1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 長所と短所は?(ケビンver)
2020-09-09 11:26


Welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English Room Podcast!
That was a new instrument.
What was that?
No, I was simply trying to say "podcast" but I couldn't.
So, at the last episode, on the last episode, in the last episode?
In the last episode.
Or on?
On the last episode.
We've talked about strengths and weaknesses.
Actually, I've talked a lot about myself.
So, this episode, what about you?
Do you...
My strengths and weaknesses?
Yes, yes, yes.
I think my strength is to put things into action.
I'm very good at putting things into action.
Like, if I feel like I want to do something, I can execute on it.
Like, that's been the center strength of my whole career, I guess.
I first entered...
I did a...
I entered a chemical company, which I had no interest in.
I kind of knew that from the very beginning.
But after I entered, I was for sure I was not interested.
So, I took action very quick.
I then entered Starbucks.
And you should have seen...
I looked back at my calendar.
In 2007, April was when I first entered Shinshutsu, right?
April 1st.
Right, 2017, April 1st was when I first entered that chemical company.
That's pretty, you know, rich company.
Yes, yes, yes.
The pay was good.
No zangyo.
So, you get a lot.
But, um...
I chose that company just for the money and no zangyo.
Right, environment.
Yatte riku janai ka.
Somewhere around there.
I was not looking into passion when I chose that company.
I left that behind.
But I did have hesitation inside me.
I still had it when I started applying.
I started working there.
I was like, "Should I really be doing this job?"
For life.
For life.
For using my time.
Am I satisfied using my time at this company?
How I'm working.
So, I looked back at my calendar.
A week after I entered.
A week, man.
A week after I entered...
Yeah, that's surprising.
The chemical company.
I had already applied for Setsune Kai for Starbucks.
It was there.
I was surprised too.
I'm a pretty fast mover.
That's surprising.
Right, so I did the Setsune Kai.
That's action, right?
That's hardcore action.
I'm only one week into a new company and I'm already applying for different companies' Setsune Kai.
Then after that, after a year in the chemical company, I was lucky enough to enter Starbucks.
So, I joined Starbucks and I wanted to run my own store.
So, I quit my job, which was a pretty hardcore execution, I think.
Quit a corporate job.
Quitting a corporate job takes a lot.
So, that I was able to muster up the energy to be able to do that.
I think that's a strength of mine.
That is.
I think so too.
I have a lot of ideas.
I always come up with a lot of new things to do.
More than half of the times I execute on it.
Right, a lot of times it ends up not successful, but I do execute on it.
So, when you focus on the execution side, I think it's a pretty high rate of execution.
So, strength?
Weakness would be...
Biggest weakness is...
There's a lot actually.
It's really hard to choose one.
I know one weakness of yours is the habit that you go out without wearing your pants.
That's not a weakness dude.
That's a huge weakness.
That's a criminal act.
It's heavier than weakness.
Guys, he's just joking.
I don't go around in my underwear.
I do that sometimes during the winter.
I don't put pants on.
And I'm not talking about the station.
I don't go around in the station not wearing pants.
I'm talking about neighbors.
Places where no one's there.
Everyone has weakness.
That's not my weakness.
I wouldn't say that's my weakness.
Overthinking could be a weakness of mine.
I'm trying very hard not to.
But I overthink or judge myself too hard.
Like if I one day I wake up I have plans to do this this and this.
And I get lazy sometimes.
I judge myself for that.
Why do you get lazy?
I don't know.
For some reason I don't feel like doing the job that I have to.
And I get lazy.
I'm like I lay on the couch not doing anything watching TikToks.
And that consumes two hours.
And by the time I notice it, hours have passed and I'm doing nothing.
And I'm in guilt of not doing anything.
And I judge myself for that.
That's right.
And I'm trying very hard not to.
I'm trying to accept myself for being lazy.
I'm trying to think laziness is productive, Kevin.
It's a form of productivity.
Being lazy.
Giving rest to yourself physically and mentally.
I'm trying to justify that in myself.
So that I don't have to judge myself.
I can't focus when I'm working.
I get distracted a lot.
So you can't...
You have to make change.
You have to make change the situation.
I can't work at home.
I'm way too distracted.
I always go to some shopping mall or cafe to work.
I need the eyes of other people.
So that I don't go off track so much.
If I work at home, I'll start sleeping.
So I can't.
I'm very bad at small details.
Small details?
Like "goji-datsuji" or...
Small details in relationships.
In relationships?
Or like follow-ups.
I suck at follow-ups.
I'm very bad at looking after other people.
I never thought about that.
No, I don't.
I don't.
For example?
For example, like...
For me, you're a really good guy as a friend.
Thank you.
You're taking care of me.
Thank you.
But like I'm saying like...
My own restaurant.
I just hired a new manager.
Most of the stuff for the store, he's doing it.
The new manager.
I suck at looking after him.
I know I should be like taking care of him.
Like me going to him asking for, you know, "Is this okay?"
Or me checking what he did.
His works, right?
Like I'm 100% sure that he's not doing everything correctly.
I'm sure there's flaws, right?
And I should be the one in control checking that, right?
But I just suck at doing it.
I just don't have the energy for it.
I'm very like efficient oriented guy.
So efficient oriented that like...
If one person is taking care of it, I can't have the energy to take care of it the same thing.
Like I can't look...
I don't know.
I can't look over it.
I just don't have the energy for it.
Because logically in my head, I'm like, "He's the one taking care of it.
So he should do the job.
If he has problems, he'll contact me."
So I just...
But that's...
Make sense?
Yeah, that's very correct.
It is.
But like I know in my side...
I know in my head that he's not perfect.
There's gonna be flaws.
He needs help.
It's a weakness of mine.
So I'm not gonna be able to do it.
Oh yeah.
How's your business by the way?
The restaurant?
He's doing...
It was summer vacation.
Several days ago.
So that was good.
But it ended.
So the sales did drop.
But yeah.
It's sort of hanging tight.
New manager.
New manager is okay.
He's doing a good job.
That's nice to hear that.
He's a good guy.
Very good guy.
Very oshare.
Oshare guy.
Oshare guy.
Good looking.
He's good looking.
He's a very motte motte.
He is.
All right.
Oh you should...
That was long.
Sorry about that.
You should definitely do the strings finder.
I should.
I should.
I should.
I will.

