ウェブ開発、プログラミング、モバイル、ガジェットなどにフォーカスしたテクノロジー系ポッドキャストです。 #rebuildfm
https://rebuild.fm45: Remembering WSDL (gfx)
Goro Fuji さんをゲストに迎えて、Android, Java, RubyMotion, Web API などについて話しました。 Show Notes Bakusoku Iterations Tokyo Mobile First Development at COOKPAD by gfx DeployGate Android Studio Gradle JavaScript Power-Assert spock Android Power-Assert Javassist Maven Central CocoaPods Trunk - CocoaPods Blog PAUSE: Request ID Android Bootstrap Android Developer Tips & Tricks: Creating a "Card" UI Why cards are the future of the web | Inside Intercom Google Plus Update Netflix/RxJava RubyMotion for Android Xamarin F8 Hacker Way: Releasing and Optimizing Mobile Apps for the World git flow Droidfooding: After Years Of Giving Employees iPhones, Posters At Facebook HQ Beg Them To Test Android Google I/O 2014 List of broken apps in Android RunTime (ART) Parse Helios Heroku | The Heroku HTTP API Toolchain Auto-generated Clients from API Schemas Thrift iOS/Android Engineers at COOKPAD
44: OS X Pier 39 (N, naan)
Naoki Hiroshima さん, Kazuho Okui さんをゲストに迎えて、iPhone 6, iOS 8, App Links, Foursquare, Twitter, Java などについて話しました。 Show Notes Will iPhone 6 have 3x resolution? Daemons and Services Programming Guide: Creating XPC Services Apple plans to match Microsoft Surface with split-screen iPad multitasking in iOS 8 1Password URL protocol | Agile Blog Podcasts for iOS Updated With Siri Integration plamoni/SiriProxy OS X 10.10 emphasis planned for WWDC OS X Mavericks Isn't Named After A Cat: It's Named After A Dog App Links - Link to what you want, wherever you are With App Links, Facebook Aims At Bridging The Gap Between Mobile Apps Safari Web Content Guide: Promoting Apps with Smart App Banners x-callback-url Mobile Link Discovery Foursquare Launches Swarm, like Dodgeball Cocoyon You can now mute people on Twitter New REST API endpoints for Mute functionality | Twitter Developers Why Oracle's Copyright Victory Over Google Is Bad News for Everyone The court that created the patent troll mess is screwing up copyright too - Vox Github Kaigi Rebuild SP2: Backspace means BS ★
43: Kent is More Professional (Kenn Ejima)
Kenn Ejimaさんをゲストに迎えて、TDD、Foursquare、Yelp、OAuth 2 などについて話しました。 Show Notes Keynote - Writing Software - David Heinemeier Hansson - RailsConf 2014 TDD is dead. Long live testing. (DHH) RIP TDD Kent Beck is TDD Dead? Hangout テスト考2014 - Hidden in Plain Sight Throwing away tests after TDD cookpad/rrrspec 分散テスト実行システムRRRSpecをリリースしました Meet Swarm: Foursquare's ambitious plan to split its app in two | The Verge A look into the future of Foursquare, including a new app called Swarm Foursquare Check-In feeds Citymapper OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Covert Redirect Vulnerability Covert Redirect Vulnerability with OAuth 2 OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considetaions OAuth 2.0 and the Road to Hell | hueniverse doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper GitHub Kaigi
42: When in Golang, Do as the Gophers Do (lestrrat)
Daisuke Makiさんをゲストに迎えて、Go言語について話しました。 Show Notes The Go Programming Language stf-storage/go-stf-server Go Object Oriented Design Go言語での構造体実装パターン Defer, Panic, and Recover - The Go Blog Error handling and Go - The Go Blog Tokyo Golang Developers - Meetup template How to Write Go Code (GOPATH) GoDoc Read the Docs theplant/pak mattn/gom Martini - Classy web development in Go. #117: Go, Martini and Gophercasts with Jeremy Saenz - The Changelog lestrrat/go-xslate jteeuwen/go-bindata braintree/manners lestrrat/go-server-starter-listener smartystreets/goconvey GopherCasts Toward Go 1.3 gopkg.in - Stable APIs for the Go language
41: Kids These Days Don't Know Shell (Naoya Ito)
伊藤直也さんをゲストに迎えて、Heartbleed, Docker, Consul, RubyMotion, 環境構築などについて話しました。 Show Notes Heartbleed Bug xkcd: Heartbleed Explanation 三菱UFJニコス894人個人情報流出か OpenOpenSSL OpenBSD、怒りのコミット Docker Meetup Tokyo #2 Dockerアプリケーションのポータビリティを考える wercker docker DockerCon 2014 Consul - HashiCorp Serf vs. Consul Consul vs. ZooKeeper, doozerd, etcd - Consul Getting Started with etcd GopherCon 2014 Consul関連文書の参考訳、Serfとの違い等 | Pocketstudio.jp log3 RubyMotion @naoya_itoの火を噴いたシェルtips robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh Rebuild: 4: bkノート, Yak Shaving, Code Reviews Development Environment Conference - Shibuya.js Hack your bundle for fun and profit Dash - Documentation Browser, Snippet Manager - Kapeli
40: Securing Xiao Long Bao
台北から、台湾立法院占拠、Dropbox Carousel、Heartbleed、WWDC、マイク、小籠包などについて話しました。 Show Notes OSDC.TW 2014 Sunflower Student Movement 零時政府 g0v.tw Introducing Carousel: A new gallery from Dropbox Accidental Tech Podcast: 60: The Great Odwalla Flavor Change of 2013 Rebuild SP1 Heartbleed Bug Heartbleed Challenge WWDC - Apple Developer OS X 10.9 Mavericks: The Ars Technica Review Microphones - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog Samson Q2U
39: Objective-C Has Become Too Easy (naan)
Kazuho Okuiさんをゲストに迎えて、エイプリルフール、WWDC、Objective-C、Facebook UIなどについて話しました。 Show Notes Rebuild SP1 ★ Amazon アソシエイトリンク動作確認ツール [INFRA-7524] April Fools: migrate Apache Subversion project over to the git repo How To Find Pokemon On Google Maps WWDC - Apple Developer Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference starts on June 2nd Start Developing iOS Apps Today: Setup Transitioning to ARC Release Notes From NSURLConnection to NSURLSession - iOS 7 - objc.io issue #5 NSScreencast: Bite-sized Screencasts for iOS Development Android - objc.io issue #11 Nice. Apparently QuickTime is no longer supported in Mac App Store apps Whatever goes up, that's what we do Whatever's Best For The People, That's What We Do UI Overview | Android Developers Old Facebook iPhone UI Android UI Patterns: UI Design Pattern - Dashboard Adapting UI to iOS 7: The Side Menu | UX Magazine Why the Quick Bar ("dickbar") is still so offensive
38: As Social As Second Life (hak, honmax)
Hakuro Matsudaさん、Seiji Honmaさんをゲストに迎えて、Gun-Do、Anker、BatteryBox、Oculus Rift、Project Morpheus、THREEsなどについて話しました。 Show Notes 現代のパソコンサンデー:REBUILD向けにリミックスしてみた パソコンサンデー 第1期OP Gun-Do (New Generation Remix - Rebuild Edit) by Honmax on SoundCloud Rebuild SP1: We're Hard At Work (@N, @naan) ★ BatteryBox - External battery for Macbook that fits into your hand HyperJuice External Battery for Apple MacBook Review: Anker IQ 40W 5-port smart USB adapter Anker 40W 5ポート USB急速充電器 Mark Zuckerberg - I'm excited to announce that we've agreed to... Introducing Michael Abrash, Oculus Chief Scientist | Oculus Rift John Carmack breaks silence on Facebook's Oculus acquisition White Guys Wearin' Oculus Rifts Oculus Rift で 初音ミク と握手をしてみた - Miku Miku Akushu クラインの壷 Kindle版 Virtual Reality is going to change the world - notch.net Introducing Project Morpheus - PlayStation.Blog AMD's Revolutionary Mantle DirectX 12: A Major Stride for Gaming | NVIDIA Blog Steam Machines THREES - A tiny puzzle that grows on you.
37: N Factor Auth (Naoki Hiroshima)
Naoki Hiroshimaさんをゲストに迎えて、Two Factor Auth、iPhone、Android Wear、Hack/HHVM、将棋電王戦、2048などについて話しました。 Show Notes N: This is a happy ending not only for me. Two Factor Auth List Authy Do not use your Google Voice number for Two-Factor Authentication How I almost lost my $500,000 Twitter user name @jb... and my startup Google buys SlickLogin, a startup out to kill the password with sound Knock - unlock your Mac without a password using your iPhone iOS dominates Podcast audience Android Wear | Android Developers Pebble Smartwatch Moto 360 by Motorola Rio PMP300 This is Healthbook, Apple's major first step into health & fitness tracking Hack: a new programming language for HHVM | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code Hack HHVM Hack Isn't PHP ひらがなせいかつ への いざない 将棋電王戦 The Brilliant Hack That Brought Foursquare Back From the Dead Goodbye, Google | Stopdesign Threes! - Android 2048 Flappy 2048
36: Hubot, Deploy this Pull Request (Naoya Ito)
伊藤直也さんをゲストに迎えて、JAWS、Vagrant Share、CoffeeScript、コードレビューなどについて話しました。 スポンサー: Idobata Show Notes JAWS DAYS 2014、Immutable Infrastructure について You don't need API version 2 - yohei's diary Cookpad's deployment and auto scaling Docker 0.9: introducing execution drivers and libcontainer | Docker Blog Vagrant 1.5 and Vagrant Cloud - Vagrant ngrok - secure introspectable tunnels to localhost RequestBin - Collect, inspect and debug HTTP requests and webhooks Idobata ★ Idobata会議01 ★ Hubot, Chat, The Web, and Working in the Open Hands-on with GitHub's New Text Editor Atom Why coffeescript? - Atom Discussion 些末なコードレビュー cookpad/styleguide bbatsov/rubocop Deploy feature branch to Heroku with CircleCI
35: You Don't Need API Version 2 (Kenn Ejima)
江島健太郎さんをゲストに迎えて、Satoshi Nakamoto、Mt. Gox、Macbook Pro、Digital Ocean、リモートワーク、API バージョニングなどについて話しました。 スポンサー: Ruby on Rails チュートリアル Show Notes The Face Behind Bitcoin - Newsweek Satoshi Nakamoto: Sheriff tries to keep peace amid Bitcoin frenzy I am not Dorian Nakamoto The Inside Story of Mt. Gox, Bitcoin's $460 Million Disaster Mt. Gox Source Code Leaked By Hackers Along With Team Information, Customer Data Rebuild Transcripts Apple's latest OS X update adds support for 4K displays running 'Retina' resolutions DigitalOcean DigitalOcean Raises $37.2M From Andreessen Horowitz To Take On AWS progrium: I've joined @digitalocean today ... Ruby on Rails チュートリアル ★ We Work Remotely APIのバージョニングは限局分岐でやるのが良い Understanding HATEOAS Github API versioning via Media types The Future of API Design: The Orchestration Layer Netflix Dynamic Scripting Platform
34: Snappy Links (naan)
Kazuho Okuiさんをゲストに迎えて、goto fail、Podcast トランスクリプト、Github Atom、レーティング、Flinto などについて話しました。 Show Notes パソコンサンデー Happy ending: @N has been restored to its rightful owner On the Timing of iOS's SSL Vulnerability and Apple's 'Addition' to the NSA's PRISM Program sslKeyExchange.c diff Download iOS 6.1.6 for iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 4G Transcripts: Rebuild Rebuild ep33 Transcript Introducing Atom - Atom Blog Komodo Edit | Komodo IDE Why is Atom closed source? - Atom Discussion The right way to ask for a review. Flinto - iPhone, iPad and Android Prototyping LinkSnap: How Potato Chips Inspire Magical Software From PNG to Prototype in 45 seconds Flinto Now Supports Android Add to Homescreen - Google Chrome Mobile
33: There's No Test For goto fail (hotchpotch)
舘野祐一さんをゲストに迎えて、Podcast クライアント、モバイルアプリ開発、TestFlight, WhatsApp, iOS セキュリティなどについて話しました。 Show Notes 坂本真綾 - ハチポチ Rebuild.fmクライアント(非公式)をリリースしました Podcast App Playback Speeds iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Designing for iOS 7 Design | Android Developers TestFlight Owner Burstly Acquired By Apple Acqui-hiring DeployGate Beta Facebook is buying WhatsApp for $16 billion WhatsApp: The inside story WhatsAppの買収から考える今後のスマートフォンビジネスの動き About the security content of iOS 7.0.6 Apple's SSL/TLS bug The WebKit Open Source Project - Writing New Tests
32: How We Work Remotely (Naoya Ito)
伊藤直也さんをゲストに迎えて、Flappy Bird、iOSゲーム、リモートワークなどについて話しました。 Show Notes Rebuild #29 でアプリのレビューをして欲しいと話したらたくさんレビューが来た 'Flappy Bird' creator breaks silence, says he pulled hit game because it was 'addictive' The Flappy Bird Fiasco dongatory: I can call 'Flappy Bird' is a success of mine. But it also ruins my simple life. Threes! Creators Of "Super Hexagon" and "Canabalt" Build Fantastic Tributes To Flappy Bird Flappy Jam - itch.io PS Vita TV mini review - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's blog Nintendo: It's Dangerous To Go Alone! Take This. 強いチームはオフィスを捨てる: 37シグナルズが考える「働き方革命」 Manage multiple users on Chrome Chrome Web Store - StayFocusd naoya_ito: 僕がしたいのは情報共有というよりは感情の共有なんだなということが自分で話しててわかってきた The Travis CI Blog: How We Manage Work in a Remote Team LGTM.in/g GitHub Team (How GitHub Works) miyagawa/hubot-standup 米国で導入が始まったテレプレゼンス・ロボット
31: Done with Twitter (naan)
Kazuho Okui さんをゲストに迎えて、Twitter, 37signals, Echofon, Facebook Paper, Flappy Bird などについて話しました。 Show Notes @N . Follow Badal_NEWS Big news by Jason Fried of Basecamp Twitter / dhh: Only regret is not getting ... A note about Writeboard Echofon Blog: We are acquired! Paper | Stories from Facebook This just in: Paper is the best Facebook app ever What was it like to help develop Paper? - Quora News | FiftyThree | Every Story Has A Name Figure 53 | David and Goliath Paper, by MiSoft Flappy Bird Indie smash hit 'Flappy Bird' racks up $50K per day in ad revenue Exclusive video: Steve Ballmer's intense, tearful goodbye to Microsoft Satya Nadella - Microsoft's CEO
30: Rebuild My Identity (typester)
Daisuke Muraseさんをゲストに迎えて、@N事件、PayPal、写真共有、BitTorrent Sync、IRKit などについて話しました。 Show Notes How I Lost My $50,000 Twitter Username PayPal and GoDaddy may have cost one man his '$50,000' Twitter account Why Hasn’t Twitter Just Given @N His Name Back? Cash - Email money to anyone | Square How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking | Gadget Lab | Wired.com xkcd: Password Strength Private Photo Sharing the Hard Way everpix/Everpix-Intelligence Out of the picture: why the world's best photo startup is going out of business BitTorrent Sync Beta IRKit - Open Source WiFi Connected Infrared Remote Controller IRKit - Amazon.co.jp SiriProxy-iRemoconn WeMo Home Automation Google purchases Nest for $3.2 billion | The Verge Google Nest? No Thanks, Say Users Twilio Cloud Communications
29: Rate My App (Naoya Ito)
伊藤直也さんをゲストに迎えて、iOS アプリのレーティング、エンジニア向けバックパック、Boxen、テストなどについて話しました。 Show Notes Eff Your Review App Store ratings are broken, let’s get rid of them nicklockwood/iRate nicklockwood/iVersion Apple Can't Ban "Rate This App" Dialogs ntaku: 軽微なアプリのバグはすぐに直して申請したいと思いつつも... Developers Seeing Influx Of Unexplained 1-Star Ratings 重い鞄の斜めがけで椎間板ダメージ疑惑とバックパックのススメ BOXEN BrewfileでHomebrewパッケージを管理する テスト考2014 Testing like the TSA by David of 37signals
28: Don't Look at the Badges (Kenn Ejima)
Kenn Ejima さんをゲストに迎えて、Twitter, iOS バッジ, Ruby 2.1, Rails 4, Digital Ocean などについて話しました。 Show Notes Twitter's Theoretically Temporary URL Messaging Ban Due To Massive Wave Of DM Spam Changes to Twitter's block behavior and a workaround Banner blindness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kinda Fixing Badge Truncation - David Smith Ruby 2.1.0 is released Semantic Versioning starting with Ruby 2.1.0 Toward "more efficient" Ruby 2.1 (pdf) Rebuild: 5: Ruby 2.0 (まつもとゆきひろ) Riding Rails: Rails 4.1.0 beta1: Variants, Spring, mailer previews, JS CSRF, config/secrets.yml, Enums MySQL 5.6 and later supports microsecond precision in datetime. by miyagawa - Pull Request #8240 DigitalOcean kenn/sunzi
27: Dragon Quest, Docker and AngularJS (Naoya Ito)
伊藤直也さんをゲストに迎えて、ドラゴンクエストX、Immutable Infrastructure, AngularJS などについて話しました。 Show Notes Germany 2013 - a set on Flickr スマホ版「ドラゴンクエスト」が1日で100万DL達成! 無料期間を延長 MBaaS で巨人の肩に乗る #awscasual // Speaker Deck 2014年のウェブシステムアーキテクチャ 今さら聞けないImmutable Infrastructure Stop Worrying about Prodweb001 and Start Loving i-98fb9856 (ARC201) Google Cloud Platform Blog: Google Compute Engine is now Generally Available with expanded OS support, transparent maintenance, and lower prices AngularJS 20min #ng_jp // Speaker Deck Backbone.js backbone.stickit Amazon Prime Air Android founder Andy Rubin's secret Google project: building real robots | The Verge
26: Android 4.4 (adamrocker, mootoh)
adamrocker さん、Motohiro Takayamaさんをゲストに迎えて、Nexus 5, Android 4.4 などについて話しました。 Show Notes Nexus 5 review Google rebuilds Android camera base Nexus 5 と Android 4.4でのセルスタンバイ問題 T-Mobile announces unlimited global data roaming Nexus 5 isn't pure Android, it's pure Google Android KitKat Android 4.4 KitKat review The meaning of really cheap Android Android 4.4 ships without a browser The Naked Android Chrome 32 Beta: faster Android touch input fastclick Introducing ART Meet ART, Part 1 Android 4.4 面白ポイント Simeji niw/mozc
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朗読 de ポッドキャスト
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