1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんはコーヒー中毒なのか?
2023-09-15 13:45


そうです。彼はコーヒーAddictです。by Kevin



Yes, yes. Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast. Hello. So the microphone fucking works. Yes, yes, yes.
We just checked the last episode's audio file, and it was working properly. Properly, very clear audio.
Crisp and clear. Yeah. Ah, thank god. Yeah. Thank god it worked.
Wow. Yeah. Um, not related. Okay. I have something I wanted to try. All right, let's try it. Let me go
get it. Okay, let's try. And I can go get it. I can move around, and still the audio is just as clear.
That's amazing. That's fucking awesome. You can just go anywhere basically you want. Right. I can,
I can go in the bathroom and make you guys uncomfortable. Yes, you can. Yes.
All right. Oh, so what's coming? Remember several episodes ago, I was like,
I have this recipe that I wanted to try out. Yeah, yeah, I remember that. Sprite and Lipton.
Yeah, that's what you introduced us. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Sprite and Lipton right here. Yeah, yeah.
This is a combination that I wanted to try. So that's what you, wait, wait, what is that?
Is that like classic Sprite? Remember the can was gone? Yeah. And there was a bottle left. Yeah.
At Daily Yamazaki. Right. And it said, new product. Oh, so this is it. Okay. Is that same logo?
Like without any like lemon or something like lime or like. You know, come to think of it, I think,
I think the logo did change. Yeah, like to me, it's like, I've never seen that logo before. It's too
like simple. I think you're right. Yeah. I think it's gotten uglier. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know.
It's, it's, it's, it's like a boring. It's boring. Yeah. It's just too simple. It's like, I would
not like to be a fan of this logo. Yeah. It doesn't like, it doesn't look fun. Yeah, it doesn't look.
Yeah. It doesn't look like something that I would taste really good. Yeah. But, but you know the
taste, right? But I know the taste. I love the taste. Okay. So let me try it. Yeah. Let me try
too. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, I have to pour this out a little bit. So you have to first.
Okay. Pour some of it out. Okay. Because it's going to spill. All right. Okay. And. Oh, so you're
going to put that into this bottle? Yes. Wow. You get your Lipton tea. Yeah. I'm just gonna stick it
in the Sprite bottle. Wow. Okay. I'm going to go for two. Oh, we're going to. Wow. Feeling fancy
right now. Is that like the right recipe? Oh, it's just you. It's just me. Oh, okay. Being exciting.
Okay. Okay. And then I'm going to. Oh, wow. Close the cap. Okay. Close the cap. Sure. Wow.
All right. Close, close, close. Yeah. And then. Yeah. You're going to flip it upside down. Wow.
And then wait for 20 minutes. Wow. So we're going to have to drink this at another episode. Sure,
of course. But, um, we're going to keep waiting. Yeah. See how it goes. Keep the guy like this.
Yes. Okay. I'm going to put it back in the fridge. All right. All right. Wow. Yeah. So it's like.
So it's like tea with, well, it's like lemon tea, sweetened lemon tea with Tansan.
I guess that's what it is. Yeah. With lime and lemon. Yeah. Lime and lemon goes well with tea.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Wow. Okay. How does they explain that the taste of it, of this,
the original video, it said 12 out of 10. That's what it said. Wow. 12 out of 10.
Must be so nice then. Wow. Can't wait. Yeah. Yeah. And how's that? Yeah. It's just as good.
Good as always. Oh, that's great. Have I told you that Sprite is my favorite drink? Yeah. Okay.
Yeah. It is. Was that like that clear? Yeah. It was this clear. No. This transparent. Yeah.
Just like water. Just like water. Yeah. I think it always has been. Yeah. Wow. Wow.
Do you drink these? These Lipton tea bags?
Never? Well, not never, but. You're a big coffee guy. Yeah. You're not a tea guy.
But I told you before, but I was into tea world when I was around
um late junior high and high school. Oh, really? And I was, uh, you know, trying to be, um,
yeah, trying to be a very gentleman. Yeah. I think, I think I've heard of that. I bought like,
not those tea bags, but I bought tea itself. What do you mean tea? Like, you know, the, I mean,
the leaves itself, you know, not like those bags, but like, you know, the canned. Oh, like
leave. Okay. I know some places where like, they have a lot of cans lined on the walls. Those,
those. And so that's tea bag. Yeah. What's in it? I mean, not, not tea bag, but like, what's in it?
Oh, just like the tea leaves. What are the normal tea leaves look like? Um, how big are they?
I think just like these. Oh, so they're just not in a tea bag. Yeah. The inside of it. Yeah. Yeah.
They just. So it's not like an actual leave looking like plant leaves. No, but that's,
this is too small and too, um, powder. Powdery. Oh yeah. It's, it's more like, um, you know, um,
Japanese teas, green teas. Yeah. Have you ever seen those leaves? Ah, yes. Yeah. Just like them.
Like Hojicha. I know what Hojicha looks like. Not like powders, but like leaves. Yeah. Yeah.
Just like those, um, you know, leaves itself are different. Of course the types are different, but
the dried bit cut and like the size, like two millimeters. So when you were in those age where
you love tea. Yeah. Well, I mean, I w I didn't love tea. I love it. Yeah. Look cool. Yeah.
Did you, were you able to understand the difference in like the tea bags and like the actual
good shit? No. Oh, well, I mean, maybe if I try now, then I can find something, but back then,
yeah. Back then I was just a kid who just wanted to look gentleman. I see. So, okay. Yeah. What
was the most gentleman-ish kind of tea out there? Um, like there's a lot of tea out there. Yeah.
Oolong, Earl Grey. Yeah. English Breakfast. Yeah. What was your go-to, um, good looking?
Darjeeling. Oh, yeah. Okay. Or Earl Grey. Earl Grey. Okay. I mean, yeah.
It's not because you like the flavor? Um, see, I don't know the differences.
Right. Still now, I have no idea which one is which. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. It just
sounded cool to me. Like Earl Grey. Oh, I see. No milk? No milk. Because straight is cooler. Yeah.
So that's what I did. So I had these tea a lot when I was around that age. I see. But after that,
um, you know, I'm more into like coffee now. So, but sometimes I drink them. Sometimes. Like
once every two months. That's not a lot. That's not, that's not, that's not at all. Yeah. Sometimes
I drink. Did you start coffee because you wanted to be a coffee guy? Like right now you love the
taste. Yeah. Well, at the beginning. Well, I don't. Um, so I remember when I was like elementary
school boy, I first tried this coffee. Okay. Because I wanted to be adult. So that's what I
remember. But at the moment that was too bitter for me and I couldn't drink them. So I was just,
I'm not, I still, I still, I'm still a kid, but I found like college students.
So the, the reason why I started was one, um, I wanted to be looked adult. Yeah. You want to look
cool. Yeah. Yeah. Or simply, um, stay whole night. Oh, the caffeine effect? Yeah. Could be.
And start drinking them. And maybe those two. I see. Yeah. Either one. Has the caffeine ever hit
you? Like, have you ever noticed caffeine hitting you? Yeah. Really? But not recently.
Because you're too much used to it. Damn. But I still feel the difference if I don't drink coffee
in the, um, a.m. Time. Yeah. In the morning or not. How is it different? Oh, I will be very
sleepy if I don't drink coffee. Really? Yeah. I'm not very sleepy, but I will be more energetic.
I see. Yeah. More, more like alive. I see. Yeah. I see. I see. I see. Is it more proper to say
without coffee? Yeah. With coffee, you're normal. But without coffee, you're getting that
kindan shoujo. Is that a proper way of putting it? Um, could be. Could be. Could be. Because
you, you brought in two cups of coffee. Yeah. Today to the studio. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Because it's like, you know, we started recording from the morning. What the fuck are you talking
about? It's usual to me. Wait. Can you justify that again? Okay. Justify your two cups of coffee
bringing it to the studio. Tell me. Because, you know, how is that okay? We start recording from
11 and usually we record until like five or four, right? Even. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So it's usual for me
to drink one coffee in the morning time. Okay. And then like after like one or two, I drink one
coffee. And then like evening time, I like around five, six, I drink another coffee. Okay. That's my
usual drinking habit. I see. Yeah. All right. I guess it's not that bad. Oh, it says like three
cups are like good. I mean, not too much. You just, you know, people want to hear what they want to
hear. Right. But at least like getting one coffee in the morning time starts to be necessary in my
life. So that's like they change my thing. They change your system. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Wow.
Yeah. You know, I said that I've asked you this before. I don't know if it was on the podcast,
but like, what's, is alcohol healthy for you? And like, we got into the topic of like, maybe red
wine is. Oh. Or did we not? I don't think so. Okay. Oh, maybe it was a different person. Yeah.
But I kind of remember, slightly remember we talked about that. Yeah. Yeah. So there was this
topic of like, red wine is probably one of the least ones, probably one of the only ones that are
alcohols that are actually healthy for you. Yeah. But like, I did a little research on it.
I dug into it a little bit, but the research apparently was done only to like the Westerners.
And that's not, they're not Asians. Asians have a different. Right. You know,
right. Alcohol. Right. So like, it's not, you can't just say that because it was good for Westerners.
It's good for the Asians as well. Yeah. Could be alcohol itself is very harmful for us. And there
was no experiment conducted on the Asians. Right. Of like, if wine, drinking everyday wine is good
for you or not. Yeah. So people want to hear what they want to hear.
True. Is that coffee right now you're drinking? Yeah. Of course.
Good coffee. My second coffee of today, of the day. Wait, it's 1.44. You're on your second coffee
already? It's a bit too early. It's a bit early. Okay. All right. But I felt like, so I went to
a coffee shop this morning. Is that maybe 10 minutes back? It's 14. Okay. This is what happens.
All right. If we don't have the time. Right. We have to put time on. It's actually on the next
episode. It's not a big thing. So, I went to the coffee shop this morning and then the coffee,
you know, guy told me that, oh, we have two beans today. That's a little special,
two beans. And I was like, I have to try those too. Such an easy customer.
Thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Bye-bye.

