We are broadcasting Japanese stuff on Youtube. This News letter will publish Article related with our Youtube movies.
Conversation about Takoyaki & Osaka
We are just eating Takoyaki and talking about Takoyaki and Osaka. You can find some of Osaka local information. 00:00 Heading to Recording place02:12 Just Eating Takoyaki 03:51 Osaka has cheaper Takoyaki stand 06:22 Mari's Osaka Memories 10:34 Southan Osaka Dangerous Talk 15:52 Mari's Friend wanted Japanese tattoo 17:21 Beck want to bring something Osaka's good we would appreciate it if you subscribe to this youtube channel and give us a high evaluation for this movie. 📌 Socials : Beck:🐥Twitter: @beck1241 https://twitter.com/beck1241 Mari: 🐥Twitter: mariexp_ https://twitter.com/mariexp_ 📸Instagram: mariexp_life https://www.instagram.com/mariexp_life/ Thank you for subscribing. Share this episode.
Episode2 : What we would like to talk - Part2
We are discussing what we want to discuss in this program. Especially we had talked about history topic such as “how to born Samurai period“ and “Why Kamakura shogunate has been made in Kamakura“.00:14 Introduction 01:30 Examtples - History topics 08:52 Other topics 13:47 Closingwe would appreciate it if you subscribe to this youtube channel and give us a high evaluation for this movieYou can find materials from here.You can see the transcription bellow.https://listen.style/p/ko6tuljv?0KX5Kkcd 📨Deep Japan in Japanglish newsletter&Podcast also available 📌 Socials : Beck: 🐥Twitter: @beck1241 https://twitter.com/beck1241 Mari: 🐥Twitter: mariexp_ https://twitter.com/mariexp_ 📸Instagram: mariexp_life https://www.instagram.com/mariexp_life/ Thank you for subscribing. Share this episode.
What we would like to talk − Part1
We just launched a new English Youtube program. We are discussing what we want to discuss in this program.00:09 Introduction 09:21 What we will present 12:15 Key Topics 24:42 ClosingI would appreciate it if you subscribe to this youtube channel and give us a high evaluation for this movie.You can see the presentation material hereAlso please give us feedback and requests. 📨NewsLetter and Podcast* Deep Japan in Japanglish newsletter&Podcast 📌 Socials : * Beck: 🐥Twitter: @beck1241 * Mari: 🐥Twitter: @mariexp_ 📸Instagram: mariexp_life Thank you for subscribing. Share this episode.
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