1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビン史上最多の誤字脱字を..
2021-12-05 09:58



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Good morning!
Good morning guys!
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Do you want to do the audio messages again?
Yes of course!
Let's do that!
So last time we did Kanon-san and today we have Pi-san!
Oh it's Pi-san!
And then alphabet Pi?
Uh the hiragana Pi!
yeah as in as in the same right okay okay uh here we go yes
yes yes yes thank you
(speaking in foreign language)
(speaking in foreign language)
- Oh.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Hmm.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Oh, that's so sweet.
- Wow.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- She sent us a voice message to just say thank you.
That's so sweet.
- So sweet.
- It's nice.
Thank you, P-san.
- Aw, P-san.
- I hope this podcast is still, you know,
it brines you up.
We're so happy to hear that.
- Yeah.
- Wow.
- Wow.
- Thank you.
So nice.
- So heartwarming.
- Uh-huh.
- Touching.
- Wow.
All right.
You wanna hear the next one?
- Yeah.
- See if there's a question there.
- Well, this is amazing, like, that we just simply
speak about ourself and talk about, you know,
like, just friend conversation.
- Yeah.
- That helps someone.
- I know, right?
- Yeah.
- We're just talking shits, and that's,
that's helping someone.
That's amazing, right?
- Yeah, that's amazing.
- Unbelievable.
- Yeah.
Very grateful for that.
- Okay.
So the next voice message we have is
- Omame-san?
- Yep, Omame-san.
- Okay, Omame-san.
- Yeah.
The title is
(speaking in Japanese)
- All right.
- Okay.
(speaking in Japanese)
- Wait.
- What?
Do you know this person?
- I mean, maybe not, but I kinda know the voice, but.
- From the circle?
- I mean, I'm not sure about that.
Or maybe some of my friends, but.
- Maybe you recognize the voice.
- Yeah, maybe it's just simply similar.
- Got it.
- Yeah, that happens.
- Let's continue.
See, maybe she might mention that we know this person.
- Maybe, but just maybe similar.
- Got it, got it, got it.
(speaking in Japanese)
- Anger.
- Oh, cool.
(speaking in Japanese)
- Yeah, that's nice.
- That's a good strategy.
(speaking in Japanese)
- I like it.
I didn't know it was only one minute.
Okay. - Yeah.
- Got it, so it's only one minute.
- One minute, yeah.
- Wow.
- Wow, that was nice episode.
- Wait, so did you know this person?
Did you know her?
- Maybe I don't know her.
- Okay.
- But simply I, you know, I know the voice,
which is similar to her.
- I got it, got it, got it.
- And I kind of, yeah.
- You thought she was like, like joking it on you.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Okay, but that was funny.
- That was nice.
- I like it, that was funny.
(speaking in Japanese)
And she, her timing was great.
- Yeah.
- Like she's on the phone, so she can't,
she can't look at the time, right?
- Oh, true.
- Like you don't know how long you are with the recording.
- Wow.
- And you stopped it at like what, 53 seconds.
That's pretty good.
- That's nice.
- That's yeah.
- So accurate.
- That's nice.
- Wow.
- And again, thank you for, you know,
sending us the voice message.
You know, just say thank you.
That's so flattering.
- Thank you.
- We're so appreciative of that.
Thank you so much.
Shall we move on to the next one?
- Yeah.
- Okay, the next one.
- Didn't Obama-san send another one?
Just one.
- Just one.
- Okay.
- Yes, just one.
Just one.
- Yeah.
- The next voice message is
Sherry no naraigoto.
- Okay.
- Is the sender.
- Okay.
Sherry no naraigoto-san.
- Yes, yes.
The title is
Sherry no naraigoto no kia no aki yori.
- Why is it kia?
I do that a lot.
I don't know why, but I do that a lot.
- Yeah, it's written in Katakana.
- Yeah, I don't know why I'd write it opposite.
I don't know why I do that.
- Hey, sorry to interrupt you,
but do you remember the message you sent me?
- Oh my God.
Oh my God.
I do remember the message.
- Do you remember that?
- I remember.
I looked back at the message I sent you
and I was like, oh my God, there are so many typos.
That's what you're talking about, right?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- So I messaged with Yamachan personally in English.
He's in line.
And I'm known for making so much typos and errors,
like typing mistakes.
But just the message I sent to Yamachan yesterday
was just so cool.
The next level.
Okay, so let me read this, okay?
Okay, so yesterday, 4.40 PM.
- Yeah.
- Hey man, do you the thing you...
Okay, do you the thing we could do the recording, Tom,
more at my place?
Question mark, question mark.
I know I don't like getting fought in the morning rush,
but my schedule is kinda tight and I'd appreciate it
the recording was done in Tonai.
Let me read that again.
- Yeah, of course.
- Hey man, do you the thing we could do the recording, Tom,
more at my place?
Question mark, question mark.
I know I don't like getting fought in the morning rush,
but my schedule is kinda tight and I'd appreciate it
the recording was done in Tonai.
Oh my God.
- Why this happened?
- I don't know why it happened.
I don't know why, but it's probably the auto correct.
- Yeah, maybe.
- It's doing a lot of the work.
- Yeah.
- What I wanted to say was, hey man.
- Do you think?
- Do you think, yeah, do you think we could do
the recording tomorrow, not Tom, more.
Do you think we could do the recording tomorrow at my place?
I know you don't like, not I,
I know you don't like getting caught, not fought.
I know you don't like getting caught in the morning rush,
but my schedule is kinda tight and I'd appreciate it
if the recording was done in Tonai.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, it was terrible.
- Yeah, I was like, okay.
- Yeah.
- Maybe this is the native English.
And this is only I'm not like understand it.
- Oh my God.
Yeah, I don't know why this is such a bad, oh my God.
- Okay, who is Tom first?
Okay, Tom, okay.
- Oh my God.
Oh my God.
- Yeah, but I got the meaning.
- Yeah, you know, I, can I post this on my Instagram?
I'll hide your little icon.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.
- So, oh man, it's so bad.
- It's funny.
- It's so bad.
It's just, yeah, I'm gonna screenshot this.
No, it's so funny.
- It's really like the highest level of your mistakes.
- Of your mistakes, right?
I think I mean, one, two, three, four, five, five,
or maybe six in there.
I just really, just oh my God.
- Yeah, that's cool.
Sorry about that.
- Yeah, we'll do the voice message on the next episode.
- Okay, okay.
- 'Cause it's at nine.
- Okay, okay.
- Thanks for listening guys.
Bye bye.

