2022-03-24 09:45



Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
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Hey guys, thank you. All right. There you go
You cheer yourself up. Oh, yes. Oh, yes, that's important
That's skill that you know
Ability that you can cheer yourself up is really important. Oh, I recently found
Didn't see that coming
Like, you know even tough things come to your life, you know
Right, right
So today
I've got a message from
Shiori san. Thank you Shiori san. Thank you Kevin san, Yama chan san.
Nice to meet you. My name is Shiori.
I have a message for Kevin, the native speaker, and Yama chan, the bilingual.
I have been spending a lot of time with my American friends since I was a kid
Compared to the first person I learned English at school, I think I have a better pronunciation
So, my question is about pronunciation
When I speak English, I sometimes have a mouth that looks like my chin is crooked
Like a raccoon, the upper teeth and lower teeth are not in a forward and backward shape
It's like my chin is slightly forward
It's not a way to make the other person's face look like it's crooked when they're talking
It's a little bit difficult to express
Is this how you use your chin?
Have you ever been conscious of your chin when you speak English?
I was wondering if my pronunciation was wrong or if it was my weird habit
I hope you can listen to me
It's getting a little bit springy and I've been throwing up a lot, but please take care of yourself
Thank you
Never felt that
The jaw going forward
Ever felt that?
I sometimes feel that I kind of have my, like, you know, this part
Here we go
That's a difficult one
No, it's not that difficult
You'll get it
It's "jaw"
There you go
You're saying "jar"
Yeah, I know
That's difficult
Yeah, there you go
That's "jar"
So, what's the right?
It's "jaw"
Yeah, I think you got it
It's a little off track, but
It's "jaw"
That's "jaw"
No, that's "joe"
That's "jar"
It's "jaw"
I think that's "jaw"
Can you say that again? Really slowly, please
Not "jar"
It's "jaw"
So, how do you spell that? With the "r" sound?
Yeah, I think you got it
Okay, okay
So, sometimes I feel that my "jaw"
is getting like
down and kind of backward
When I speak English, sometimes I feel that
or my tongue gets a little backward
To me, it's really surprising that
your "jaw"
gets kind of forward
Oh, you feel it going inwards
Yeah, sometimes I feel that
Can you specify what kind of like
when that happens?
Yeah, sorry
Look at how much I had to adjust, man
Maybe the table is moving around
No, the table is not moving
It's you, definitely you
But sometimes, when you say "sometimes"
It's not like "sometimes"
It's "time"
Yeah, right, "ter"
Kind of feel, you know
"uh" sound
My "jaw" gets like a little down and backward
So, to me, it's surprising that
having that, you know, forward sometimes
Right, right
I can't clearly state that having
you know, your "jaw" outwards is an
I can't clearly say that that's
you're not going on the right track
but from my perspective, that never happens to me
I never have my "jaw" outwards
I'm not singing
But when I sing
When I sing, my jaw goes outwards
This is how I look like when I sing
That's Inoki
That's Inoki
When I sing, I just
Oh, you're singing like Inoki
Yeah, my jaw just pushes outwards
I notice that happens
Get a scope
But I kind of understand that
your "jaw"
moves around
like not only the backward or downside
but like left and right
like round sometimes
Yeah, like when you compare to
when you speak in Japanese
If you speak Japanese, you don't that much
your "jaw"
But when you speak English
kind of
I feel that
and I kind of intentionally sometimes
move my "jaw"
Okay, thank you
I think you're
It's getting more and more "jaw"
It's "jaw"
Yeah, yeah
Like when you say "jaw"
I kind of feel that my
jaw is
moving a little bit
You know
I agree, I agree
I think it's me, yeah
Like when you say
"suihan ja ga sa"
It's not moving, it's just
tongue thing
It's a little
kind of
you have to round and move it
Yeah, yeah
Under the tongue muscle
I feel that we are using
that kind of muscle and
moving those
So maybe
you know
"chakureru" a little bit
When you say "jaw"
Not only "jaw"
"ja" but
"jaw" not only "ja"
Okay, "ja"
That's "jar"
That's "jar"
I think you're saying
It is "ja"
but you should think of it
as "jo"
That's weird
I hear the "a"
It says "ja"
What was the right
I think you're saying "ja"
So that's the wrong one
I think it's cool
I know that's difficult
But anyways
But yeah
I understand that my
is moving around
even sometimes maybe forward
Yeah, okay
Understandable for you then
Those moving
I'm not worried about this
Got it
That's good
Thanks for listening guys
Thank you

