Hakuro Matsuda さんをゲストに迎えて、Intel, Google Pixel 6, Apple, CEDEC, ゲーム、映画などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- 1922 SMS: Easy and secure contact tracing in Taiwan
- Rebuild Portal
- Intel Architecture Day 2021
- Intel previews its Alder Lake chip
- TSMC is raising chip prices as supply shortages continue
- Nvidia faked part of a press conference with a CGI CEO
- AIの遺電子 Blue Age 2
- Google Pixel 6
- Google Tensor debuts on the new Pixel 6 this fall
- The Circle Comes Full Circle, with the new Google Pixel 5a with 5G
- Apple will now let App Store developers talk to their customers about buying direct
- Final vote delayed for Korea’s plan to ban Google and Apple in-app payment rules
- [CEDEC 2021]フランス人開発者が,日本のゲーム業界の常識を斬る
- 「Ghost of Tsushima」の“日本版”を作る
- 『Ghost of Tsushima』序盤のあの名シーンができるまで
- Gamers Reactions To The Seeing The AMAZING Title Intro To Ghost of Tsushima
- Highlander (1986) - IMDb
- 『The Last of Us Part II』盲目のゲーマーがクリア報告
- EAが『Apex Legends』のアクセシビリティ関連特許を無償開放
- 映画大好きポンポさん
- 望郷太郎(5)