2022-03-18 27:45

SaaStr 539: The Journey to Building a Successful Customer Advisory Board in the Enterprise with Mapistry VP of Customer Experience Maya Colato

Customer feedback is an essential road map to guide a company toward success. When you have a customer-centric culture, your business has a greater chance of growing and thriving. But how can businesses create spaces for customers to engage in productive dialogue? 

Mapistry sought out feedback about its direction by organizing a Customer Advisory Board (CAB).

Mapistry received commendations for the process from participants of its CAB—executives and practitioners from diverse industries. Maya Colato, Vice President of Customer Experience at Mapistry, outlines how you can build a successful Customer Advisory Board. 

Full video: https://youtu.be/OfjP01RmuvQ

Blog post: https://www.saastr.com/building-a-successful-customer-advisory-board-in-the-enterprise-with-mapistrys-vp-of-customer-experience-maya-colato/


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