2023-02-01 29:29

SaaStr 630: Sales-led vs. Product-led? Today’s Startups Need Both with Jason Eubanks, CRO at Harness

What is the right Go-To-Market strategy for a startup getting out of the gate? Sales-led vs. product-led is a hot topic right now, and Jason Eubanks, Chief Revenue Officer of Harness, shares the answer. 


At Harness, Eubanks leads go-to-market. Everything is defined by customer interactions, from how they find Harness to becoming a customer. What’s his response to startups figuring out which strategy to begin with, product-led or sales-led? “It doesn’t really matter where you start because you’ll need to do both,” Eubanks said. 


Full video with Q&A: https://youtu.be/aJqNJfph4Mw

Blog post: https://www.saastr.com/sales-led-vs-product-led-todays-startups-need-both-with-jason-eubanks-cro-at-harness-video/


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