2019-03-21 21:17

SaaStr 219: Atlassian President Jay Simons on How to Scale an Open Culture

At Atlassian, openness is core to everything the company does: employees can access most information on Confluence; "open company, no bullshit" is one of the company’s five values. But it can be risky. Atlassians knew the company was going public four months before it filed. The entire company was told about Atlassian selling its chat products Stride and Hipchat to its largest competitor in the space, Slack, four days before the news went out. Some would say that that level of openness is unnecessary, but Atlassian believes that trust and honesty are essential to maintaining the culture its worked so hard to build.


Missed the session? Here’s what Jay talks about:

  • What is driving growth in the cloud?
  • Does collaboration help founders drive growth forward?
  • How do you scale an open culture?

If you would like to find out more about the show and the guests presented, you can follow us on Twitter here:

Jason Lemkin



