1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビン激似の人を韓国で発見
2023-12-15 07:54





Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
There was this information that I got from one of the Shichoshas, right?
This person, this Shichosha sent me this message.
Hey, I found this guy, and this guy really looks like you.
I was like, interesting, let me take a look.
I was blown away.
I was blown away, man.
I think I found a twin brother.
Oh, really?
In Korea.
Let me show you.
Yeah, please.
It's pretty unbelievable.
You know, I couldn't stop laughing.
It was fascinating.
Blown away of how much this guy looked like me.
You know, there are many, you know, people sending you messages like, oh, he's just like you.
He looks like you.
Which aren't, you know, isn't quite true.
Isn't that true?
You know, I know, right?
Like, yeah, I mean, similar vibe, but not exactly me, right?
But no.
This guy is fucking unbelievable.
All right.
All right.
Let me, okay.
My twin brother.
All right?
Let's go.
Right here.
This is him.
No, look, man.
Look, there's more.
There's more.
Hold on.
Hold on.
You got to look at the whole video.
There's different angles of him.
And it's, the more you look, the more this guy looks like me.
Do you believe that?
This guy looks exactly like me.
I can't believe it, right?
Like, he has all these, I don't know.
I think he's a.
Model or something.
Model or something.
The smile.
That's fucking me.
He's a buff guy.
This guy looks exactly like me.
This guy looks fucking exactly like me.
I've never seen anyone who looks so much like
It's just weird.
Is that weird for you?
Like, how's your feeling?
Is that happy or scary?
Funny guys.
Funny guys.
yeah he has a brother this is his brother and he looks like me as well
wow i mean this guy man the brother looks like me too right yeah
fucking crazy if you joined this picture we look like black and white picture
we would be triplets yeah right no one's gonna believe you are not brothers right
look at them
this is fucking this is fucking me oh you can't really tell
this is me
all right so the name of the guy name of the guy is sung
hun kim okay and so the the at is m-o-o-x-s-s-a-n-g
um yeah if you check
him out on instagram you'll find all these photos of him well to me like brother is more you to me
oh the brother is more okay yeah maybe the brother i think this is the brother wait he has a twin and
a brother fuck wait let's look at the twin oh this guy's oh they're twin brothers oh this is
a twin account okay so this is a twin account and this is the other brother okay okay okay so
you think he looks like me more than the other guy the hair is like more more like you so that's why
ah true true true the hair right if you compare the hair it's like me
yeah oh that's funny it's pretty funny right i oh there's him with the glasses
yeah pretty um pretty astonishing yeah you know pretty astonishing yeah i want you to
like visit them yeah yeah and like have a group have a good photo right yeah just
say that i have two big brothers you know damn oh wow it's pretty pretty unbelievable yeah
yeah look at that picture this one right yeah if i if i look like this yeah you're gonna think
it's me
yeah that's just wow yeah some crazy shit out there wow yeah you know oh that's funny yeah
so yeah this week i was i discovered that i had it's possible that he's my twin brother
and they're always friends yeah they're already yeah they're already friends they have triplets
now yeah it's possible that he's my twin brother and they're always friends yeah they're already
friends yeah they're always friends yeah they're always friends yeah they're always friends yeah they're always friends
possible that i was in a triplet you would you would confirm that this person is the closest
you've ever seen yeah especially like the black white picture can you make like this yeah you put
your face with it let's do that let's do that three put me in the let's photoshop me into that
picture and make a triplet photo very funny see how yeah okay and you would have to choose which
one's me see if you get it right
all right
that's funny pretty fascinating shit right yeah yeah yeah wow all right scary
yeah yeah you should you should text them oh yeah i i don't know i i don't i don't think i should
i don't know i do want to respect them you know okay i don't want to be like hey we look alike
you know i would want to be
gentle there yeah true wow yeah but i did follow that person
wow yeah then like the hairstyles and like clothes and everything they are like model
guys so they're very you know so good into that right yeah so you you copy them right then you
you can be the very great exactly like i'll know what looks good on me yeah through them
yeah yeah they could really teach me how like i should like dress and everything right that
would be great that would be great like textbook you know right i know right yeah right yeah
maybe you should you you know let your hair grow and like long like that right maybe i'll
maybe i'll do that maybe like because i already know what i would look like yeah
right yeah yeah maybe you should climb the ropes right right go to the beach everything yeah yeah
maybe i'll look good yeah
all right so funny it's uh funny it's always funny yeah yeah yeah it is right it is
yeah right all right so there you go thanks for sitting guys thank you bye

