1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. クリスマスが楽しみすぎる件
2020-12-05 12:26


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
That was a radio voice.
That was an even more radio voice.
Was it radio voice?
Did you recognize?
The sandiness of my voice?
Oh, I'm sorry but I didn't.
Kind of voice.
To me, it's radio voice.
Go ahead.
I want to talk to you about Christmas.
Oh, Christmas!
It is the most exciting season of the year for me.
For you, yeah.
The most exciting.
The most.
The most.
Do you enjoy Christmas?
Okay, I think I do.
Like in a usual way.
I mean, like...
Like recently, like in...
Uh, I have dinner.
A little Christmas-y dinner.
Listening to some Christmas-y songs.
Uh, just enjoy the...
All the illuminations all around the cities.
Yeah, yeah.
And uh...
Basically, that's Christmas to me.
Isn't that exciting?
What do you mean?
That's exactly the same Christmas to me too.
What do you mean?
How do you enjoy your Christmas?
Do you feel...
The tingliness?
When you...
When you think about these Christmas songs.
And Christmas carols.
Lights and...
It's so joyful.
And doesn't that like...
To me, it really...
Really excites me.
So you don't do...
Get so excited.
Like something special?
Just going out and...
And seeing everybody happy.
Wearing Christmas...
Wearing Christmas sweaters.
Having Christmas trees in the middle of the station.
And looking at...
And everybody putting their smartphones up and taking pictures.
And the background...
Having like these...
Christmas songs in the background.
Like the Mariah Carey songs.
Or like...
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas songs.
And the environment.
The cheerful, uplifting...
It's just...
So exciting.
I don't know.
I get energy from that.
I do get energy.
That's the most...
Important season.
Do you not understand any of this?
Yeah, I do understand a little bit.
Like it's cheerful.
And I'll be happy.
You know...
No energy is coming out from the inside.
A little bit.
It's just like...
A little bit.
It's just like...
Whatever holidays of Japan there is.
Like I don't even think that...
It's a holiday.
Someone is calling you.
Oh shit.
Yeah, it's a...
You should...
Just leave this.
Can we...
Keep going?
I don't think so.
I'm not sure.
I'll cut it out.
Yeah, I don't even think that's a holiday.
Like it's not a holiday actually.
Right, because...
You don't...
You know, we've got a...
We have a winter holiday.
But it's actually for...
Like, Nenmatsu Nenshi holiday.
It's not a Christmas holiday.
So it's not a kyuujitsu.
Maybe it's kyuujitsu.
Like, shukujitsu.
You know, it's not a holiday for Japanese people.
It's just...
An event.
What's the difference between a kyuujitsu and a holiday?
I mean, holidays are long...
Like, two weeks of a holiday.
Okay, okay.
So, it has to be a long kyuujitsu.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like, Christmas holiday means a little bit long.
You know?
I interpret it as...
I interpret it as...
I'm probably wrong.
I'm probably in the minority.
But I interpret holidays as like...
Cheerful days.
Okay. That's cute.
Like, if it's like a...
Like a cheerful season.
Or like a cheerful kind of week.
That's a holiday.
What else? Holiday in the year.
Thanksgiving is a holiday.
New Year's.
Like Halloween.
Like, if there's at least a week of enjoyment...
For the day...
That's upcoming.
That's a holiday for you.
It's more like a holiday for me.
It's like being joyful...
For the upcoming event is a holiday.
So, it doesn't have to be...
A day off.
So, Christmas holidays are...
It doesn't have to be a day off.
I just...
The city has to be cheerful.
That's a holiday.
So, Christmas holiday has begun to you already.
Of course.
November starts.
Christmas starts.
Right after Halloween.
For me, it's...
Cheerfulness really begins to...
Build up in my...
My heart.
Do you remember...
Christmas present?
I do.
My grandma gave it to me.
No, no, no. I'm talking about Santa Claus.
I do.
I remember.
Not your grandma.
I remember when...
A little kid.
Yeah, a little kid.
Me and my sister were like...
Mom, dad!
We were doubting our parents.
It was...
It was you, mom, wasn't it?
And then mom was like...
No, I don't...
Look at the wrapping.
Look at the wrapping, Kevin.
Do I own a wrapping that's with this design?
So, it must not be me!
And I was like, oh, you're right, mom.
You don't own these kinds of wrapping.
So, it must not be you!
And I truly believed it.
And I was like, then it must be dad!
Dad, it was you, wasn't it?
And I was like...
Kevin, no! I was sleeping!
Did you not see me sleeping?
Going to bed?
Right? And I was like, oh, yeah, you're right.
Dad did go to bed.
Like, at night.
So, it must be Santa Claus!
And me and my sister were like,
fuck, it was goddamn Santa Claus!
We were like, really, like...
Like, surprised.
That Santa really gave us a present.
So, we were like a really pure kid.
Like, at school,
people told us it was your parents.
And we were like, it was our parents?
And then, like, on the day of Christmas,
we're like, is it you guys?
Really? Like, mom, dad, is it you?
And parents were like, no, of course not!
And like, gave us some, like,
non-logical answer,
and we believed in it.
And, um, cute, right?
Yeah, cute.
That was our...
That's my memory of Christmas.
Sweet memory.
How about you?
I remember I've got so many Tomica.
Little Tomica.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I remember that.
Did you really think that Santa Claus gave it to you?
I knew.
I'm assuming you still do.
You still do.
By the way, you answered it.
Yeah, I do.
Right, okay. We can move on, okay?
What else, besides Tomica?
bigger car.
Like, the radio controlled cars?
Little bit bigger than Tomica.
But not radio controlled?
No, no, no. It was me who moved it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Other than that,
painting equipment.
'Cause I...
Like the ones you buy at, like, a home center, kind of?
I like,
tons of hundreds of colors.
You like the pink?
Yeah, I did.
When I was a little kid, I always painted.
I did.
I really enjoyed
And I remember, one day,
I put
little cookies
in hot milk
for the Santa Claus.
I remember with my little younger brother,
they put that in our room.
And next day,
when we wake up,
cookies gone.
Milk, it's gone.
They're half gone?
Yeah, yeah, half gone.
And the cookies, like, little bites?
Yeah, right.
Like someone just took off a single bite.
So it wasn't, like, completely gone.
And I ate it.
That's cute. You ate the rest of the cookie?
Yeah, of course.
But your parents were asleep?
Yeah, they were.
Like, they went to their room.
Right. And said,
"Good night."
Right. Which means they were asleep.
Yeah, of course. Can you believe that?
Which means Santa Claus
was the only one
who could have done that.
Yeah. The only possibility
is Santa Claus.
Yeah. Right.
I can't wait
to have kids.
And then,
not that I want one right now,
but when I do, I can't wait for them
to be like,
"Today Christmas comes
and I'll be the one
to be
Santa Claus."
bite their cookies
and drink their milk.
play tricks on them.
That's so joyful.
Then we'll ask you, "Is that you?"
"Is that you, Kevin?"
Don't say that.
Try to pretend.
We like Christmas.
Yeah. So joyful.
So, there you go.
Me being very excited for Christmas.
Yes. I hope you guys
feel the same way.
I really do.
Thanks for listening again, guys.

