1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 熱破壊式の脱毛痛かったよ
2022-10-21 10:25


Welcome to Kevin's English from Podcast!
Hello! Welcome back!
Welcome back! Kevin's English from Podcast!
Yeah, it's another great day!
Beautiful day! Yeah!
Again, a little bit cloudy again.
Yeah, a bit cloudy though.
Didn't we have a cloudy day on the last recording day?
Yeah! Right? Yeah!
I feel like we've been getting a lot of
cloudy cloudiness recently.
Yeah. With our recordings.
It's always cloudy recently.
Like for like 1-2 weeks.
You know, it's been...
It rains a little bit. Yeah.
Like a slight rain and then
it just goes away and comes back away.
When a sunny bright
happy day.
Yeah, I know. I know.
Oh! I just got back
my datsmo.
Oh yeah!
Remember yesterday? Yeah!
I was like, "Okay, tomorrow guys, I'm gonna
gyagureza." Yeah!
"Netsu Hakai Shiki."
"Netsu Hakai Shiki."
Yeah, how was that?
Alright, it was...
just only a slight
more pain
than the last one.
Okay. Not as much as I expected though.
I expected it to be a lot more
severe. Yeah, yeah.
More, you know, in pain.
It sounds scary. Right?
But not that much though, actually.
Not that much. I mean, but still,
it was like
more painful than the last time, right?
Yeah, it was more painful than the last time.
And the last time was quite painful, right?
Right, probably. That means...
Yeah, but you know, I was able
to get through it because it's probably I was
expecting something, you know?
You know that. Right. I was expecting
it... I was expecting to hurt a lot.
Yeah, yeah. My body was so focused
on not something else
because it's me trying to
protect myself, right? Yeah, yeah.
So, yeah, I mean, I...
and I did some extra...
I took extra
minute with the inhaling
of the Mahi Suriatsu.
Ah, okay, okay. Yeah.
And I feel like I got through.
Okay. Well.
You know, you can
literally smell.
You know the smell when you burn
your hair? The fire?
that smell? That smells.
That's the smell you get.
Right after you... Wow.
Right here? Yeah.
And you smell that?
You do it like each...
Wow. Every time you do that.
Wait, wait, how many times do you...
I mean, do they do that?
To you? Like, there's so
many... Yeah, probably like
I don't know, about like
20 to 40?
Oh, okay.
Oh, wow. Yeah.
And every time it smells. Yeah, almost every time.
Wow. You can smell the hair burning.
I mean, but that's good, right?
That means... I mean, that's supposed to... Yeah, it's
dying. Yeah. You're killing the
hair, I feel like. Yeah, yeah.
And that's what you're supposed to be doing, I guess.
Yeah. But...
That's what Netsu Hakai Shiki
is, right? Right.
Literally like Netsu Hakai.
You're destroying it with heat. Wow.
But, not that
bad. Not that bad.
Okay. Yeah.
Okay, well, that's good. I mean,
good to hear that. Yeah. Because you're gonna
go through that
process for many times from now on, right?
Right, right, right.
It's actually... I got to choose.
So do you want to go back to the one before
or do you want to continue doing this Netsu Hakai Shiki?
Yeah. And the
doctor said,
"Okay, so,
it's not just a matter of like
Netsu Hakai Shiki is powerful,
so if you can withstand it, go for the Netsu Hakai Shiki.
It's not like that.
It's... Some
hairs are suitable for this one, some
hairs are suitable for this one, so it's not like
this one's stronger and better. Okay.
It's like... It depends on
the person?
It depends on how deep your hair is, how thick
your hair is and everything.
And they recommended me that
like, okay, so
your hair is relatively thick,
but it looks like the one you did last
time did a pretty good job at it.
So I think if
you... I mean, you know,
you can just go for whichever is less paid
for for you. Oh. They both
are looking great. Oh, great.
So, yeah. So, I decided to go with
the first one.
a bit less painful.
Yeah, the less painful one.
So, are you feeling the differences?
Well, I am feeling pain right now.
Still? Yeah, I'm still feeling,
yeah, a little bit of pain. Wow.
You still
have some Masui on it, on your
skins? Oh, Masui's all gone. It's gone?
Yeah, it's completely gone.
And now it starts
being painful.
Not like painful.
It's just that it's not
from the Masui, it's from the Nitsuhakai.
Yeah, yeah. And like you can still,
you know how when you burn yourself?
Burn yourself? Yeah, I mean.
When you burn yourself, it leaves a little bit
of pain. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's there. Oh. Only a little bit.
Like, only slightly. Wow. Like a quarter
of the pain that you get when you actually
burn yourself. Yeah, so not that much,
but still.
Well, I mean, yeah.
How many times do you
have to visit the
doctor? For three years.
Every nine weeks.
For three years.
That sounds
a lot to me. It is
a lot.
It is a lot. Okay, every nine weeks.
Okay. But you know,
the more you go, the less painful it gets.
Because you get less and less
hair, right? The more hair there
is, the more pain you're going to feel.
Okay, okay, okay. So the first time
was the most painful one.
Because there was a lot of, you know, hair.
So the more and more I go,
the less painful I get. So it gets
better, it gets easier. Okay. Yeah, hopefully.
Wow. Yeah.
Are you feeling that your hairs
are getting gone? Not really.
Not really?
Only the "hanashita."
Just a little bit of that. I felt like,
okay, it's not growing as much.
Oh, great. Other than that,
I didn't really feel that much
of a difference. Okay. Yeah.
Yeah, but it's just two times now.
Right, right. So I feel like, you know,
I feel like it's
going the right way.
It's making progress, I feel like.
I do. Yeah, I believe so.
Yeah. Yeah, I hope so. Hopefully.
Yeah. Yeah.
But now you don't scare anymore.
You're not scared anymore. Right.
I've done every one of the
methods and
you know
what it is right now. Right.
So I guess I don't have to be scared
too much. Okay. Because I know the limit.
Yeah. Yeah. Right.
Okay. So you
did only like the facial
hair removals? Yeah.
Only the hair. Okay. Only the
my lower part of my face.
Oh. Okay. Okay. Yeah.
What about like arms or like
like the legs
or like... Yeah, I'm not going to do that.
You don't? No? Why? That I'm not going to do.
Because I... That doesn't...
Because the face
is where I shave every day.
Yeah. And that is what I wanted to get rid of.
Okay. Okay. Me shaving every day
my face. I don't shave any
of my body hair. Okay. Like
I only... I... See
I only do my legs. Yeah.
You do that. My body and that I only do
like what? Like every like once
two months or something like that. Yeah. So like
it's not that much. Okay. But my
face, it happens every day. Yeah. Yeah.
So that's what I wanted to get rid of. Okay. Okay. And
yeah, that's why I did that. So I'm only going to do my face.
Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Right. Now I was just curious
about how painful if you
do those removals to like
the... like
like the legs or like
Yeah. you know, some
heads or places or you know.
But they say that it's less painful.
Really? Yeah. The face is
more sensitive
right? Than arms or
stomach or something like that. Plus
it's less... it's thinner.
Yeah. It's weaker.
The hairs are weaker. So that's why it's less pain.
True. The thicker it is, the painful
it is. Okay. Gets.
So yeah. Okay.
Right. Wow. See there are some
people who do the you know, hair
removals to your... to you know their
their spot.
Mm-hmm. I... can you
Yeah. I can
imagine how painful is that. Yeah.
That's probably painful.
Yeah. Very painful
I'm assuming. Yeah.
It's thick
and sensitive so...
It must be very
painful. Wow. Yeah.
So hot. So tough.
Yeah. Right.
Okay. But you...
I guess we're going to need more
like a stronger
massage I guess to do that.
But it's scary though.
It is scary though. Putting a strong
massage to you.
It's true. Yeah.
You won't feel anything then.
That is scary. Yeah. Scary. True.
Wow. But
you're taking steps forward.
Yes. Yes. Okay. I am
on my way to freedom
from shaving.
Shaving. Oh that's great.
Okay. All right.
Thanks for listening guys. Bye-bye.

