2022-02-25 24:12

SaaStr 532: The Secrets to Scaling a Public Company with a 75% Freelancer Workforce with Upwork CEO Hayden Brown

Talent Acquisition to Talent Access: Building a winning culture with a workforce that is 75% freelancers

Upwork CEO Hayden Brown addresses common myths around working with freelancers, such as, "Freelancers aren't reliable," and, "I can't build my company culture with freelancers."

She'll share how Upwork has scaled by including freelancers in every part of the company and treating them as part of the team rather than outsiders, and how it can benefit every company to have access to the talent it needs, when it needs it, regardless of geography or business ebbs and flows.


Full video: https://youtu.be/APgXDu37UIk

Blog post: https://www.saastr.com/the-secrets-to-scaling-a-public-company-with-a-75-freelancer-workforce-with-upworks-ceo-hayden-brown-pod-532-video/


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