1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビン、30代に成し遂げたい事?
2020-10-31 13:34


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Let's use your little ukulele.
It's a guitar array.
What do you want?
I want a...
I'm trying, I'm trying here. I'm trying really hard here.
Yeah, someone, looking at me.
Oh, look at me.
Oh, you gotta stop looking at me.
What was that?
The lyrics went, "Oh, somebody's looking at me. Oh, somebody's looking at me. Oh, they gotta stop looking at me."
That was a lyric here.
Wow, amazing story.
It's your guitar array. In between guitar and ukulele, right?
Yeah, that's the middle size.
Six strings.
Yeah, and also this is the nylon strings.
Nylon strings.
Three nylon strings, three steel strings.
Is this the first time I've seen your guitar array? I don't think I've seen your guitar array before.
Oh, really?
No, I don't think so.
Then maybe so.
First time here, okay. Hello.
I remember you played this guitar array, maybe the same one.
When we went on a camp, do you remember?
It was like four years ago, maybe, or three years ago. We went to camp with our friends.
Our circle friends?
Yeah. Actually, we didn't stay.
We didn't stay, but...
But they camped.
It was kind of in the forest.
Yeah, riverside.
Yeah, I think I remember that. I think I remember that.
And you played this.
I played that?
Yeah, you played that.
You had that kind of skill.
Maybe the same one.
I'm pretty sure that I didn't bring this, so someone's...
But I did have the experience of holding it in my hand, right?
So, we've got a request through my line.
Oh, okay. As usual now, your line is now officially like...
Right, right.
You've been getting a lot of messages, I'm guessing.
You know, so that everyone can send me some messages, and that's convenient for them, right?
Well, okay.
So, this is from Ai-san.
Thank you, Ai-san.
Arigatou gozaimasu-san.
Oh, sorry.
Arigatou gozaimasu-san.
Well, "Sanjūdai de yaritai koto wa nan desu ka?"
Good question.
Yes, you know, as you've got... you've turned into...
26 years old?
Yeah, 26.
Oh, my mouth.
Your mouth is not running.
But, "Sanjūdai de yaritai koto wa nan desu ka?"
Very good question.
Yeah, or do you have something else that you want to do in nijūdai, maybe?
Yeah, you know, I actually don't have some sort of like the list of things I want to do in my 30s.
Not... yeah, it's just that there's things that I want to do.
It's just a matter of executing them in order.
So, it's not like this execution is exactly meant for me in the 30s or anything like that.
There's not... there's no time limit or anything.
There's just a list of things that I want to accomplish and that's it.
All right.
So, it's just really... there's no...
So, I do have things which is like basically being happy ultimately, you know.
The ultimate goal in my life right now is to be happy, to be fulfilled, right?
So, anything that leads to that is the answer for me.
Right now, it's executing me, executing my desire to build businesses, right?
And so, right now, I have recently decided to start my...
I'm not going to publicly say it yet but an English related business.
And for that, I've decided to sell my restaurant business.
Oh, really?
You have sold?
I have already today, just today, I have decided to...
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
So, the exit, right?
It's an exit.
But it's also a friend.
All right.
So, it wasn't like...
It wasn't like that.
You just gave it to him.
It's a...
So, I have... will not be consuming my time on my restaurant business.
All right.
We'll be spending now on from English related kind of business which I have...
It's not fixed yet.
It's not decided yet.
All right.
So, I'm not going to...
I can't publicly say it though but soon, hopefully.
Very excited for that.
I'm looking forward to know that.
Thank you.
So, that I'm very excited to execute within several months.
That's great.
Also, looking forward to do more content, you know.
I'm going to evolve my content, do in different formats, you know, trying to think of new
ideas to entertain people through English and comedy maybe.
I will be opening up my personal account.
So, that I have more flexibility in the things that I...
The content that I provide.
Planning to do more of live streaming like just by myself.
That seems fun to me.
Anything else that I want to accomplish?
I want to accomplish...
I want to do investing.
Like I'm...
I've never invested in anything before.
Oh, really?
Like not stocks.
I've never done it before.
Real estate, I've never done before.
Businesses, I've never done it before.
So, I might want to taste a little bit of that.
I'm not sure if I'll, you know, if I'll bloom passion onto that topic though.
But I am interested in tasting a lot of things.
So, maybe I might want to try doing a little bit of investing.
That's great.
I'm sure that you told me that you're interested in...
You were interested in investing to be a real estate, right?
You told me once.
Right, right, right.
I am, I am.
But I never actually got to execute on that.
So, hopefully I will in the near future, maybe.
Yeah, but you already, you know, put your money into the bank, right?
That's your kind of, you know, invest.
That's investing?
That's considered investing?
But, you know, like, passive?
Is that...
Which one?
Passive is which one?
Passive is "jidotekini."
Okay, not the...
What is the opposite?
What's that?
You know.
That's not my...
Okay, okay.
I understand.
But, you know, that's a little bit passive investing, but, you know, you can get some
kind of...
Right, right, right.
Percentage from the banks.
Got it, got it, got it, got it.
Yeah, that's a kind of investing.
Okay, okay.
So, I would say, you know, hardcore, in the game kind of investing, right?
Right, the real...
Right, right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I gotcha.
So, that...
I want to do that.
You know, you asked me to...
You told me, "Hey, let's make some sort of a music," right?
I've been listening to some music and getting some inspirations.
Maybe if I could get that actually on...
Maybe I could make an actual art piece of work from that.
That would be great.
That would be great.
But I have no idea how.
All right.
Like, I don't know how to output those kinds of things.
Like, you can tell me about that, like, in detail.
But, you know, I'm not sure that I can see what you're seeing, you know?
Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Right, right, right.
But it'll be fun.
But those are, like, new challenges that are fun.
Yeah, yeah.
That's something that we've never done before.
And I'm not interested in reading books.
I'm always seeing my books over there.
You have a pile of books right here.
Can you just try to read something?
I can try to read, of course.
Let's do it.
Yeah, let's do that.
All right.
So this is the book I just, you know...
Your newest book.
Not the newest.
I bought this one year ago.
Have you read all of them?
What do you mean?
Have you finished them?
Of course.
I read them twice.
"Tsuki to Ana Pentsu."
That's not...
That's not...
"Tsuki to Roku Pentsu."
That's six.
To be honest, I'm gonna start reading, okay?
Okay, thank you.
This is my reading time.
So if it's bedtime, it's your lucky day.
Bedtime story, guys.
We have...
We should start something new like this.
Yeah, we should start like you're right.
Kevin's bedtime story.
Yeah, that's great.
Okay, I'm gonna give you like a little bit of a taste of how it's gonna feel like.
All right.
So 10 o'clock PM, right?
You're in your beds.
Or 12 o'clock PM, you're in your beds.
Okay, bedtime story, guys.
Here we go.
To be honest, when I first met him, I didn't think that Charles Strickland was a special person.
Now, there are no people who don't recognize the value of Strickland.
It's not a politician or a soldier who got honor by chance.
The value of politicians and soldiers is not in the person, but in the position.
If the situation changes, the value changes.
The general idea of losing the title is just a mouthful of small things.
There are many cases where soldiers without military uniforms fall on the names of the countryside.
Wow, you're really good.
Wow, I'm doing a really good job.
You're doing a really good job.
Much more than I expected.
You're reading so well.
I was reading so well, wasn't I?
How much did I misread?
Like one?
Sorry, like five or six.
Oh, shit.
But it was so smooth.
It was smooth, wasn't it?
I was surprised for myself, too.
Maybe it's easier to read.
Maybe this topic is easy to read.
It's possible.
It's a novel.
You don't feel it's easier than other...
No, that's a usual novel.
And it's an old one, so I think that's a little bit more difficult compared to the new sold novels in Japan.
So great.
I don't know what happened there.
Maybe I was able to read at that level.
You're getting better.
Reading better.
So maybe this could be a new podcast in a way.
Yeah, maybe.
Maybe, right?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that people cannot sleep.
But you know, that would be really good for...
But as I said in the past, I was not able to comprehend what was being said as I was reading.
I told you this before, right?
I can't understand and read aloud at the same time.
Nothing was going in my brain as I was reading there.
But anyways, that was so great.
That was good.
That was a new discovery.
Under certain circumstances, under certain books, circumstances, I am a very good reader.
Yeah, getting like not a very good reader.
Getting better.
Yeah, right.
Getting better.
So there's 10 minutes.
We're going to ask you for the answers in the next episode.
So heads up.
Be excited for the next episode, guys.
Okay, bye bye.

