1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Hershey'sなにしてんねん!
2023-03-09 13:36


I love you Ghana.

Welcome to Kevin's English from podcast
Okay, all right, all right
Okay, looking through the DMs, yeah, I
Love you know, I love how you you say you're ready and then we go in the podcast and they're like, all right
I'm ready. I'm ready
Because you know when I say I'm ready I'm facing some messages, right?
Mm-hmm, and to me all the DMS are good. Okay for this podcast
I can so I'm ready and I can choose anything. Uh-huh
And when you know once this episode starts, okay, I you know open one message and okay suddenly like realize
Oh, this is not good for this like
What are some of the things that you're not showing like what are some of the like?
The ones that now you're the ones you're not selecting
Like you don't have to like yeah, I went too much but like what are kind of things that you don't choose?
Okay, for example, like there are some messages that saying for this is for podcast
okay, and then if you open and start reading it's like just
Your come your content are really good. I'm enjoying every day. I love them more
Basically, that's all I see it's like a cheering and supporting message for us and I'm
I'm so like I appreciate for those message in and like I'm so happy to read those
But it's not like your topic request right through this podcast true. So I
Escape it. I see maybe we should change the um
the first line titling
Instead of saying put the guest I think we should put like what the cast or
Topic goody Christo. Yeah. Yeah, maybe that's better. Right? Maybe we should say that
We want to put that as the first line. Maybe that'll like make it better. I guess yeah, it's rare
well, we appreciate for the you know for them
Right the messages the the loves that yeah giving us that's that's that's so much. That's thank you so much for that. Yeah. Yeah
You know
But I'm want some topics right for some topics for the podcast. So that's why all right
or like some some topics about like
For example like
to like a
Personal I see I see not for ourselves but for like a
personal like
Sold-out things I see I see I see like deeply
heavily like
We get that yeah, sometimes we get oh
Like too serious, yeah too serious like for example, like should I should I go into a divorce?
You know, you know we can solve those problems
Right because we've never like first we got married yet
And also like, you know, this podcast is kind of comedy show right? Yeah
We don't want to go in like
Yeah, we won't make it like fun things. It's really difficult to make those topics into like fun
And that's true. That's true. Try to make it fine. It's not no, it's true
So anyways
It's a fresh start, right? Yeah from the beginning we don't know what's coming. Nah. Okay. All right
Tell me the first okay, okay, if it's an if it's a no-no, tell me what kind of no-no is that was
I think this one. Okay
All right. I'm gonna read it. Okay. Oh, yeah, so you're not gonna okay go ahead go ahead. Okay
It's an on-the-spot kind of
Konnichiwa, which are the most high scene. Tana's kicker. So the more active muscle. No Lisa Tomosha
What's sent us Kevin's I got an LNA to a harness. She's a cat. What do you think?
Miss a dress at the attack. I'm a star. Mm-hmm. Okay, then this is gonna be yeah topic rest. Okay
Okay, what is she my cheese cycle? Kara see a Muzumuzu shiitake. I'm a cat. I didn't see a beta to color
Muzumuzu a shiitake. Oh good. I guess
Gain was made a naosa home. Oh, it's got the night. Oh hi. Taimashita. So good. I own a she hi you Yona
I know for a can of honed only name. I'm not gonna do the Kevin's on the Kimochi guy. I thought of a car. Yes
Hmm, okay. Can join you. How is it? So I took a stress. I'm going to kill you. I'm sure she's doing my best. I'm gonna see the asun. Decafine. Mm-hmm
Satte core. It's nice to know. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
Nara, what I see was even disinherit insecure new感じることが多く悩んでいます
very like
Chantosh star topic, right? Like yeah
I mean most of all most of all messages are right, right, right really great like that. I mean Chantosh starts like a
Sky, yeah. Yeah, yeah great messages
No, by the way, my musumuzu show
It's gone now. I was like, yeah, I guess it was you know, I it was
The time when I was getting when I was sleeping like four
so that made sense it probably came from that and I'm like I
Have adjusted to that like now I'm not sleeping that late. So it's gone. Yeah, I don't get that. Okay anymore. It's oh
Yeah, okay
Great. So there's a maybe that one with the mood. That's so cool. Good. Mm-hmm
And like it's kind of a castles go with you know, keep mm-hmm and it's gone. Yeah. Yeah, right, you know that chocolate we ate
ten minutes ago
It's got a bad aftertaste like I'm not feeling
Like it's like I feel like the inside of my mouth. Yeah is like
There's a spider
Building a spider web in my mouth and like it's not it's not very clear. Yeah, not me too. It's like cloudy
Yeah, it's cloudy. I want to rinse it. Yeah rinse everything inside my mouth, you know, I feel it Wow like it sticks
Yeah, I get it yeah, like I still yeah, yeah, it's still there like oh yeah
Best chocolate you've ever eaten. What is it best chocolate? Okay. Oh
I forget the name
But um
There's like
So I had to okay one is that the one we ate on the YouTube video that they you you bought
all the very
Yeah, something those it was a branded. Yeah, like chocolate right? It was a fresh fashion brand. Yeah
Yeah that oh wow. I didn't know that was yeah
that was good and the other one is like I am I guess that was not much of a kind of like
You know this
Namachoko, yeah weird and squared. Oh, yeah, not much. Oh, yeah
Yeah, yeah, really slow. No, it's a call. Yeah. Yeah, that wasn't noise about it was like, uh
Yeah, something like that. Yeah
Okay, when I was a college student Wow, I remember that that was good. Cool. Yeah
I didn't know you enjoyed namachoko. That's it's highly. Yeah. Am I yeah, I just had one. Oh, just
That's enough right? Yeah, how about yours mine? Yeah
Yeah, Ghana's good, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah Ghana Ghana's
Like I can't believe Ghana is like 100 yen. Yeah, it's so good
Okay, is that good Ghana's chocolate?
Shouldn't be in that
Gwin section like really I don't know if it's a cat coin but likes, you know, like yeah, yeah, I think like that, right? Yeah, like
Like if you go to America like Hershey's is there yeah, like fuck Hershey's, right?
They're good, they're good the head there
They're trying their best like it's just rude to the point like
Ghana's doing it her best
Right. What the fuck Hershey's?
Tried to do like like like why?
Like I want to tell Hershey's like why don't you?
Just take a bite of Ghana. Yeah, and just understand that
Your self-centered ego. Yeah is embarrassing Wow
Like Ghana's why are you starting Ghana's out there just so quiet, you know
Just so kind of like only it's only the Valentine's when Ghana's like oh, I'm here guys
Like yeah, the other times other than other than that Valentine's season
He's so quiet like you don't even know like you didn't recognize. Yeah, they're just sitting on a we just sitting there
Hershey's like, oh
Everyone look at me. Well my body all the time all the time posing Wow, you know posing
They're posing like in
Just like he's fucking around in like say Joe. She you know that fancy shit. Yeah. Yeah
Those high like those like tier one safe first tier
Yeah guys, right? It's just chillin. Yeah, like chillin and like in that shelf
You are you doing here like
You like why are you hating now? She's so much
Wow, yeah, yeah, you love chocolate. I mean I do I do
I love good. That's why you don't like those
Yeah, like chocolate without we made chocolate. Yeah, they just I don't just have an easy life
It was given too much right like having a super rich kid super rich parent like gave the kid everything and like
Became is that's how you become insecure. Yeah, we're gonna answer that question. That's how you become insecure
Okay, like you're not building for yourself. Yeah, you're not you have to live with your own money
like that's how that's that's how you get insecure that's true Hershey's that's the
Okay, Hershey's Hershey's is the insecure kid. Oh
Ghana is the confident people. Okay
Right. Yeah, we're going back to the question there. Yeah. Okay, so
Hershey's is just he's fronting right like he looks great. Yeah, like he look he has that guy cook of I'm yeah like
Oh, I'm Hershey's y'all like I
Came from the US like he's all like riding. Yeah
Cowboying and shit like, you know, he's like fucking yeah, like I know right in the way
Yeah, I kind of came from New York New York by the California fucking right like he's cool
Yeah, but if you look at the inside so empty, yeah, it's just so fucking like what do you what do you done?
Yeah, like what if what can you do by yourself? Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah
Ghana on the other hand, okay quiet modest. Okay, you know so like, you know
But if you actually open the box, it's filled with so much. Yeah, you know, right it's rich
Yeah, milky inside and inside. Yeah, it's so smooth
God the smoothness. Yeah, like you have to be
That has to come from the heart, you know, oh in order for it to be that's good
So hot. Yeah from the heart man. Oh
That guy is a real man. Oh, okay. Okay real man from he's a gentleman
Oh, okay from some someone taught someone's heart. Yeah, God is a gentleman. Okay. Yeah, right and Hershey's is a
insecure bully
Thanks for sending guys
Bye bye!

