1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビンパパとゴルフをやってきた
2022-11-20 11:26



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
- Hello.
- Podcast.
- Hello.
- How you been?
- Yeah, great.
- How you been?
- Thank you.
- Oh, that's good.
- Yeah, how about you?
- I'm doing good.
I'm a little bit sleepy right now.
My dad just left.
- Japan?
- Yes, yesterday.
- Oh.
- And he arrived 6 a.m.
Nihon Jikan.
- Oh, okay.
- So.
- Today's, this morning?
- Yeah, this morning, early morning.
I got a message from him saying that,
okay, I arrived at the Atlanta airport.
Yes, thank you for everything, guys,
and stuff like that.
- Oh, thank you.
- Yeah.
- Oh, great.
Sure, it was a great trip to Japan, right?
- It was, it was two weeks.
Yeah, I guess longest he's ever done.
- Oh, really?
- It's usually like a week.
- Oh, including all the business meetings?
- Yes, including the business in Kyoto.
Yeah, it's usually a week.
- Okay.
- We usually have like a two-day trip as family,
and then maybe like three or four days in Kyoto for work,
and then he goes back.
Yeah, it was two weeks.
- Oh.
So he spent one, I guess two days with you guys,
with the family?
- Yeah, he, yeah.
Three days.
- Three days.
- Family vacation, and then went to Kyoto for business,
and then, Awajishima, I think?
To meet his parents.
- Okay.
- No, no, no, the parents are both gone,
so I guess, brothers.
- Brothers, oh, great.
- So, right, his hometown.
Then went to, I think came back to,
yeah, I think came back here.
- Oh.
- To go to Karuizawa with his friends.
- Okay, so he met friends.
- Yeah, he met friends.
- Oh, great.
- To play golf.
- Oh, that's great.
- Which I joined, actually.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah, it's me, my dad, and one friend of my dad's.
- Okay.
- Played golf.
- Is that college friends, or?
- Yeah, I think it's, I don't know,
I don't know what, yeah, I think it's college.
- Oh, great.
- Maybe right after college.
He went to Igarisu.
- Oh.
- During his, when he was young.
- Okay.
- I think they met at Igarisu.
And that, the friends in Japan.
- Okay.
- Yeah, played golf, and then came back,
did like a family plus friends kind of dinner.
- Oh, that's right.
- And then left.
- Yeah.
- Well, must be really great.
- Yeah, and--
- Playing together.
- Very busy, he said.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
- Oh, of course.
- Yeah.
- Packed everything in two weeks.
- Yeah.
- He had to meet so many people.
- Yeah.
- Businesses, of course.
- Right.
- Oh, so you played golf?
- I played golf, yeah, I did.
- Oh, really?
- I did.
- Are you good at playing golf?
- Uh, I, apparently I wasn't.
- Okay.
- So what I did was I just instinctively just forced it.
I mean, it hits.
- Oh, yeah, of course.
- The ball, the club would hit the ball,
but it's just, it's not the proper way of doing it.
- Oh.
- You have too much, (speaking in foreign language)
was what I was, what, you know, the pros told me.
- Okay.
- The friend of my dad's, he's been doing it for like,
over, I don't know, like 30 years.
- Oh, great.
(speaking in foreign language)
- It wasn't smooth.
(speaking in foreign language)
- That's what I was taught.
- Wow.
- And I guess I got some of it.
- Oh, great.
- Yeah, but yeah.
- How was it?
Was it the first time for you to play golf?
- No, no, it was not my first, definitely.
When I was in Georgia, there was this golf course
that was almost free.
- Oh, great.
- It was like--
- Yeah, you told me before.
- Five bucks or something.
Five bucks a course, and like another five bucks for the cart,
$10 for a round with a cart.
- Yeah.
- Me and my dad would, we did a lot of that.
- You went golf together with your dad
when you were in Georgia, right?
- Yeah.
- So you did it in Japan too.
- Yeah, I did.
- It's been quite a while.
- That's true.
- You two did play golf together, right?
- That's true.
- Must be some moment, yeah.
- Yeah, but it was a different atmosphere, right?
Because the friend was there and the caddy was there.
- Oh, okay.
- Apparently it was a really expensive kind of--
- I guess so, yeah.
- Kind of place.
So the atmosphere was a little bit different, right?
It wasn't really like me and my dad just doing our own shit.
It was more like, okay, how can we make sure
that our ball does not go into their court
because there are people there.
- Yeah.
- And it must be, yeah, right.
- Okay.
- Yeah, right.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
- You enjoyed that then?
- I did, I did enjoy that.
- Great.
Can you tell me, teach me some tips?
- Yeah, sure.
- Yeah.
- So what you can do is,
what you don't want to use your arms to like boom it out.
- Okay.
- It's your legs.
First of all, you need to stabilize your legs.
The height of your koshi, right?
That's determined by the angle of your legs, right?
- Yeah.
- How much you're gonna bend your knees matters, right?
So that starting position,
you're gonna slightly bend your knees.
You're gonna have to keep that angle throughout the whole swing.
- So you shouldn't like use your legs
like the way the baseball hitting like--
- No, you can't do that.
- No.
- You can't do that, yeah.
You gotta keep it stable.
Also your back and your stomach,
you have to flex it so that it doesn't,
you know, you're not forward too much, backward too much.
You gotta flex it a little bit so that it's stable.
- Okay.
- Then twist your body with your shoulders, right?
And then go back.
- Oh, so it's just the movement of your,
just like the shoulders.
- Shoulders and your koshi, your hips, right?
It's not up and down.
It's not gonna go up and down.
It's just gonna swing at its stable position.
- And then arms are just holding the clubs.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Without just using and punch it.
- You just wanna have a firm grip on your right hand.
Just let the left hand just be there, just sit.
Sorry, the right hand just sit.
- Okay, okay.
- Left hand firm, right hand just let it sit.
It'll do its thing is what I was taught.
- Oh.
- And it worked out.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
- Wow.
- It did.
- Yeah.
- Right.
- And I've also learned that golf was a sports of kizukai,
just as much as it is the actual sports,
like moving your body and exercising.
It's like, if there's multiple players, you have to run,
make sure that you don't let the other people wait.
If there's people behind you,
you gotta make it quick, right?
You don't wanna start a traffic
of people waiting behind you, right?
You have to, you can't step on there.
Like if you're at a pata,
- Pata, yeah.
- The green, like you can't step onto the line of the goal,
right, because it's gonna mess up the little,
you can't have shadows when they're trying to shoot.
You don't move, you don't want shadows going in their shots.
There's so many things you have to really be careful of,
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- So you play with some other groups at the same time?
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
- It was just one course?
- It was, no, it was just me, dad,
and dad's friends, right?
And a caddy.
- Yeah.
- Like it was such a, such a (speaking in foreign language)
that the atmosphere was,
we couldn't really like fuck around.
It was just, do golf, we do golf.
- Okay.
- And if there's other people behind,
that's when we really have to like, not.
Because, so it's a kind thing kind of thing.
And his friend, my dad's friend was the kind.
And like, we can't make the friend look bad.
- Oh, okay.
- Like we don't wanna do some shit that would make,
that would spread the word that, okay,
the friend is kind of,
he brought some friends that aren't really, you know, good.
- Yeah. (laughs)
- We didn't want that happening.
So that was something that we had always had in mind.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- That's the kid guy one.
- Yeah, that's the kid guy one, yeah.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Wow.
- My dad was really good at golf actually.
- Oh really?
- Yeah.
A lot better than when I played with him
when I was elementary back in the US.
- So you must've been playing, practicing golf.
- He said that he made some practicing stations
at his garage.
His basement, like he would.
- Oh yeah, I can see that picture, yeah,
with the green net.
- Yeah.
He said he made that and he's practicing every day.
- Wow, he loved golf then.
- He does love golf.
- Oh.
- Yeah, he loves it, he plays every day.
- Wow.
- In his garage, that's what he sounds.
Yeah. (laughs)
- Yeah, okay.
- He said he might be a golf instructor.
- Oh.
- When he, quote unquote, moves to Hawaii.
- Yeah. (laughs)
- If it'll ever happen.
- Yeah, but he's that good at golf.
- Yeah, he's pretty good.
- Oh, that's great.
- I mean, stable shot every time.
- Oh, huh.
- Yeah.
- Oh, great.
I think in Hawaii there are some golf courses, right?
- Yeah, I think so, I think so.
- Yeah, it must be really good place to play golf.
- Yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure they have them, yeah.
So that was a quick summary.
- Oh, great.
- Of my dad coming back.
- Yeah, oh yeah.
- Even though there's more,
I'll tell you later if it pops up in my head.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- All right, thanks for listening, guys.
- Thank you.
- Bye-bye.

