Hey guys welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English friend podcast with Yama-chan
So Yama-chan I got a question for you today
For me yeah
Yes, if you were given let's say 10 million yen
Oh thank you
Just like the
Thank you Kevin
Not literally give you 10 million yen
If I were to give you if 10 million yen just like the Abe-san is doing
What would you do with that money?
Let's just take the coronavirus out of the equation right?
Just say we were back to normal before corona
You got 10 million yen just suddenly I gave it to you
Thank you
How would you use that 10 million?
Oh um 10 million you know it's difficult amount like it's not crazy huge amount
But you know it's of course it's it's still a
Still a
Chunk of money
Yeah I think I would buy a guitar
A guitar
Yeah or I would buy a microphone
I think that the my choice
What okay how what's the price price range of a guitar?
Well it's completely depends on the uh
The guitars yeah the quality and all but
If you gave me Jumayan I think I would buy electric guitar
Electric guitar
I think around Jumayan to 15 million around that
I'm assuming acoustic guitars are a little bit cheaper than
The electric ones right
The electric ones you can plug into like a like a
Right yes okay and do they do they sound better?
I think well acoustic guitar they they sounds really
Like great of course but for me electric guitars are a little bit more like useful because I
I can plug into my computer
And I can
Garage band or no
Yeah some kind of thing
And I can you know change the sounds
Like you know because it's electric
I can change the sound I can add some effects
Like and so that's you know a little bit better for me
Ah got it so how would you say that how would you say what which level electric guitar like
there's low priced electric guitar range and the high price one right the high end ones
about Jumayan which level would that be in like
It belongs to
Zero to ten
Like ten
Ten or twenty twenty eleven
No like okay ten would be like the highest quality
Oh okay
Zero would be like the lowest quality
Then two
Two oh that's pretty two or three
Yeah because you know that you know that
Right there's no limit to that
Right right I understand that
I can't buy like even I I have uncountable money
I can't buy still
What makes the difference there like
Well the sounds
The touch
A touch
Maybe the history
Like some you know like famous player
Musician use it
It's the same model maybe that
Well the exact one
Oh the exact one
Obviously the one and only
It will be really really expensive
And you know like some kind of vintage guitars
Will be really crazy expensive like
How would you say okay what about the microphone here
Microphone yeah
I'm also considering buying a microphone too
Oh really
I do a lot I do podcasting right
Oh yeah
I'm not using I'm just using my iPhone 7
I'm putting it on top of a towel
So that it doesn't pick up any like
Any noise
Sharp noise
Great idea
Yeah yeah I know right
I was like I was thinking like maybe like
Somewhere around
The maximum I'll do is 5000 yen
5000 yen
For microphone
For microphone
Well I think that's enough for
For like recording our voice
And this kind of podcast or radio
I think it's enough I think
Like it's not like you know the very
You know the highest quality of course
But but it's still enough I think
What the one you're trying to buy
For your music
Musical recording right
That I'm assuming it's more expensive
More like high technology stuff
Kind of yeah
Is that like 10 million yen or
Or even much higher than that
Like they
Much higher than that
Yeah kind of 100 million yen
Or 200 million yen microphone there is
Does that even make a difference
Yeah I actually once had an experience
That I went to a studio music studio
And worked with you know the professional engineer actually
And he had such a really really expensive microphone
And I recorded my
My you know
Even my voice
I can clearly hear that difference
Sound like an angel
Even my voice
Sound like an angel
You know not change my voice itself
Yeah yeah yeah
But you know little quality that you know the texture
That's that's like you know
Like is that because of the microphone or is it like the setup right
Oh both
The room
Or or like the um the little
I don't know I don't know what you call those but like the little
Little machines like
Little machines that you can change your
Your your heart
I don't know
Your low voice and higher voice
You can change that right
Right equalizer
Equalizer right
Because of the equalizer
I don't know I don't know if it's like just the microphone
Is it the whole thing maybe set up
Oh of course your reason
You're right I mean like even the cable
Will change the sounds
What they say
That for that I don't like
I'm not sure about that
But they say that it makes difference the cable like little
The room little
Like rag
In the room you know
Little machines like so many little effectors
I've seen this on television there was a
It was a comedy show that like a person would go into a room
Where sound does not reflect
Oh yeah no reflection room
Right right I that concept was very new to me
I didn't know what that was
Oh really
Yeah so from a musical recording perspective
Those kinds of room would be a perfect scenario
Yeah if you want to record your real voice
Like when we speak here like there there are so many reflections of my voice
You know reflecting back at you
And you're so used to that reflection you don't even you can't really
Identify the reflection itself right
Right you are clear hearing all the reflections but you don't like recognize that
Oh right right right
It exists exists
Yeah so on the TV show the person in that room was like
Wow this is really weird I'm talking I'm screaming but like I can't
Right identify right so people are freaking out
I had no idea how that would feel like
I can't imagine how that being in that non-reflection room
But I guess if you put a microphone in there you get that perfect sound
Yeah I guess
Interesting yeah that's you know technology room you know
Because if we record your voice in that no reflection room
Like your voice you know we only record like your real voice
No reflection no really no effect at all that your voice
And and you record that voice and you will add sound effects
Like we can add like room effects even even you are
Like room like here
So I guess in a way like no most people have never heard of a pure 100 percent their own
only voice
Right right
Haven't they they've only been listening to the reflection the reflected version
Mm-hmm true right true and also the sounds of like the reflected inside your body
Like like you can do that and
Yes yes yes
Listen to your voice right
Right right right that makes sense interesting
How much does your microphone cost you you have a microphone on right
Yeah I think that was uh
And it's pretty good right I'm assuming they're pretty good like I I did I did
rapping on your music right
Yeah right
And I was like wow
It catches a lot of
Yeah that's the best microphone for the beginners
You know think about the price and the quality
You know it's not really really expensive as a microphone but the quality is is fine
So most of the beginners will buy that that type of microphone
All right all right in that 10 minutes
All right bye-bye guys thanks for listening again