1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Nature Call =トイレに行く、..
2020-07-10 11:18

Nature Call =トイレに行く、知ってた!?

・Toilet, Restroom, Bathroomの違い・toilet=便器、restroom/bathroom=トイレの部屋、のイメージ・高級ディナー中にトイレに行く時の言い方・「#1」=小、「#2」=大・「the john」=トイレ・Nature call = トイレに行く
Hey guys this is Kevin you're listening to Kevin's English stream podcast here with Yamachan
So listeners guys I just wanted to thank you guys for subscribing and listening and commenting
and to our podcast thanks to you guys we have reached top 12 ranking number 12 in the Japanese
podcast ranking that is amazing guys thank you so much right oh actually I met one of
my friends yeah of the college uh Matsan Matsan yeah yesterday Matsan yeah Matsan and the uh
you know I can say okay okay okay got it got it got it yesterday yes yes I know I understand
told me like he returned from uh Philippines yes yes yes yes to learn language right yes
and I met him a couple days ago yeah and he told me that he listened to this podcast for
like what English studies wow just having fun and thank you Matsan listen to English
thank you I hope you I hope you learned your English my son yeah well I have a English
question again yes go ahead please um do you think is there any difference between toilet
and restroom and bathroom ah so so I okay I think toilet is different from bathroom
and restroom oh but I think restroom and bathroom is I think they're very close oh really so
toilet is I think they're talking about the toilet itself like not the room but like the
actual seat the actual the glass object right Benky right right oh toilet is Benky uh no
it's not well yes they are they are uh-huh but right image-wise like I feel like they're
talking about you're talking about the actual the glass object itself Benky itself the toilet
if you talk about it okay right if I say I want to buy toilet it means I want to buy
the actual right right right you would say the toilet is clogged not the restroom is
clogged right I think restroom and bathroom you're talking about the whole room the whole
area maybe showers um no no I wouldn't say shower I wouldn't include the shower part
in there it would say the place you take a piss okay right take a shit like that so it's
the area I think bathroom and restroom is the area the toilet is the object itself the
the Benky right yeah I think that's okay so the restroom and and bathroom are the same
restroom and bathroom I want to go to restroom I want to go to the bathroom I think the restroom
would be a slightly more mannerful but like slightly you know okay just slightly but it
like both ways they're okay okay like in any situations you say bathroom restroom I think
it works the same thing like it's like if it's date with your girlfriend oh I like to
go to the like you're at a French restaurant yeah right you're at a French restaurant the
canals in the middle right so right expensive steak the huge plate right with little itsy
bitsy fish right and yellow sauce yeah right the yellow sauce all over the plate and you
got that nice right nice view view right yeah yeah you want to go to you want to take a
piss right oh sorry excuse me I want to go to the restroom I'm okay yeah I think you
I think restroom would be okay more suitable right do you have any like expression like
typical phrase express that in polite way like hiding um like in Japan we don't say
that but let me go and pick flowers like what did they really say that yeah well actually
I've ever like I've never said before but it is exist wait no you say that in Japanese
do they really say that it's kind of joke but you know so it's a joke so people perceive
it as joke right people know that we understand that he or she is going to go to the toilet
I mean restroom but you know some people say that actually well there is a code there's
a code name for pee and shit okay it's number one number two ah yeah number one's a pee
number two's a shit okay poop I'm sorry guys for saying shit all the time it's I always
say pee I'll see that poop from now on so but it's not like it's a slang term so it's
not something that you say during a French okay in a French restaurant I'm trying to
think of that word trying to think of that phrase when you when you can use it during
a French restaurant so far my brain hasn't clicked but I think right now thinking about
it if you would excuse me I will go to the restroom is not a bad phrase to say it in
that situation like um there there may be a better way of saying it I just can't recall
at the moment but um hmm let's google it yeah yeah that's what google's here for yeah
bathroom yeah
like we like in Japan in Japanese we have like really few people say that
it's like how Kyoto people if they want to leave like don't they say like ah
oh yeah they have that kind of culture do you want some rice like oh yeah right oh yeah
okay okay okay right like that we say that but that means uh just go out get out are
you comfortable were you comfortable in that culture you were in Kyoto you lived in Kyoto
for like a year or two right were you comfortable in that situation yeah but you know to be
honest they were not that bad people they were kind so I'm not feel any uncomfortable
with them so more like you were never in a situation where you were in somebody's territory
right and also I you know I can think what what they think about me so if I think I'm
staying too long here uh-huh I I'd rather go and I get back from the phone got it got
it got it okay so I'm looking at this google search and I think lavatory is a good word
I love it or powder root that's for ladies only powder for ladies only washroom washroom
they say it's a Canadian style yeah washroom the John what Wow the John John this is the
this is actually the first time I've heard of this phrase so I'm not sure how often it's
used or how culturally relative it is but in this and this article it says the John
is means the bathroom because the person who invented the toilet his name is Sir John Harrington
makes sense right makes sense so so in a French restaurant maybe um may I use the restroom
would be a good way to say it can I use the if you'll excuse me I will use the lavatory
maybe that could be a formal enough way of saying it you know during a French restaurant
maybe ah nature call you you've heard of that phrase before no so I've used this before
and I know that it's culturally relative nature call nature call right so in a direct way
she's in a yonder right and so nature call you pee you can't control your yeah your system
right your pee your peeing system right so nature you can't control nature they're calling
me to take a piss right so nature call you have to go you can yeah yeah I have to go
it I'm being called by nature I have to pee right so if this isn't a formal way of saying
so you can't use it at like a formal date oh that's funny but like it during like you
know when in a funny situation oh nature call gotta go sorry guys you can use it right well
that's good nature call nature call I'm gonna use that yeah yeah yeah you should it's nature
call used it before well have ever used our loo loo no no I'm guessing it's pee like the
bathroom going to the bathroom no is it like a British way of saying maybe maybe no you
use it before oh no no oh water closet no no never even heard of it oh really no no
okay and nature call yeah nature call let's use it guys nature call nature call well that's
wraps up the episode. Thanks for listening guys! Thank you!

