1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 木材に恋をしました❤️
2021-01-25 12:21


The almighty MDF
I forgot the title was was it like ask let's ask Google yeah let's ask let's
let Google decide or was it different let's ask Google yeah let's Google it
no no let's ask Google all right welcome to welcome to
Pat's yeah you got Lollaland desktops yes I love this scene where she's like
she's accepting everything yeah it's a part where like the desktop picture is
when Mia goes to the bar of Sebastian's yes Sebastian right yes
Seb's Seb's bar and then like she's about to exit yes the bar and she like
it turns back and stares at each other yes and then smiles yes yeah smile the
smile it's like she's true happiness like this is like it's like she's she's
happy for Seb yes it's it's when she's she's accepted the past and she's happy
for Seb yes right and she's going to leave yes he's going to continue her own
life yes but wishing his happiness right yes
that's a great scene yeah I love this thing so we're going to do okay let's
ask Google yeah it's time for let's ask Google so we're each gonna choose a
letter okay and we're gonna let Google recommend us yes through the search bar
and I'm gonna click the first site it's gonna appear all right so yeah my time
what is your letter and I choose let's see D D okay so MD so MDF is the first
recommendation okay let's go with click that yeah yeah what is this all right
okay let's click on the first site all this okay let's go this one okay all
right okay so this is a Wikipedia to me to the a to me to the S S S a miss the
same about oh yes to miss the same about yes it is
moku moku shitsu same again Zaito's a can say got a couple fiber boulder no issue
today so how do you feel about this
feel about this man you know MDF stands for medium density fiberboard oh yeah
right that's that's why we get the MDF now it's gonna be a long story right
right you know we've got some yeah some real feelings and emotions into this
right yeah you know it's called MDF huh yeah it's called MDF yeah it's short
from short for medium density fiberboard yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what you
told me right that's what I told you yeah right exactly right and like I feel
like you know this there's there's part of me that like wants to there's part
of me that wants to like leave right now and like there's also a part of me that
that I feel potential towards this time to be like an exploding kind of yeah kind
of potential you know I feel that too when was the first time you felt the MDF
oh you know I opening it was an eye-opener for you shit I feel like it
was meant to be it was meant to be gotcha can you can you can you explain
to me the the situations when you first encountered the MDF okay it was when I
went to Korea actually shit okay yeah that's you never been to Korea I did oh
you have okay okay just like yeah it was my first visiting to Korea yeah never
strolling in a town yeah and you know MDF was you know across you know I had to
stop at the crossroad because the traffic sign was red yeah so I stopped
and looking another side of the street and the MDF was right there yeah shit
standing drama yeah standing and you know I our eyes are met met yeah so like
you're it were you alone yeah also you were like free like you the schedule is
free yeah so like I'm like I felt like you know that it's it's a it's a
beginning of a like a new kind of romance yeah like news beginning of
something a story yeah a drama yeah like she was free to at the time the MDF was
free right are you talking about the MDF itself or the girl who's holding the MDF
no no I'm talking about MDF yourself the fiberboard yeah gotcha all right
all right so did you talk to her it was just like like eyesight like yeah it was
I side on the first time right you just like winked or something yeah I did and
you wink you back yeah nice but we didn't talk each other at the time
no we were just you know we felt something you felt something right right
I'm pretty sure that she felt something that she didn't you know speak to me and
we just crossed the street yeah it was our first met it was like a just a
moment of it was there did you not encounter her again last time actually
yes oh fuck yeah okay when I when I was in Japan yeah actually I did well shit
you met her in a different country yeah yeah yeah that's amazing surprising but
I was in a cafe mm-hmm and I did that you know I read I was reading a book and
I just finished reading book and look up my face like this and they were yeah
did you did she recognize you yeah just like how you recognized her yeah shit
did you touch her yeah did you touch her yeah what'd you say like oh hey I don't
know your name but we've met before nice nice nice and me and you know it starts
it started at the time and uh-huh yeah fuck yeah don't ask about the later huh
don't okay I'm gonna let you keep this here so I keep this is a secret right
you know I know I shouldn't go deep into your respect your privacy you know
actually my first encounter with with MDF was when I was like in middle school
okay middle school right I my my teacher told me to make some sort of like a like
a birdhouse okay and I was like shit man don't want to make no fucking birdhouse
like I was like got me got myself some like wood okay like some random wood
that was laying around yeah that was that was my first MDF okay no no okay
that's a real MDF yeah yeah but you know okay okay but you're talking about the
real MDF like right fiberboard right yeah exactly yeah were you not talking
about the fiberboard no yeah I did I did right it's the MDF right it's the same
MDF but I you know you know we're trying to you know make fun of you know this
mm-hmm what are we talking about here
all right we still have two minutes all right I'm gonna let's go okay let's
read another section okay
so like you know I like I I knew this was gonna happen yeah
like I knew that there's there was nothing nothing that we can relate to
right in the next segment yeah but I felt like reading them because there was
nothing else to expand on and I felt like you know and there was there was
something inside me that I knew that there was nothing to expand on even if I
continued to the next segment but like I just I just had to because I couldn't
stand the awkwardness yeah standing awkwardness of not having anything to
talk about wait yeah shit this is MDF maybe fucking it is man the little
wooden board that your laptop monitors on yeah this is something I bought at you
know the store the store like the the store like Nitori Nitori store no it's
like the home center yeah yeah right home center must be this is must be MDF
shit so you were with her the whole time yeah throughout your whole life wow I
didn't from Kyoto yeah even before Kyoto no I killed from Kyoto from well I
didn't even realized you you were the girl my life oh truly an amazing story
yeah yeah MDF should we pin this to like our so that every new visitor can can
listen no no all right so we'll just yeah we'll just end the podcast all
right yep and it's ten minutes so right so we should stop this as soon as
possible right right right we we thank Wikipedia and and the the the author of
this article we thank you so much for writing right this article yeah yep
yeah yeah so I guess this is goodbye yeah like we had a good time right yeah we
did like it was a nice to know like it like I do feel like it meant something
in our life yeah you know like I'm sure this isn't goodbye yeah ever I'm sure
we'll meet again you know like I'm sure that yeah I'm sure we'll connect again
yeah like that you know MDF right yeah I'm sure MD I'm sure I'll remember you
MDF and I'm sure you'll remember us and like like the fact that you know
Wikipedia got us here we got appreciate that yeah I'm feeling like don't say
that in front of him so uh thanks guys for witnessing this drama all right bye

