1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんはどうやってピアノ弾..
2020-12-11 11:31


welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
so um I want to talk to you about playing instruments today okay I've been
um I've tried several in place I've tried to play several instruments Oh
passed in my life I've tried playing the guitar really tried playing saxophone
really yeah my father owns a saxophone Wow cool let me play but uh fly try
playing piano mm-hmm you good piano player by the way right you can play the
piano so well like Alicia Keys huh yes I can
where's that coming from what but you can play that piano right the uh
dude I mean I already forgot how to play that right but um every time I have
interest I'm interested in playing instruments well I am but I can't why do
you think I can't am I not interested enough like I can't understand I can't
um what I mean you can't I I just can't understand how it's how it works the
instruments works how the piano works I guess more I guess a better question be
like I can't read it got cool okay like I is that do you think it's hard is it
easy for you now to read got cool yeah like how long did it take you honestly
speaking I still cannot read a couple correctly oh I know the the pitch it's
really easy for me I can see the pitch but the problem is is the time and you
know the length of this of that one tone I still cannot read that correctly like
a do look about no itchy kind of thing yeah like like when you look at this
little look over here maybe this yeah like this one
all right I know this that the pitch let's see uh-huh D uh-huh
E flat yeah but I can't understand that how long ah the length like one two three
or like one two yeah you don't know how long it should stay yeah so I can't like
play this if I don't know the melody like I can't play on first sight yeah if
I know the melody I can do that mm-hmm but I if I can't read it I know that
the pitch it is this so you've memorized like this is easy but if we
it was with little foot in like this little boy yeah like this will be a
little difficult to me like how long did it take you to to look at the that crew
and then understand if it's a C or D or E or and then being able to connect that
with the actual position of the keyboard how long yeah but is it easy for you now
is it really what do you mean like like play see yeah like you look at you look
at the what do you call these the cool the right the you look at the sheets and
there's four bars five bars right I forgot how many but like there's a dot
yeah okay and then you convert that into oh that's a C yeah and then you oh if
it's a C it's here so like there's two conversions for me one you have to
convert from the sheets to alphabet then alphabets to position on the keyboard
okay that takes so much work that's okay I see like I will never I feel like I
will never be able to play the music with the sheets okay so it's more like
practice yeah just remember I this is a you know that the left uh-huh the most
the edge the edge okay it's always a it's always a no matter what kind of
keyboard it is yeah okay so I remember when I was a beginner uh-huh counted
like a B C D E okay and like I can't is this one more another thing is like I
can't clap and sing at the same time I can't I just can't do it what do you
mean I can't cut like like I can't give me a song like
we are totally yeah because that was easy okay but if it was like a more
emotional song where like I have to like I do do little what do you call these
like little trills I know makes banks runs riffs riffs yeah if I start doing
that well then I can't my hands are like they stop well is that how you clap yeah
don't don't okay I see that some people want it all but I don't know that it all
if it all seems yeah I lost it I lost it there
Wow that's dumb can you do your hand and hand and feet and sing I can't do that
I can't do that Wow you're gonna try yeah some people want it all but I know
if it ain't you baby if I got you baby some people want diamond rings and some
just yeah like I can't so hard but I can't focus on my singing and I sound
weird and I can't keep that I can't keep my timing right so it's really hard
yeah but it's all about practicing right I'm assuming it yeah like moving
yeah right yeah that's practicing I have an electric drum yeah you know I own
that right and first I didn't I couldn't do different moves with my right hand
left hand but now I can I can do my legs yeah and have the different different
moves my left and right hand they're both different they're moving differently
and I was able to do that so I'm assuming they're practicing yeah I've
I've tried it several times but always I end up not succeeding practice like a
week okay like a week then I stop for yeah maybe I just don't have enough
passion I think so maybe if I continue for a month yeah I would be able to do
it like memorize where is C yeah I tried that I I try to put tapes on like like I
put a scotch tape yeah and then write down the letters actually yeah and then
whenever I take that off my mind is just like okay what the fuck is this like I
have no idea where it is because I realize so much on the letters that
right on it right look at this desert to white keys yeah together I know next to
that white yeah and here's - yeah so oh it's really hard but this is see mm-hmm
this is a C C part yeah okay white black white black white and
servanted by white keys uh-huh so this is the same place yeah yeah I understand
right that I understand so where's C right here yeah I understand that that I
understand but where's F wait see D E F right that I have to do this yeah yeah
at the beginning you have to do that yeah I guess everyone goes through the
same yeah and also when I see the script yeah sometimes I count like like okay
oh you see ah like look at this like this right really far from the main bars
uh-huh so I have to count so you have to do that - yeah okay okay
do you play the drums still I really want to but it makes a lot of noise it
makes a lot of banging noise I can't oh I guess someone here yeah maybe my wow
he's got a lot of boxes how many boxes does he have three did you order 30 boxes
or something okay all right yes we'll end the podcast right now okay okay
thanks for listening again thank you

