...........................................................................................


In this shorter podcast series, Cisco gives his opinion on the latest Shonen Jump manga chapters released each week through the Shonen Jump app.  Find a new series, hear a hot take, or just learn more about the currently-running manga in Shonen Jump! 

Voice credit: Funako

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#anime #podcast #manga


今週のエピソードでは、Shonen Jumpの新しい漫画、特に『Undead Unlock』や『Himaten』について詳細が紹介されます。また、登場人物が東京の高尾山を登る『超能力警官チョージョ』も取り上げられ、個性的なキャラクターやユニークなアートスタイルについて話されます。超能力を持つ警察官が登場し、彼は怠け者で未熟です。新宿を舞台にした子供向けのギャグ満載のストーリーが展開され、超能力を持つ警察官や柔道が得意な女性キャラクター、変身可能なロボットを中心に、漫画のストーリーと独特なアートスタイルについて議論されます。

Shonen Jumpの最新情報
Konnichiwa! Welcome back to Jump OTTACK!
I'm your host Mayu, and...
I'm your other host, Sisko?
Okay, just making sure.
A new batch of Shonen Jump chapters appears every Sunday morning at 7AM daylight time.
I just read them all in a row, and then give some quick thoughts on what's going on in Shonen Jump manga this week.
Alright, let's do some updates about the mangas you read last week.
It's probably a better romance manga than a detective manga, so I'm sure it'll have, like, some of both.
But this week's, like, quote-unquote mystery is, like, much more easily...
Well, I guess the one thing the detective, like, deduces is completely impossible.
But there's, like, a bonus thing of, like, hey, did you notice, like, this little hint early in the chapter?
And, like, that part is very, very easy to, like, put together and be like, oh, I see where they're going with this.
As opposed to last week, where it felt more like a Detective Conan mystery, where it was, like, you had to notice some, like, completely irrelevant detail, like, hidden in, like, the margins.
This one has sort of two things to guess, and one of them's, like, it's pretty unlikely you're going to figure it out.
And the other one is, like, pretty doable to be like, oh, that looks like I can figure out what that means.
And boom, you're right.
So it's still good. I'm liking it.
I'm curious to see where it will continue to go, and it's funny.
I also wanted to give an update on Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi, because last week I was like, oh, I don't know, I feel like it might be ending.
And it's not.
For sure it's not.
It's going to go strong for at least, like, I don't know.
I would say at least, like, three dozen more chapters.
Although, who knows.
But, like, it's not nearing its conclusion.
So that's fine.
I guess the one that is explicitly nearing its conclusion is Undead Unlock, which I've been a huge fan of.
We did an episode about the anime.
And so I think people know that, like, I really like Undead Unlock.
And that one is, like, clearly telegraphing that it's almost over.
It's got a color page spread and everything.
And so I'm going to be really sorry to see it go, because I loved it.
But I'm also excited for what the ending is going to be like.
And this week's chapter is good.
We talked about Undead Unlock this year, and we have an episode about it.
So check that episode in the description.
And then the last, like, quick shout I wanted to give was to Himaten, which is, I guess, should I explain about what the manga is about?
I have no clue.
Oh, okay.
So maybe I need to.
So it's fundamentally about a guy who cleans houses and is in high school.
And the teenage girl boss, literal girl boss, of a cosmetics company transfers to his school and sort of accidentally hires him as a house cleaner.
He's secretly cleaning her house and making and cooking for her, while at the same time he's at school, like, you know, got a crush at school from a girl who's in the same class who also likes Mac, but neither of them know it.
And then also a pinup model, like a girl who appears on the front pages of other magazines other than Jump, like, in a bikini, right?
Who's also transferring to their school, I think, and is friends with the girl boss CEO, and who has a very explicit crush on the main character, and who I think is also hiring him to come clean her house.
Is it Lava Triangle?
Yeah, right now I think it's already a square, because there's at least three girls and a guy.
So far, there are no other guys.
And the main guy being, like, a house cleaner is kind of a cool twist, right?
And so some of the power dynamics are reversed, right?
Like, two of the girls who like him are his literal boss.
And he's, like, you know, he's good at cooking and cleaning, which is, like, who doesn't like that?
So it's pretty good.
Anyway, the reason I wanted to shout it out was in this week's chapter, there's a reference to one of the characters having climbed Mount Takao in Tokyo, which is a mountain we climbed this past summer when we were there.
What was your experience?
Well, we mostly went down Mount Takao.
Like, we took the, I think it's called a funicular rail line in English.
We took, what's it called in Japanese?
A cable car.
A cable car.
I feel like a cable car in America is something that's attached at the top by, like, a rope.
It's like a ropeway.
And I think when it's on, like, a track, but it's a really steep track, it's got a different name.
And I don't actually know if funicular railway is it, although I think that that's what they're called.
It's funny.
It's the steepest one in Eastern, in all of Japan or just Eastern Japan?
All of Japan.
So it's an incredibly steep railway that goes straight up the mountain.
We rode it.
It was awesome.
And it saved us, like, half the climb, right?
It's not a tall mountain.
It's not that high.
But also, the railway does not go all the way up, right?
I think it goes about halfway up the mountain, right?
So we, like, cheated on the first half and took a rail, a very, very short train.
I think that's a smart idea, especially if you're hiking, climbing in summer.
Going in August was not the play, but that's when we happened to be there.
So we saved ourselves the first half.
The second half was very hot, a lot of steps.
And we got to the top, and then we hiked all the way back down from, like, a different route that was...
We saw people coming up, and it just looked, like, brutal.
Like, I'm really glad we didn't go up that way.
But so, given that we've climbed it, I also was like, I thought it was cool that it was shouted out in the manga.
So finally, moving on to my pick of the week.
This is a manga I'm going to be honest and say I usually don't really like.
And it's called Super Psychic Policeman Chojo.
This manga is very heavily referencing...
What's the really famous one?
Kotsura Katsushikaku Kameyari.
Something like that.
Okay, yeah.
I don't know it at all.
I just know it as Kochikame, which is about a police station and, like, the sort of cast of funny characters who work there.
It's also got, like, a really distinctive art style, right?
Kochikame, like, looks different than most other manga.
I feel like the characters are more cartoony and, like, less, like, traditional manga style.
So Super Policeman Chojo is similar.
The characters are, like, much more cartoony.
They look kind of, you know, like, their bodies and faces are, like, very round and, like, not regular anime or manga style.
And so right off the bat, like, the art style doesn't, like, truly do it for me.
Like, that's not my preferred sort of, like, approach to anything.
But it communicates the lightness of the tone of the manga overall.
The main character is a psychic policeman, but he's intensely lazy and kind of immature.
Like, he really likes building plastic models and playing, like, collectible card games against little kids and stuff.
And he's not a very good policeman, even though he's a psychic.
And also, nothing really serious seems to happen in the place there, which is obviously Shinjuku, but it's called Shinjuku, written with Mezurashi.
And so, like, a lot of the jokes, at least in the first, like, the body of the series are, like, very, like, low level, like, little kid type jokes.
Like, they're not what you would expect from Shinjuku, right?
But they did introduce a character, like, you know, a number of chapters ago who is a, like, a teenage boy who's a pervert.
And he's pretty funny.
Like, I really like when they bring that character out, but he's not in most of the chapters.
And in this one, they finally created, like, a female character who's also a pervert.
But, like, her level of perversion is, like, really, really minimal.
Like, she's like, oh, my God, I can see your collarbone.
Like, it's still kind of, like, kidsy in a way.
Like, it's not very mature.
But again, like, experimenting with, like, oh, let's, like, make some of these characters perverted was, like, a huge win for the show or for the manga.
Like, it made it much funnier than it usually is.
I think part of my problem with this manga is that a lot of its references are things I don't know.
Like, Yu-Gi-Oh! is, like, clearly, like, really heavily referenced here, as well as, like, other collectible card trading games that I'm, like, not that interested in.
And then, like, the art style is not really my jam.
And so, overall, I think I, if I'm being honest, I don't really love this manga.
But it, like, made great strides in its jokes, in my opinion, by introducing this new character who I hope we see a lot more of in the future.
Because towing the line on, like, topics that are, I don't know, like, more edgy, I think, is, like, the right direction for a manga that struggles to be, like, relevant and grown up enough to, like, go.
And I think, you know, it has some self-awareness, just like me and Roboco, about, like, who is its audience?
Like, who is reading this?
Like, who are we really pitching it to?
And I think it's different.
I think it's pitched kind of young.
I think it's pitched to, like, 9-, 10-, 11-year-olds, right?
Whereas, like, reading it as someone my age, I'm, like, kind of like, you know, I don't really want to, like, have to, like, stay at that level of humor.
I would like something a little bit more grown up, so.
Is it, like, a gag manga?
It's a gag manga, yeah.
But, like, a lot of the gags, like I said, I think are, like, pitched low.
I respect that.
It is what it is.
But it's just, like, I don't think I was going to highlight this manga in another episode, really.
So I figured now is a good time to give it a shout-out.
You know, respect to all manga creators, regardless of, like, what you make.
And although this one is not usually for me, this particular chapter was a hit.
I thought I'd give it some love.
Does the story end every time?
Uh, no.
There's, like, recurring characters and themes.
There are not a lot of, like, and then in the next, you know, like, the next one is also about a continuing thing.
When it does that, it only goes, like, two or three at a time.
But it doesn't sort of, like, fully reset.
Like, when it introduces a new character, that new character is then, like, incorporated into the police station or whatever.
So they have, like, the main guy who has psychic powers, the main girl who is really good at judo, and a robot.
There's a robot who works at there.
But he's, like, a really small, cute robot.
But he can also transform into a car.
It's kind of random.
And then there's, like, some other people who are at the station all the time who don't work there.
There's an old, drunk guy.
There's a, like, teenager who's sort of a pervert.
There's, like, kind of an oneesan type.
There's, like, two or three oneesan types who, like, are in the story, although they don't work at the station.
So there's only, like, three cops at the station.
And then the boss, who, like, we haven't seen in, I don't know, 15 chapters or something.
Like, there is a sergeant, I think, but, like, he's just never around.
I mean, the reason why I liked reading Kochikame was because the story ends right there in the chapter every single time.
And I didn't have to follow.
Yeah, I think this one is definitely like that.
I don't think you need to, like, be up on what happened in the last chapter most of the time.
Again, I think, like, sometimes there's, like, two chapters in a row about, like, something.
But it's not, like, it's not that deep.
There's not a lot of, like, oh, no, you missed the plot point here.
Like, the characters are pretty static, etc.
Okay, so that's why you recommend it to someone like me.
A casual manga reader?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I think so.
Yeah, I think the other thing is, like, the art style is truly very different from other manga, even in Jump.
So I think, like, it's probably something you either find endearing or, like, are kind of like, eh, I don't know.
And I'm in the second camp.
All right, sounds good.
Thank you so much for listening.
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And if you have any comments about our podcast, leave a comment on Spotify and YouTube.
Anything else you'd like to say?
There's a lot of other manga that I wish I could have talked about in this episode.
But I'll try to get to them all eventually.
Thank you so much.

