1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. キウイは縦に切ったほうが食べ..
2023-03-11 10:49


キウイ1/8 !?

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
I was feeling adventurous this morning.
I always eat kiwi in the morning.
Oh, your nose is clogged up.
The voice. Yeah. Extremely clogged up.
You okay? I'm okay. You don't sound okay at all.
Yeah. Do I sound cool now? You don't sound cool.
Oh really? You sound very clogged up. Really? No.
I don't think that sounds cool. I'm sure you and Kake-chan think it's cool, but I don't think it's that cool.
I think I'm really cool now. I don't know.
It feels very clogged up. I feel like my voice is really deep enough.
You need a tissue. Thank you. You sound like you need a tissue.
The Kaffun show killing you?
Yeah, a bit. It's like 30% Kaffun show.
The other 70? I sang a lot yesterday. My voice is kind of cracked.
And also I just woke up.
So that's why. I see. It's a combination.
Triple combo. Yeah, triple combo. Made my voice cool.
Not cool, by the way.
So is yours lower? Lower than usual? What do you mean?
Can you go lower than your usual lowest voice? At the pitch?
How low can you go?
I'm not sure if that's low enough. Yeah, I feel like my voice is heavy.
It does feel heavy. I don't know if that was your lowest voice.
I don't know. I've never actually heard you go to your lowest.
I can't go low. You can't go low? No.
You were meant to be a high pitched voice guy.
Yeah, I can't go to the low part.
You know we do sometimes the bass part when you do a Kaffu Lau?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't remember you being a bass guy.
Yeah, because it's too low to me. I was like...
But now I can, I think.
Were you concerting yesterday or something? No, no, no. I just recorded my new song.
Oh, okay.
I was just yelling all the time. What kind of music are you making, dude?
I wanted to put my yelling part
into a song and just shouting like
"clouds are shouting." Oh, you were doing the crowd as well?
Yeah, I did it by myself.
I shouted like 50 times.
Oh, I see.
Aren't there some like "souzai" for that?
Free souzai you can get?
You know, the words? There are so many like "yeah" or like
"woo" but I wanted to
say the word.
Yeah, it's like in lyrics.
Aren't there AIs that can do that or something?
AIs can make voices, right? Yeah, could be.
They have the Trump voice, the Obama voice and everything.
Yeah, so that I can put those guys' voices.
Yeah, put everybody's president on the crowd and have them yell at you.
Recently I've been eating kiwis in the mornings.
You know, delicious.
Fruits, right? Sour, sweet.
Yeah, good. And I was feeling adventurous this morning
and I decided to cut my kiwi in a different way
than how I usually cut it. How do you usually cut?
Usually, you know how it's a little bit oval shaped, right? It's a little bit long.
Like it's not a perfect circle. It's a little bit long.
Like it's a little bit omonaga. You know what I'm talking about, right?
And I cut in the middle. Into two parts.
I cut
not parallel with the long side, but
perpendicular to it.
And then you eat with spoons. I eat with spoons, right.
And I decided to cut parallel with the long side.
You know what I'm talking about? You know how a kiwi has a top and a bottom?
Like it has that little dot?
Strong, like, sangy fiber thing.
It's all down there in the middle, and up there and down there.
Usually when you cut it in half, perpendicular to it,
the seed, the center, goes in the very bottom.
You get that, right? But today, when you cut parallel to it,
you cut through the two points. You know what I'm talking about?
So you end up with a long,
long shaped half circle.
You have like two points on both sides.
On both ends. Half a point on both ends.
And, you know, actually, I thought that was better.
It helps easier to eat.
Really? How is it easy?
Because, you know how kiwi went towards the end?
You spoon
the walls of the kiwi.
You run your spoon through the walls of the kiwi to get that last
bit. When you actually look into the kiwi,
the fruit, the ganiku, the fiber is aligned
top to bottom.
As in like, dot to dot. Which means,
when you scoop,
when you scoop your spoon, when you spoon sideways,
you're scooping parallel to the fiber.
Which means it's easier to scoop.
Like I got every bit of that kiwi.
Oh really? Yeah. I was able to spoon it.
Every bit of kiwi? Yeah.
Wow. Definitely. Definitely better, I thought.
Recommended. Thank you. Highly recommended way of cutting
a kiwi. Plus you get more of that
control around the center, the dots.
You know how the dots, it's hard? And when you try to spoon it,
the edges, it's a little bit down there deep, so you can't
really control it. But when it's at the edge,
at the surface, you get more control. It's easier.
Oh okay. Right. So you get that every bit.
Into your mouth. Wow. Which was
which made sense. It made sense.
I didn't see any downside compared to how I usually cut it.
Yeah. So you kind of
found a new way? I found a new way to cut a kiwi.
Get some kiwi. Yeah. It's a new
invention I would say. Absolutely.
Congratulations. Thank you.
That's good. I have a question. Yeah, okay.
How do you eat a banana? Bananas?
So before that,
I bought kiwis. Okay, sure go on. Give it to me.
At my parents house, my mom cuts
kiwis like into like this.
You know into eight parts. Parallel then perpendicular? Yeah. So like
the two ways that I just explained. Yeah. She does a combination of the two?
Yeah, I think.
What? How do you do? How do you eat that? So you get like... It's like one, two, three, four, five.
Yeah, eight parts. You get like... Eight parts.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. This shape. You do get eight parts. Yeah.
Half is round, half is cornered. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I can understand
that the way you scoop it, like you can still do it
like the sideways style. Yeah. Yeah. It's easier to scoop.
You understand that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's why I kind of understand that
ease, ease, ease. The ease of scooping. Yeah.
Why? Like a... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why does she do eight?
Because I think like two
or four. Maybe two is too big
for... For one? For like... For one person?
For one person? My dad. Oh, so your dad... He doesn't need that much.
Like he just... He just try it and that's all.
Maybe. I mean, your dad doesn't want to eat one full kiwi?
No. He just wants an eighth of a kiwi. Yeah, he just wants to bite everything.
What? Kiwi isn't that big anyways. He just wants to bite
kiwi, apples, and like bananas. Like he just wants to
bite everything. Oh, so like there's
multiple fruits on the table. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he just want to bite everything.
What? Like he just want to bite like two grapes.
Like two cuts of apples. Like two cuts of kiwis.
What happens? I don't know. Sip of coffee.
What? And we ate left.
Oh, so like... Yeah, yeah. There's like multiple family members on the table.
Everybody gets a bite of each. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you get a bite of each?
Like do you get like an eighth of a kiwi? And then like are you satisfied with that?
I mean, I eat like seven...
Seven of like... The rest of the kiwi. Yeah, yeah. So I kind of...
You know. It's like I ate whole kiwi.
Yeah. So I get it. I get it. Yeah, yeah.
It's like a... Easier to scoop. Yeah, yeah. Like fiber lines.
Right, right, right, right. Yeah. I'll ask you about the banana.
The bananas. Later. I'll ask you in the next episode. Oh, okay, okay, okay. Of course.
Thanks for listening, guys. Bye.

