2019-04-18 22:53

SaaStr 226: Survey Monkey CMO Leela Srinivasan on 7 Tips For Using Customer Feedback To Build Rabid Fans and Make More Money

Leela Srinivasan is the CMO of SurveyMonkey. Join her as she takes you through her seven tips for using customer feedback and building rabid fans. Consistently ramping your ARR is a whole lot harder if your customers don’t stick around. In an age where earning customer loyalty and trust is harder than ever, the road to lifetime value is paved with customer feedback. If you take the time to listen, understand and act on what your customers are thinking and feeling, you’ll create an army of advocates and drive topline revenue growth for good measure.


Missed the session? Here’s what Leela talks about:

  • How to create an army of advocates
  • How to drive topline revenue growth
  • Real world examples from businesses that are listening and acting on customer feedback every day.

If you would like to find out more about the show and the guests presented, you can follow us on Twitter here:

Jason Lemkin


Leela Srinivasan



