1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #34: Evgeny Yurtaev, Co-Foun..
2022-12-02 48:26

#34: Evgeny Yurtaev, Co-Founder & CEO @ Zerion | How building in DeFi since 2016 led to launching a wallet that generated 80k+ active users in less than 6 months

Zerion is one of the OG crypto companies, operating since 2016. It started as a tool to do fundraising through token sales.  Then it transformed into a DeFi exploration tool where you could track & invest in different assets. Then it expanded into NFTs & other web3 assets. And a few months ago, they also joined the wallet space and already got 80k+ users.

What inspired them to start? Why they made so many pivots? And why they're confident that they can compete in a hard wallet space? I spoke with Evgeny, Zerion's Co-Founder, who shared the backstage perspective of the last 6 years of running Zerion.


What’s Zerion and why they pivoted a lot since 2016

Evgeny experience at Google, with chatbots and with a crypto trading app that got 1M+ downloads

Why meeting Vitalik inspired them to start Zerion

How they started as a smart contract developers’ team

Why the 2019 bear market prompted them to pivot to build a token tracking aggregator

How a blog post about fundraising inspired them to go to San Francisco to earn funding and get the first users

Why they entered the aggregators & wallets space, and why are these markets less crowded than Mac thinks

Why there are so few wallets on the market and why the timing is so important

Which use cases do they cover with their wallet

How they designed the wallet so it’s useful both for beginners and more advanced users (Web3 Citizens)

What was the hardest part about making the wallet multi-chain

How they want to battle MetaMask and why web3 helps them to do it

What web3-native marketing tactics such as NFT collections and community-building let them acquire tens of thousands of users

How does their NFT collection that changes based on your wallet activity work

Why on-chain information can be a goldmine for marketers

The vision behind their API, why it’s been used by Rainbow Wallet and StakeDAO, and why having it centralized might be okay

Why wallet can become an e-mail on steroids

Why open architecture of web3 makes it better for users

Why building the wallet was the hardest decision Evgeny had to make while running Zerion

What would Evgeny build if he wasn’t building Zerion

Why would he fix privacy with his magic web3 wand

Which web3 projects he found interesting

Where to learn more about Zerion

Ideas for other web3 builders


