技術顧問の和田卓人さんと、Data Transfer ObjectとDomain Payload Objectについて話しました。
Show Notes:
- 本編 = 7. Fat Controllers and Models
- DTO (Data Transfer Object)
- DPO (Domain Payload Object)
- LocalDTO
- Remote Method Invocation
- Metaprogramming
- Reflection
- DDD_Aggregate
- drapergem/draper: Decorators/View-Models for Rails Applications
- Forwarding
- DAO (Data Access Object)
- Expression Language
- Performance and N+1 Queries: Explained, Spotted, and Solved
- The Open Session In View Anti-Pattern
- ActiveRecordのjoinsとpreloadとincludesとeager_loadの違い
- Plain old Java object
- AnemicDomainModel
- Decorator/Presenter
- The Onion Architecture : part 1
- rails/jbuilder: Jbuilder: generate JSON objects with a Builder-style DSL