1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃん引越しお疲れ様
2022-10-29 13:55



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
- Hey.
- Hey guys.
- Hey.
- Hey guys.
- Okay.
How are you?
- Good.
- Good.
- Yep.
- Okay.
- Doing good.
- Great.
- Mm-hmm.
Is that a new t-shirt?
- No.
- I've never seen you wear that t-shirt.
- Oh really?
- Have I?
Have I never seen you wear that t-shirt?
- Yeah, I guess.
- I have?
- I wear like this.
- Oh.
- Rolled up.
- Oh, is that what you usually do?
- Yeah.
- You roll it up, your, yeah, your sleeve's really long.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Wide.
- It's like.
- Is that like an XL size?
- No, it's just.
- This is oversized.
- No, I said, yeah.
- Oh, okay, okay.
- But it's, you know, I guess my arms are too short,
so that's why.
- Oh, don't say that.
- Yeah, yeah.
- It's like wide and it's like oversized one, so.
- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
- And, you know.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- That's great.
- I like that, yeah.
I have a, like a.
- Oh, yeah.
- High neck too.
Is that a high neck?
- Yeah, it's like a mock neck.
- Mock neck.
- That's the same one, right?
- Oh, okay.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I think so.
I thought it was a high neck, it was what it was called, no?
- It's like high neck is like more like.
- More higher?
- I guess so.
- Oh, okay.
- See, I'm not.
- I got it.
- Professional though.
- Me neither.
- Where did you get that?
- Muji Rushi.
- Muji Rushi.
- Yeah.
- Mine's too.
- Oh, okay.
- It's from Muji Rushi.
- This is actually my first clothes from Muji Rushi.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah, I've actually never.
So I've tried on shirts from Muji Rushi.
But my chest was kind of too big for Muji Rushi.
It looked kind of weird, right?
- But.
- I tried the t-shirts.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- And it was okay.
- Yeah, it looks great.
- It looks, yeah, it looks really like normal.
- Yeah, it looks great.
- It didn't really have any weird spots.
- Yeah.
- So like, oh, maybe, yeah, I like this.
Maybe I'll try it from now on.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I recommend those, they're simple and texture.
- It is good texture.
I like the feels of it.
- Yeah.
- It's good, yeah.
- Do you know in some temple, Muji Rushi temple,
there are like the sections, which is like
like all the size.
- Really?
- Yeah, I've never tried those.
'Cause it's basically they are big.
- Oh.
- But I guess the shapes are a little different maybe,
like wider chest maybe.
- I have got the choice.
- Yeah, yeah, you should try that.
- So maybe in like the big stores like.
- Maybe.
- Yurakucho or something.
- Yeah, maybe.
- Yurakucho is a really big.
- Oh, I've never been.
- Like a six story.
- Oh yeah.
- Muji.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- There's a Muji hotel.
- Yeah.
- At the top.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- At the top.
- True.
- Maybe that one has it.
- I think so.
- I gotta check.
- Yeah, you should check that.
But maybe that's just simply like the size,
not the shape maybe.
- Okay, I see.
- Yeah, it's like Abakuro.
- Okay, okay, okay.
- You know, like.
- Right, right, right.
- Maybe.
- I'll check.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, you should check that.
- Because I wanted to, see I like the,
how Abacrambi kind of fits my body.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- I like that, but I don't like the brand itself anymore.
- Okay.
- So like, the brand image isn't really kind of what I want.
So I'm kind of looking for,
if they start selling clothes
that doesn't have like the logo on it,
I would buy it, but like they don't have it.
So if Muji Rufi started selling like a similar shape
kind of cloth, then I would really go for it.
I would love that.
- Yeah, so yeah, you should check that.
- Yeah, I'll do that.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
See, I moved to this, to the new place, you know?
- Yeah.
- And when you hit (speaking in foreign language)
you pack everything into boxes.
- Yeah.
- And then when you arrive to the new place,
you open all the boxes.
- Yeah.
- And you put things in some certain places, right?
- Yeah, yeah.
- So I sometimes find new things.
- That you forgot, that you owned?
- Oh, I had this shirt, oh, it looks great, yeah.
- Okay. - Yeah.
- Oh, so that was one of them.
- I mean, this is something I frequently--
- Oh, you wore.
- Wore in like last summer, I mean this summer.
- Okay, okay, okay.
- So, but yeah, but this pants.
- Okay, oh, like the winter.
- Yeah, oh, yeah, I had this one.
Looks great.
- What were some of the items that you found
hiding in your place that you discovered?
(speaking in foreign language)
- The sweat, like the hoodie things.
- Like a jacket?
- It's not like a jacket, it's like sweat.
It's like--
- Like a--
- It's like a trunk suit. - A hoodie.
- Yeah, without hood.
- Zip up?
- Yeah, zip up thing.
- Okay, okay. - Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I didn't know you owned an avocado.
- Yeah, I've never worn that for like four years.
- Is it new, is it brand new, like never worn?
- No, no, no, when I was junior high, I wore it.
- Oh, you wore it, okay, okay.
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- I forget that one.
I feel like I've got so many clothes right now.
- Yeah.
- It's like I bought new things.
- Yeah.
Are you gonna do any danshaides?
- I did.
- Oh, you did?
- Yeah, I did.
- Yeah, yeah.
- 'Cause, yeah, I throw some clothes away, towels away.
- What were, did the majority of your danshaide,
was it clothes?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- And like tiny things.
- Tiny things?
- You know, like those zaka things.
- Oh, that you don't use anymore?
- Yeah, like the small like decoration things.
- Okay, okay.
- Like weird shaped.
- Okay.
- You know, metal things.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- That looks cool, you know.
- Interior shit.
- I love those things, but.
- Where, last time, your last house, I've been there, right?
- Yeah.
- And I don't think that you had so many things
like laying around everywhere.
I thought that it was really clean,
and I thought it was really like,
well, you don't have that much stuff to,
that's like, that gets lost or anything.
So was it all hiding in like, like, nani?
- The closet?
- The closet?
- Yeah, I don't know.
- You don't even know where it came from.
Wow, under the bed or something?
- No, it's basically in the closet.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- All right.
- Me too, I thought I had not many things.
- Like you kept it all under control.
- Yeah, it's all organized and, yeah.
I can move, like do hikoshi easily.
I mean, I don't have that much things.
After all, I found.
- Yeah.
What are this?
What are this?
- That was funny.
- How was the packing, man?
Like, remember from your hikoshi from Kyoto?
- Yeah, yeah.
- You were like, whoa, are you done?
You're like, oh, it's done.
Like, oh, it's all packed.
- Yeah.
- Oh, it's packed?
What's all this stuff?
Not in the box.
Like, did you?
- Yeah, yeah.
- How was your, how would you self-evaluate your hikoshi?
- Okay, eight out of 10.
- Okay, okay, pretty high.
- Seven.
- Oh.
- Seven, eight, yeah.
- Seven or eight.
- At least, hikoshi gyousha-san came to my place
and not bad.
- Oh, not bad?
- Said not bad.
- Not bad.
Oh, they said not bad.
- Not bad.
- In Japanese, what do they say?
- So I asked them.
- Okay, okay.
- 'Cause you said you were like,
(speaking in foreign language)
by hikoshi gyousha-san, right?
- Uh-huh, yeah.
- When you did hikoshi.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Packaging was perfect.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- And so I wanted to be evaluated by those professionals.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Yeah.
- And then he said,
(speaking in foreign language)
- Oh, okay, okay.
- Yeah.
- Also, that's a pass then.
- Yeah.
- I think that's a pass.
- That's a pass?
- I mean, isn't that a pass?
- Yeah.
- They had like,
(speaking in foreign language)
- Yeah, true.
(speaking in foreign language)
I don't think they would say that.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So he also said that,
(speaking in foreign language)
- Oh, okay.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Oh, that's great then.
- Yeah.
- That's great.
- Yes.
- Oh, well then that's good to hear.
- Yeah, so I remember when I moved from Kyoto
to this, you know, Kanto places,
you and Rui-chan helped me out of doing hikosis.
We rent a car.
- Right, right.
- And I absolutely didn't know
how should I prepare for hikoshi.
And at the moment, to me, that was perfect preparation
to do hikosis.
But you came and,
no, we can do this.
I remember that.
What I did was, you know, having all the dandoboros
from nearest supermarket, which is like this big
and this big, that big.
- Right, right, it's unstackable.
- And I didn't know that.
And you were like,
(speaking in foreign language)
- Oh, really?
- Yeah, so, well, thank you for helping me out.
If you guys didn't at the place,
I couldn't make my hikosis.
But anyways, I learned things.
- Right, right, right.
- Oh, this is how people prepare for hikosis.
- Uh-huh, uh-huh.
- And so this time, I asked the hikoshi gyousha to,
can I have those dandoboros please?
And they sent like 30 packages.
- Yeah.
- And then I put everything in it.
- Yeah.
- And as you know, I have so many plants,
big plants.
- Right.
- So what about,
(speaking in foreign language)
And then the operator told me that,
(speaking in foreign language)
Okay, okay, okay.
And I put all the small things, books,
covers in like packages.
- Yeah.
- And hikosis gyousha came,
and then they of course packed my plants.
- Yeah, yeah.
- So what, how, what, you know,
the way they did was like using two dandoboros.
- Uh-huh, they combine it.
- Yeah, combine it.
- Yeah.
- And yeah, that's how they did.
- Uh-huh, uh-huh.
- So.
- They make it like a tall.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Oh, that's how they.
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- They do it really quickly, right?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, fast.
- Yeah, they're so fast, professional.
So I learned how should I prepare for,
you know, those plants now.
- Right, right.
- I guess I'm kind of good hikoshi people, right?
- Uh-huh, uh-huh.
- I learn things.
- Right, right, right.
Well, that's good, that's good.
- Yeah.
But yeah, thank you.
- Thank you, I remember that time.
(both laughing)
- And remember we got locked out.
- Yeah.
(both laughing)
Oh yeah.
- Entrance to my.
- Yeah, that was all the rock and we were completely
locked out.
- How did we go back in?
How did we manage to go back in?
Do you, did somebody, did we wait for somebody to come out?
Or was it like, did we climb over a fence?
- Yeah, we tried that once.
- Yeah, did we succeed?
- No.
- Okay.
- 'Cause the window was closed.
- I got it, right, right, right, right.
- I think.
- Did we call somebody?
- Yeah, call somebody and there were like hidden code
or something.
- Oh.
- To.
- To get it open.
- Yeah, I just.
- And we, oh, okay.
- And I think so.
- All right.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
(both laughing)
- Those were memories.
- Yeah, yeah, good memory.
- Right, right.
Well, congratulations on your new place.
- Thank you, thank you.
- Finally.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
But it's really hard.
It gets just difficult.
- Yeah, it is.
- Using so much energy.
- It is, it is.
- Makes me tired.
- Tiring, very tiring.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, but now I love my new place.
- Yeah.
Talk to me about your new place on the next episode.
- Yeah, yeah.
- See what you like.
- Okay, great, great, yeah.
- Thanks for sending guys.
- Thank you.
- Bye bye.

