1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Once Upon a time in America..
2021-03-04 13:49

Once Upon a time in Americaの曲

Hope this actually plays on your wedding :)

welcome to Kevin's English room podcast yeah right I slept until 12 o'clock
noon today Wow so then I did a little bit work mm-hmm and then I slept for
another 30 minutes oh wow now I'm here oh so you are very unproductive very
unproductive I slept for 12 hours no 11 hours okay 11 hours that's what do you
think I mean a little longer than the average mm-hmm you know I am aware yep
curious about that it was you had a yes that time like 30 minutes of nap time
yes I did even though you had a plenty yes sleeping time mm-hmm you're curious
about why yeah I took that 30 minute nap right because well well let me tell you
let me explain I my body yeah was exceptionally tired yeah my body yeah
but you just woke up from 11 hours of sleep and did some work desk work huh
that's what I said didn't I yeah yeah that's why I'm I'm asking you right and
then after you took a little nap exactly that's what I isn't that what I just
explained yeah yeah that's right that's what you explained to me I'm aware yeah
yeah my body yeah was very tired from all the sleeping from yes my body was
very tired ah you know when you sleep too much your body consumes lots of
energy yeah yeah you get you get tired from sleeping a lot right right that's
what happens to me I have this whole cycle of like I sleep too much and I get
tired and I take naps and you have to sleep more yes it's endless cycle great
so I need some sort of an event to really cut off that sleeping time so
this is like a really good event I have to eat myself awake right yeah okay if I
have a day where like I have nothing nothing to do and like I didn't have the
energy to go outside yeah I would just continuously sleep wake up sleep wake up
and that's like would go on and and and that's me yeah it gets more tired more
tired and more tired
wow that's tough man as a tough life once you entered to that so cycle you
will never be able to get out from that exactly exactly wow isn't that miserable
yeah yeah okay but you are fine now okay hope you you can get good sleep
yeah I'll make myself to sleep to get this tiredness out of my body yes well
probably like so 11 hours in work out so bumming like yeah thanks thanks yeah
thanks wish me luck yeah take care of you thank you so all right we've got a
message from oh sorry actually I haven't take no oh a bit name okay that's okay
okay yeah like what can you do right of course can you track back or if yeah
after out okay so this is all in written in English okay she or he tries to write
in English so I'm going to read okay that old sentence sure mm-hmm hi Kevin
Yamaha hi hi every day is so much fun thanks to you oh thank you I'm trying to
write you this in English for the first time wow oh amazing hmm well today I'd
like to talk about my favorite film music of my life mm-hmm it is Deborah's
theme from once upon a time in America composed by a neo Mariko on a oh my
god who was a greatest maestro have you ever heard on or seen it before mm-hmm
no it has been about 20 years since I saw it and saw it for the first time once
upon a time in America might be a film that people either love or hate because
it's about four hours long and the violent scenes in it is too graphic
hmm however this music touches my heart and also makes me cry no matter how time
how many times I listen to it mm-hmm I asked my family to have this playing in
the background at my funeral service mm-hmm in the future mm-hmm please
listen to this music thinking of your precious friends and family okay is that
do you think it's a famous song I don't have no idea what I've heard about that
this title okay on the film I actually haven't seen and I know that this
maestro guy my Mariko name mm-hmm he uh I'm pretty sure that he passed away
last year oh so I'm not that sure but sorry if you alive Mariko on his own is
the music so do you know you don't know the music you know the film you've heard
of it but you know of the film but not the music no okay sorry I haven't
heard of it okay yeah so well actually this is not a question mm-hmm it's just
okay I'm producing this favorite film music amazing amazing English by the way
yeah mm-hmm she says that she says that this is the first time for for her to
write in English though that's mean it didn't seem like the first time not at
all yeah let's check the music and who was who the sender was bless you sorry
yeah my kufun show maybe maybe I brought the kufun in my be you you all you did
you're a little match oko oh cool so cool you know what I loved this match
oko mm-hmm I loved it oh amazing smell yeah oh sorry yeah smells good
Jesus Christ Japanese Cyprus yes that's a Cyprus sugi maybe? hinoki? yeah oh love it
I'm gonna buy one of these yeah oh I don't have what was your smell I don't know the names
okay but it's more um it was more like I guess how can I say this more like fruit
more like fruity and fresh kind of oh maybe yuzu yeah something like that
citrus things hmm untrackable untrackable sorry ear ear trackable this
trackable which one is the right one I don't know me untrackable untrackable
yeah I'm sorry sorry okay no problem no problem it's okay yeah it was a let's look at the music then
of course Deborah Deborah's theme this is it yep got one
hmm a little bit of a old movie maybe yeah
the cinematography is a little bit I can I can feel the age mm-hmm
hey trackboard a little bit oh I you know something yeah actually I went to a
concert like three days ago oh which was a little symphony a little orchestra
not that big one it was five four yeah together piano and little drum
film holes okay and they play some film like movie songs oh this was one of them yeah and they played a
maricon as metal I ah this was in that medley I wonder where the like the main
part is I did we already passed the main part that was that that was it okay
wonder what the story is about like it didn't it doesn't really seem like a
violent movie right you know just look at the pictures here peaceful yeah yeah
like a love story maybe
yeah thank you 1984 America italia got stuck no gang a ah it's a human drama
then yeah it's a gang human drama then
he gave up because actually I haven't seen this man right I can't say that
right you have to need your own you have to do you can wow the final version is
more than four hours I know there are a lot of movies that's like really long
and doesn't it take a lot Oh Robert De Niro's on it hmm a lot of movies like um
I need a lot of it takes up a lot of energy to start watching don't you think
like of course like um you have to get ready right you have to get ready and
sit down and get your popcorn ready you like that energy I right it takes a lot
of work right so you have to be prepared the longest movie I've seen was um the
one I think you recommended to me maybe um it was um three idiots ah Indian yeah
it was like three hours long yeah that was a long one that was long yeah it had
everything in it everything like romance yeah yeah everything yeah that's a long
one yeah sorry we couldn't get the the name of the sender there right um hope
you will send yes again so that we can track you yeah and always appreciate that
you're sending us messages and the the requests and really appreciate that
thanks guys yep bye bye

