2023-03-22 24:50

SaaStr 644: Lessons Learned in Scaling Early-Stage to Hyper-Growth Companies: From VMware, AWS and Databricks with Databricks SVP and GM Ed Lenta

Back in the early 2000s, people didn’t entirely accept that a virtual machine could be as good as a physical one. Of course, we all know how that turned out. 

Ed Lenta, the SVP and GM of Databricks, had the rare opportunity of scaling three hypergrowth companies — VMware, AWS, and Databricks. All of which were disruptors when they first came on the scene. 

Is there a recipe or formula that will predict the success of a pre-growth, high-potential company? Lenta shares his lessons learned through scaling these early-stage companies. 


Full video: https://youtu.be/FvYovHfm7rs


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